There was no intention that the “Old Gold”
featuring Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra, should form a part of these
Directories which, originally, were to show as much as is known of the
sponsored radio series in which Bing Crosby had appeared as a solo
performer. Then, out of the blue and
into my lap, fell an enormous amount of detail, via Wig Wiggins, from
Mr. E. Scott
Whalen of Columbus, whose conscientious research into various Ohio
of that time has revealed comprehensive, pre-broadcast particulars of a
many of the “Old Gold” programmes.
It is worth mentioning that when I was struggling with researching any of Bing’s radio series, dated prior to 1944, I would have given my eye teeth for such detailed listings. I also harboured the impossible dream that someone might have actually listened to the programmes and compiled a radio log of what they had heard. Improbability became reality wen it was pointed out to me that such a log, for the Old Gold series had, indeed, been created, portions of which had already been published in the book, “Bix - Man And Legend ” by Richard M. Sudhalter & Philip R. Evans with William Dean-Myatt. The “someone” who hovered over his wireless, in 1929, jotting notes, was Warren W. Scholl (journalist, Whiteman historian and the earliest recognised expert on the Whiteman orchestra) and a letter from Philip Evans to Malcolm Macfarlane provided further fragments regarding Crosby’s participation in the early programmes of the series.
There was now
a plethora of information, any portion of which I was reluctant to
indiscriminately. I do not consider
myself qualified to criticise or decry, any of these sources, although
I have
become only too familiar with the misinformation contained in
newspapers which
describe Bing, variously as a “baritone”, “tenor” and “contralto” or
twist song
titles out of recognition – “I’d Do Anything For You” becoming the
opposite, “I’d Do Nothing For You” and “I Wanna
Loved By You”, in defiance of any sort of syntax or meaning, being
shown as, “I
Want To Be A Lover By You”. Similarly, “Revolutionary
Rag” will provide a frustrating search through the reference books
unless one
is aware that Irving Berlin had chosen to prefix the title of his tune
with “That”
and we can only conjecture, that many of these errors will be accounted
for by
misread notes or wrongly transcribed telephone messages.
still crowd my mind. Scholl was human
and there are, bound to have been, considerable difficulties involved
accurately cataloguing the make-up of these radio shows, particularly
seventy years
ago, without the benefit of any recording equipment, when a missed
title would
be gone forever but he is scrupulous enough to admit when titles have
missed (on one occasion as many as ten).
Whether this was due to poor radio reception or the sheer volume
of the
data he was attempting to scribble down, between numbers, is not known.
To a mere
tyro, like myself, his knowledge of the
musicians and
their work is quite awesome, enabling him to state, quite
unequivocally, “as
recorded on Victor....or Columbia .....” Or, to be able to say on
August 27th, “(as
on March 5 but Bix with derby mute)”. And again, to report, with incredible detail,
“Ponce Sisters vocal, with Crosby release.
Malneck takes verse on violin; next
eight bars of Rank, and Trumbauer
in release of last chorus”. In addition,
his comments are devastatingly forthright,
consecutive arrangements as “miserable”, again “miserable” and “even
worse” but
was he, just as fallible as the Press, almost as fallible or,
not quite
as fallible? I am inclined to toward the
last option. There are, inevitably,
minor errors in song titles but if hearing is
this should be the work of greater authenticity.
It is
unfortunate that less than half of the total of 66 programmes are
covered as,
obviously, the book concerns itself with only the shows, featuring Bix Beiderbecke and
Philip R. Evans further explains, “....When I started to research my
Frank Trumbauer book, I contacted Warren
and asked if I might
have the balance of the programmes for my Tram book.
He told me that he had tossed them out, not
feeling they were of interest to anyone.
I about cried.” I will join
Philip in his tears because Warren Scholl is now deceased and so that
questions that I had for him will remain unanswered.
On occasions,
these independent sources are in virtual agreement (see Programme
No.14) and on
others, they differ, wildly (see Programme No.
21). In some cases Whiteman appears
to have
abandoned most of the programme, as printed, for something entirely
This raises another question. Even in those early days, listeners were
quick to
take up their pens or telephone the studio with their complaints and
tuning in to hear a favourite piece, as scheduled, only to find that it
had not
been included in the broadcast would be a major source of irritation. Might this have been the reason, that later
in the series, explicit pre-broadcast details of the programmes became
rarer in
the newspaper columns, remembering that it was not until mid 1938 that
most of
the nation’s press united in their embargo on all radio “chatter”.
In view of
Scholl’s “missed titles” coupled with the fact that I feel unable to
any of the items uncovered by E. Scott Whalen’s prodigious researches,
I am
including every scrap of information that has been made available to me
and in
the hope that it will not further, confuse, I have adopted the
following method
of identification: Titles which are not included in any newspaper
listings are
marked (a). Song titles from the separate
sources which coincide are marked (b).
This should leave anything that is unmarked as being taken,
solely, from
the newspaper listings but please note that this refers to titles only. Sometimes, there is confliction as to who may
have performed a particular vocal and these alternatives are shown (See
Programme No. 29). In some cases, the only
data that
survives is a list of songs, frustratingly, without the performers. In addition, there is the possibility that
Bing Crosby/The Rhythm Boys may not have appeared in every programme
although research continues, the numbers that featured their talents
forever, remain a matter of speculation.
Nevertheless, I am confident that anything set down here
represents a
greater detail of the content of the complete Paul Whiteman-Old Gold
Shows than
has yet been published.
There is another important point to make. One of the slightly irritating journalistic foibles that has been noted is a propensity to refer to, “Bing Crosby and the Rhythm Boys”. To those who know the score, this might seem to be as fatuous, as saying, “Groucho and the Marx Brothers” but in fairness, it should be said that, in 1929, the make-up of the seminal trio may not have been so well known. In fact, the only reason for bringing this to your notice is because there are also allusions to “Bing Crosby and the Old Gold Trio” and I found myself with a deal of extra work when Philip Evans pointed out that Frank Trumbauer’s personal diary of the time, stated that Bing Crosby was a member of the “Old Gold Trio”. Once again, who am I to refute the words of a musician who was there? In consequence, as in the case of the Rhythm Boys, I have been obliged to shew all titles which featured the Old Gold Trio, as Crosby items. We have only to discover that he was also part of the Cheerleaders Quartet to consider re-titling the series, “The Bing Crosby Show”!!! Unless otherwise indicated, the quotes shown after the programme data are from the original Columbus newspapers consulted by E. Scott Whalen.
NOTE: Lionel’s lists were prepared many years
ago when his research had to be carried out at the Newspaper Library in London
on microfiche. Now, with many newspapers being available online, it has been
possible to add much information and many reviews of the shows. The reviews
confirm that the songs actually heard often differed from the song lists issued
to newspapers prior to the shows.
Go to Indices for
Back to contents
Titles which
are not included in any newspaper listings are marked (a).
Song titles from the separate sources which
coincide are marked (b). This should
leave anything that is unmarked as being taken, solely, from the
listings but please note that this refers to titles only.
No. 1
5th February 1929
WABC New York.
Eddie Cantor.
The Japanese Sandman
Do You Ever Think Of Me?
Linger Awhile
How About Me?
The Rhythm Boys
I'm Bringing A Red, Red, Rose
My Angeline (My
My Pretty Girl
*Let's Do It
(Let's Fall In Love)
Where Is The Song Of
Songs For Me?
Riverboat Shuffle
Singin' The
Blues (Till My Daddy Comes Home)
Whiteman, King of Jazz, has decided on his inaugural program for the
Gold-Paul Whiteman hour, which is to be broadcast Tuesday night, at 9
over a nationwide hook-up of stations of the Columbia Broadcasting
System. In
order to make a gala occasion of his first radio concert he has
prepared his program with great care and with an eye to pleasing his mammoth
audience. The first number that he will
present will be a medley of songs of the past that first made him
famous. This medley will be followed by a large number
of the very latest musical hits, presented in a way that only the
famous King
of Jazz can do."
“With your kind
permission, or without it, KPLA tonight at 6 o'clock presents Paul
Paul the Symphonizer, King of All Jazz and
Sachem of Syncopation. And Mr. Whiteman will present his orchestra; and
it will
present an hour of sublimated jazz; while thirty or forty million ears
will be
present at the presentation. The broadcast originates in New York and
via Columbia. Expect it every week for several months. Have you learned
how to
recognize expectant ears? They twitch.
Creedon, Los Angeles Examiner, February 5,
Paul Whiteman and his dance orchestra will provide an hour's
beginning at 6 over the Columbia System, KMTR the local representative.
It is
said that the sum Mr. Whiteman will receive tonight will exceed any
amount ever
paid a radio artist. Of course it is best to remember that this is
according to
publicity, we do not know.
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, February
5, 1929)
are so many orchestras that are good on the air today that while the name of Whiteman
is an outstanding one, it was needed to put the Lorrilard program across. It was
offered over WABC and the Columbia net. At the dinner preceding the program.
Whiteman made a very nice little speech for such a big man and hoped that he
would please. Major Andrew White and other CBS officials were all on hand to
help launch the million dollar program.
yes, Eddie Cantor had a few moments from his dressing room at the Ziegfeld
review he is starring in. He did the advertising for the period. To our mind
this part of the program could just as well have been omitted. Still and all, Paul
Whiteman and his Old Gold program will undoubtedly prove a great success.
(David Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, February 6, 1929)
My admiration of Paul Whiteman and his
orchestra was based mostly on information I gleaned from newspaper and magazine
articles. He was head and shoulders above other orchestras in popularity in the
1920s. I had heard some of his records over a local radio station, but have
absolutely no memory of reading of or hearing Bing Crosby and The Rhythm Boys.
Imagine my delight when I read that Paul Whiteman and his orchestra would be
featured in an hour-long coast-to-coast radio broadcast for Old Gold cigarettes
in February 1929. I can recall how excited I was on the day of the broadcast
that was scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Pacific Coast time, and wanted to be home from
school and finish with dinner and be ready for the program.
I wish I
could say that I remember the songs that Bing sang on that first Old Gold
program, but I do clearly recall how taken I was with the quality and timbre of
his voice, having never heard anyone sing like that before. I can truly say
that I became an instant Crosby fan. Vocalists with the dance bands of the
1920s usually played an instrument and generally were not very good singers,
but Bing was different.
The Old Gold
programs continued weekly for many months from various cities and venues. The
best I can remember is that Bing would sing two or three solos and the Rhythm
Boys would sing about the same number of songs on each broadcast. The song
titles I can recall that Bing sang most often were “I’ll Get By”, “Oh, Miss
Hannah” and “Louise”. They became favorites of mine and remain so today.
Edwards, writing in BING magazine, summer 1999)
Fallen Leaves
Button Up Your Overcoat
Chinese Lullaby
Lover, Come Back to Me
It is doubtful that
Bing appeared on this show.
second of the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman dance programs on the Columbia
last Tuesday night was replete with musical nuance.
While subject to a little re-routining,
as to number sequence, the instrumental skill of
the Whitemanites is as superb as ever
before. Good contrast was the switch from
sympathetic saxophone solo, 'Valse
Inspiration' to
'The B-Natural Blues' - an extremely torrid rendition.
The revival of 'Limehouse
Blues' was a peach of an orchestration and the
distinctive 'New Moon' numbers, 'Marianne' and 'Lover, Come Back To
etherised by special permission of the copyright owners, were
among the
most unusual musical entries. Regardless
of Old Gold winning all these contests, this time it was at both Yale
Princeton, Whiteman is giving them radio ballyhoo of extraordinary
20th February 1929)
From Station
WABC New York.
Rhapsody In Blue
*Where The Shy Little Violets Grow
(b) The
Rhythm Boys
*When Summer
Is Gone
The Parade Of The
Wooden Soldiers (Jessel)
Magnolia (Mix The
Lot, What've You Got)
Méditation from
‘Thaïs’ (Massenet)
My Angeline (My Angel-een) (a) Jack Fulton
St. Louis Blues
famous 'Rhapsody In Blue', strains of which have been identified with
the Old
Gold-Paul Whiteman hour since its inception over the Columbia
system two weeks ago, will be played in its complete form by Whiteman
in the
nationwide broadcast over a 42 station hook-up, at 9 o'clock. Thousands of requests have been received by
the P. Lorillard Company, makers of Old Gold Cigarettes.
Written for the Carnegie Hall concert of the
Whiteman Orchestra and dedicated to the Whiteman group, the Rhapsody is
identified with the King of American jazz."
Whiteman, Old Gold,
WABC, hard to beat this combination. The orchestra was exceptionally good last night.
Ted Husing was in good voice also. The “St. Louis Blues” could readily drive
anyone’s blues away. The undercurrent of the “Rhapsody in Blue” and many others
and even as Old Gold is called first among the cigarettes, so must Paul Whiteman
and his Old Gold orchestra come very close to first place if the feature does
not actually occupy that position.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, February
20, 1929)
From Station
WABC New York.
By The Waters Of Minnetonka
*I'll Get By
You're The Cream In My Coffee
A Room With A View
Lover, Come Back to Me
Button Up Your Overcoat
*My Castle In Spain Is A Shack In The Lane
Doin' The Raccoon
My Mother's Eyes
(My) Wonderful One
(a) The Rhythm Boys
If I Had You
*You Wouldn't
Fool Me, Would You?
I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby
I Never Knew
Tea For Two
Lady Of The Evening
Wagner was not the kind of fellow to turn over in his grave. Nothing
less than
a back-somersault and a couple of handsprings would give him any
relief. Therefore, if earthquakes are recorded tonight, 6 o'clock, when
Whiteman's orchestra presents "Wagneriana"
to a coast-to-coast radio audience, you will understand that Richard,
he is buried, is putting in a conscientious protest. "Wagneriana"
is what happens when Mr. Whiteman toys with the great German's more
tunes–sort of worrying them a bit in the modern manner. Mr. Whiteman's
symphonic syncopated arrangements of the classics might be called
jazz. Tune in KPLA-KMTR, 6pm.”
(“Los Angeles Examiner”, 26th February, 1929)
Whiteman made a curtain speech last night before the microphone of WABC. He
told listeners that he was giving his very best to the radio listeners, as he
was also a radio fan and appreciated good music. This was needless as any listener
can readily tell that Whiteman music is the best of its kind that can be heard.
opened with “Minnetonka” and followed this with “I’ll Get By.” Whitemanisms
cropped out all through the rendition. Few orchestra leaders, we believe, can
please so completely as can Whiteman. To be sure as P. Lorillard & Co. are sponsors
of the program, it is only fair to mention that it was the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman
Hour. Frankly, as for as we are concerned, the Old Gold part of the period is
unessential; just give us Whiteman.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, February
27, 1929)
From Station
WABC New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
Song Of India
(Rimsky Korsakov)
Till We Meet Again
(a) Jack
Say It With Music
My Darling
April Showers
An Orange Grove In
The Sheik Of Araby
Medley of Waltz Themes:
My Hero (Strauss)
The Pink Lady Waltz (Caryll)
The Merry Widow Waltz (Lehar)
The Blue Danube (Strauss)
Sympathy (Friml)
Sweethearts On Parade
China Boy
Suppressed Desire
(a) The Rhythm Boys
*Where The Shy Little Violets Grow
(a) The
Rhythm Boys
Liebestraum (Liszt)
*Give Your
Little Baby Lots Of Lovin'
*A Precious
Little Thing Called Love
(b) The Rhythm Boys
A Love Tale Of
Alsace Lorraine
(b) Jack
Glad Rag Doll
I Wanna Be Loved By You
Sweet Georgia Brown
favourites, including a medley of famous waltz themes, will be the main
feature of the broadcast that the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman hour will
present over WBBM, WKRC and other stations of the Columbia Broadcasting
System, on Tuesday night, at 9 o'clock. The
waltz themes will consist of five numbers that were popular favourites
of some years back. They range from 'The
Blue Danube' and 'Merry Widow' waltz on and
include pieces such as 'My Hero' from 'The Chocolate Soldier' and 'The
Pink Lady'"
on Tuesday night, the Columbia broadcasting system assaults the
nation's bunion citadels with Paul Whiteman's and Guy Lombardo's
orchestras, and aggravated arches and tantalized toes get up and go.
These two transcontinental dance programs step out from KPLA-KMTR at
6pm and 8pm, respectively, while KFWB also participates in the latter.
Whiteman's and Lombardo's musical osteopaths employ different
techniques in the massaging of chords into a state of vital
harmony–some toes and ears responding more readily to Mr. Whiteman's
more subtle treatment; some to the rhythmic decisiveness and rich
simplicity of Guy the Lombardo. But, basing predictions on local
reactions, it seems that Guy Lombardo is steadily scaling one side of
the pinnacle of popular pre-eminence, while Paul Whiteman is slipping
slowly and gracefully down the other. At least, Whiteman for the first
time since he publicly acknowledged that he is father of the symphonic
jazz baby, can hear the hot blast of an
adversary on his trail. I have been thinking a great deal lately about
what to do with members of the family who don't like jazz during these
two rousing weekly broadcasts. Here is my conclusion and a very fine
one it is:
Put the objecting members in the four corners of the attic and give
each a pan of mixed or mingled dried peas and beans. Suggest that they
sort the peas and beans into two piles. This will keep their minds off
their troubles much like golf. And you will be surprised how the
suggestions will be received.”
(“Los Angeles
Examiner, 5th March, 1929)
From Station WABC
New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
How About Me?
The Japanese Sandman
Till We Meet Again
Do You Ever Think Of Me?
Waltz Medley:
Jeannine, I Dream Of Lilac Time
My Angeline (My Angel-een)
(b) Jack
What'll I Do
Medley from "Lady Fingers":
*Something To Live
You're Perfect
O, Ya Ya
*(A Real) American
*So The Bluebirds And The Blackbirds Got Together (a)
The Rhythm Boys
*From Monday On
(a) The Rhythm Boys
Doin' The
I'm Bringing A Red, Red, Rose
*I Faw Down An' Go Boom
(a) The
Rhythm Boys
My Mother's Eyes
I'll Never Ask For More
Avalon Town
Don't Hold Everything
Singin' The
Blues (Till My Daddy Comes Home)
"Paul Whiteman will
ask the advice of the radio audience in helping him select his
favourite girl in the program. The
difficulties of Mr. Whiteman's problem are shown in the fourth group
which he is presenting. This is a waltz
group, including, 'Marie', then, 'Jeannine', then 'Angeline'
and finishing with the heartfelt query, 'What'll I Do'"
From Station WABC
New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
Canadian Capers
Diga Doo
(a) The Rhythm Boys
When Summer Is Gone
Gypsy Blues
When Buddha Smiles
Sweet Lady
My Man (Mon Homme)
Dear Old Southland
Dusky Stevedore
(a) The Whiteman Trio (Fulton-Gaylord-Heatherton)
Hawaiian Medley:
One, Two, Three, Four
Honolulu Eyes
Aloha Oe
The Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers (Jessel) (a)
*I'll Get By
Tango Medley:
Rose Room
La Seduction
*In A Little Spanish
The Rhythm Boys
*Where The Shy Little Violets Grow
The Rhythm Boys
In The Shadows
Carolina In The Morning
California (Here I Come)
*I Kiss Your Hand
Hot Lips
Pickin' Cotton
"To prove that his
orchestra is equally good in presenting any form of music, Paul
Whiteman has selected a waltz medley and a tango medley for his weekly program over the Columbia network. The program, however, also will contain several of the latest musical
hits and two medleys of old favourites"
“Paul Whiteman and
his orchestra will play several medleys for the 6 o'clock Columbia
Chain program which may be heard over KMTR. One will consist of three
tangos, "Roseroom," "Irresistible" and "La
Seduction," another of waltzes, "One Two Three Four," "Honolulu Eyes,"
"Aloha Oh," and "Where the Shy Little Violets Grow" while a third
medley will be made up of "In the Shadows," "California in the
Morning," "Babalina" and "California Here I
Zuma Palmer, Hollywood
Daily Citizen, March 19, 1929)
From Station WABC
New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
Hymn To The Sun
Nola (Arndt)
Spiritual Medley:
*Swing Low, Sweet
Nobody Knows De Trouble I've Seen
All God's Chillun Got Wings
Deep River (a)
*There's A Rainbow
'Round My Shoulder (b)
Punch And Judy
Blue Hawaii
(a) Jack
Runnin' Wild!
Till We Meet Again
(a) Jack
Everybody Loves You (a)
*The Things That
Were Made For Love
(You Can't Take Away)
Magnolia (Mix The Lot, What've You
I'm On The Crest Of A Wave
I'd Rather Be Blue Over You
(Than Happy With Somebody Else)
Anything Your Heart Desires
Cradle Of Love
Weary River
(a) Ray
Bo-Peep (a)
are some selections which we do not mind hearing in jazz arrangements,
but we are not sure how we feel about doing this with negro spirituals. However, on the 6 o'clock
program over the Columbia chain, released by KMTR-KPLA, Paul Whiteman
and his orchestra will play a medley of the following spirituals:
"Swing Low Sweet Chariot," "Nobody Knows," "All God's Children Got
Wings" and "Deep River." There will be two other medleys, one of waltz
tunes, the other of foxtrots.”
Palmer. Hollywood Daily Citizen, 26th March, 1929)
Whiteman will not withdraw his support from active arches. At 6
o'clock, his band gives Mary Pickford's new theme song, "Coquette," its
first airing. He will also dust off a group of worthy spirituals which
includes "Swing Low Sweet Chariot," "All God's Children Got Wings,"
"Nobody Knows" and "Deep River."
(Dick Creedon, Los Angeles Examiner, 26th March, 1929)
No. 9 2nd April 1929
From Station WABC
New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
Pale Moon
French Medley:
Madelon (I'll Be True To The Whole Regiment)
On The Boulevard
Ca C'Est Paris
Waltz Medley:
Down By The Old Mill Stream
Sweet Adeline
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree
After The Ball
Moonlight And Roses (b)
Among My Souvenirs (b)
My Buddy
*Diga Diga Doo
(a) The Rhythm Boys
I Kiss Your Hand Madame
Ray Heatherton
*South Wind
(b) The Rhythm Boys
The Song I Love
Ray Heatherton
Violetta from "La Traviata" (Verdi)
China Boy
If I Had You
(a) The Ponce Sisters
Sleepy Time Gal
Somebody Stole My Gal
Mary Lou
The Things That Were Made For Love
(You Can't Take Away)
When Day Is Done
Moonlight On The Ganges
Asleep In The Deep
Sam, The Old Accordion Man
In A Little Spanish Town
My Sin
(a) Ray
That's A-Plenty
Warren W. Scholl notes, “unknown
title after ‘Pompanola’” (‘Gypsy’?)
you prefer popular music at this time, 6, turn your dial to KMTR
because that station will release a Columbia program to be presented by
Paul Whiteman and his orchestra. One medley to be offered includes
"Moonlight and Roses," "Among My Souvenirs," "My Buddy" and "Ramona."
Another will be made up of "Sleepy Time Gal," "Mary Lou" and "Things
Were Made For Love."”
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 2nd April, 1929)
Paul Whiteman playing
over WABC for the Old Gold program, rendered a fine group of old and new waltzes.
Some of them were rather old, and others were hardly published as yet, but all
of them had a Whiteman swing to them that was delightful to listen to.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, April
3, 1929)
Station WABC New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
Song Of The Volga Boatman
High Up On A Hilltop
Pretty, Petite And Sweet
Angela Mia (My Angel)
(b) Ray
Indian Love Call
Roses Of Yesterday
*Let's Do It (Let's
Fall In Love)
(b) The Rhythm Boys
I Love To Hear You Singing
(b) Jack
Waltz Medley:
Gypsy Love Song (Herbert)
Valse Bluette
Mighty Lak' A Rose
Roses Of Picardy
Waltz Medley:
Down By The Old Mill Stream
Sweet Adeline
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree
After The Ball
*Futuristic Rhythm
(a) The Rhythm Boys
Lover Come Back To Me
Rough And Ready
Piano Solo
Good Little, Bad Little You
I Must Have That Man
Hay Straw
*Deep Night
*My Melody Man
(a) The Rhythm Boys
Tea For Two (b)
Allah's Holiday
I'm Always Chasing Rainbows
Breezin’ Along With The Breeze
Some Of These Days
Sugar Is Back In Town
"The new and the old
in popular music will rub elbows again when Paul Whiteman lifts his
baton to start the next Old Gold Hour over a nation-wide hook-up of the
Columbia Broadcasting System at 9 o'clock, Tuesday evening. Playing in groups
of several selections each, Whiteman will dig into his portfolio of
old-time favourites and bring therefrom
such songs of yesteryear as, 'Tea For Two', 'Allah's Holiday', 'I'm
Always Chasing Rainbows' and 'Dardanella'. In opposition to these, just to prove that he
is not a 'back number', Whiteman will also present some of the latest
numbers such as, 'Let's Do It' and other
red hot products of the writers' pens"
“Paul Whiteman and
his famous orchestra will entertain from New York, beginning at 6
o’clock. Radio fans will be glad to learn that Whiteman’s contract over
the network has been extended to last seven weeks longer, and will be
broadcast every Tuesday night as usual by KMTR. The new and the old in
the field of popular music will rub elbows when he lifts his baton to
start tonight’s hour. Playing in groups of several
selections each. Whiteman will dig into his portfolio of old
time favorites for such songs as “Tea for Two,” “Allah’s Holiday,” “I’m
Always Chasing Rainbows” and “Dardenella.”
In opposition to these he will present some of the latest number, among
them, “Let’s Do It,” and others.”
(Los Angeles Evening
Herald, April 9. 1929)
No. 11 16th April 1929
Station WABC New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
I'm Just Wild About Harry
Stars And Stripes Forever (Sousa)
Humoresque (Dvorak)
My Castle In Spain Is A Shack In
The Lane
Medley from "Spring Is Here":
With A Song In My Heart
Yours Sincerely (b)
Why Can't I? (b)
Waltz Medley:
Just An Old Love Affair
Where Is The Song Of Songs For Me?
Heart O' Mine (a)
Softly, As In A Morning Sunrise
Love Take My Heart (b)
Rose Room
*The Things That
Were Made For Love
(You Can't Take Away)
When Day Is Done
*Hallelujah! (a) The Rhythm
*I'll Get By
Tango Medley:
La Seduction
La Rhumba
La Violetera (Padilla)
La Rosita
I Must Have That Man
Mean To Me
Dreaming Of The Day (b)
My Heart Stood Still (b)
*Miss Annabelle Lee
(b) The Rhythm Boys
I'd Rather Be Blue Over You
(Than Happy With Somebody Else)
*When Summer Is Gone
Nola (Arndt)
If I Had You
There's A Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder
The Birth Of The Blues
When I’m Walking With My Sweetness (Down Among The Sugar Cane)
*Where The Shy Little Violets Grow
*Sweet Georgia Brown
Whiteman–king of jazz–will be with us
tonight! Six o'clock's the hour! KMTR is
the station. Don't fail to tune in. A group of tangos and waltzes will
distinguish the program, broadcast over ABC network, direct from New
York. The program will, as usual, be opened with strains of the
"Rhapsody in Blue," There will be 23 numbers in all, so it looks as if
we were going to have some real entertainment from Paul and his famous
band. Here's part of the program: "Humoresque," medley from "Spring is Here," tango medley:"An Old Love
Affair," "Softly as in a Morning Sunrise," etc., etc.
Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 16th April,
Station WABC New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
Of The Musketeers
Élégie (Massenet)
Give Your Little Baby Lots Of Lovin'
Doin' The
New Low Down
French Medley:
Ca C'Est Paris
On The Boulevard
Madelon (I'll Be True To The Whole Regiment)
You're The Cream In My Coffee
A Room With A View
Lover, Come Back To Me (b)
*Button Up Your
(a) The Rhythm Boys
My Troubles Are Over
Waltz Medley:
My Hero
The Blue Danube (Strauss)
The Pink Lady Waltz (Caryll)
The Merry Widow Waltz (Lehar)
*Nobody's Fault But Your Own
Every Moon's A Honeymoon
(a) The Whiteman Trio (Fulton-Gaylord-Heatherton)
Doin' The
Ma Belle
Ray Heatherton
Medley from “Show Boat”
Man River
Make Believe
Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man
Why Do I Love You?
*Ol' Man River (Reprise)
Say It With Music (a)
April Showers (a)
An Orange Grove In California
The Sheik Of Araby
Sweethearts On Parade
Sweet Suzanne
A Precious Little Thing Called Love
I Kiss Your Hand, Madame
The Land Of Sleepy
(a) Jack Fulton
*Building A Nest For Mary
(a) The
Rhythm Boys
Don't Hold Everything (a)
of the outstanding numbers from Ziegfeld's musical success, "Showboat,"
will be played by Paul Whiteman and his orchestra as a feature of his
broadcast from 6 to 7 tonight over KMTR and the ABC chain. The medley
will be opened and closed with "Ole Man River," and is to include
"Let's Make Believe," "Can't Help Lovin'
That Man," and "Why Do I Love You?" As
usual, Gershwin's famous "Rhapsody in Blue" is to provide the signature
for this program, which will have as its first selection, Massenet's
"Elegy," an example of one of Whiteman's inimitable arrangements of the
classics. This will be followed by "Give Your Little Baby Lots of Lovin'," as a contrast. Another medley
represented at this time will contain excerpts from the most popular
waltzes of all times as "My Hero," "Blue Danube," "Pink Lady," and "The
Merry Widow." The musical show, "The Three Musketeers," will contribute
two of its tunes to the program with "Ma Belle" and the stirring "March
of the Musketeers." Among the recent hits of today which will be given
original interpretations by the king of jazz are "Precious Little Thing
Called Love," "I Kiss Your Hand, Madam," and "Sweethearts On Parade."”
Palmer, “Hollywood Daily Citizen”, 23rd April, 1929)
No. 13 30th April 1929
Station WABC New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
Here Comes The Showboat
A Precious Little Thing Called Love
A Love Tale Of Alsace Lorraine
Glad Rag Doll (b)
Irving Berlin Medley:
Remember (b)
Russian Lullaby
(b) Jack
Where Is The Song Of Songs For Me
Tango Medley:
Rose Room
La Rosita
La Seduction
Diga Doo
(a) The Rhythm Boys
*Oh! Miss Hannah
Living, To Be In Love
She's My Girl
Meditation from ‘Thais’ (Massenet)
Liebestraum (Liszt)
"New Moon" Medley:
Softly, As In A Morning Sunrise
Lover Come Back To Me
Laughing Marionette
Till We Meet Again
My Lucky Star
(b) Ray
China Boy
…Of course,
regardless of how well the gobs played, our favorite was Paul Whiteman. We found
ourselves still intrigued with his opening “Rhapsody in Blue.” Other pieces
that sounded well were “Showboat,” with a good vocal chorus; “Steamboat,” with
some rather weak boat whistles; “Alsace
Lorraine," with a very pleasing vocal bit, and “Little Thing Called Love.”
My goodness how that Whiteman man and his boys can play. Even though we don’t
smoke cigarettes, we are almost tempted to do so each time we hear Whiteman in
order to add our penny toward keeping him on the air with his Whiteman-Old Gold
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, May 1, 1929)
Station WABC New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
Canadian Capers
That's How I Feel About You
A Precious Little Thing Called Love
Let's Dream
Sleepy Time Gal
Waltz Medley:
Jeannine, I Dream Of Lilac Time
Alexander's Ragtime Band
King Chanticleer
Everbody's Doin'
It Now
Down The
*Nobody's Fault But Your Own
I Kiss Your Hand Madame
(b) Ray
La Veeda
French Medley:
Madelon (I'll Be True To The Whole Regiment) (b)
On The Boulevard
Ca C'Est Paris
Eyeful Of You
*My Castle In Spain Is A Shack In The Lane
*You Wouldn't Fool
Me Would You?
and Spanish songs will lend a foreign tone to the program that the Paul
Whiteman Hour will present at 5 o’clock from KMTR over the Columbia
network of stations. The French songs include the popular war tune “Madelon,” “On the Boulevard,” and “Ca C’est Paris.” Spain will be represented by “La
Veda” and “Spain.” There will be a special medley dedicated to such
fair ladies as “Ramona,” “Charmaine,”
“Jeannie,” and “Chicquita.” The program
will conclude with “Tomorrow,” “Castles In Spain,” You Wouldn’t Fool
Me, Would You?” and “Valencia.”
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 7th May, 1929)
Paul Whiteman led
the Old Gold orchestra to some new laurels last night over WABC. The opening of
the feature was peppy with “Jericho,” a new one and “Canadian Capers,” old but
snappy, sharing the honors. In the latter selection, the xylophonist had a
chance to display his wares. In fact, he almost stole the whole piece with his
fine playing. “Ramona” and “Chiquita,” acted as the basis for a series of waltzes.
There was a good vocal chorus in the latter. The feature revived such old
timers as “Alexander’s Ragtime Band” and others of that vintage.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, May 8,
Station WABC New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
*Futuristic Rhythm
(a) The Rhythm Boys
Runnin' Wild!
Canoe-dle-oodle Along
Spiritual Medley:
*Swing Low, Sweet
Nobody Knows De Trouble I've Seen
All God's Chillun Got Wings
Deep River
Hawaiian Medley:
Blue Hawaii
Aloha Oe
Honolulu Eyes
*There's A Rainbow
'Round My Shoulder
Sittin' And
Al Rinker
'Til You See "Ma Cherie"
*The One That I Love, Loves Me
Weary River
(b) Jack
Tango Medley:
La Violetera (Padilla)
My Pavo Real Girl
Summer Medley:
Love Is In The Air
All By Yourself In The Moonlight
I’m All A-Twitter
I'm Looking For Someone To Love
*Hallelujah! (a) The Rhythm
Avalon Town
(b) Jack Fulton
In The Land Of Make Believe
*Oh! Baby Have A
Morning, Good Evening, Good Night
(b) with
When My Dreams Come True
Warren W. Scholl notes, “titles
missed for ‘Tango Medley’”
"Featuring an
arrangement of four well known spirituals, 'Swing Low, Sweet Chariot',
'Nobody Knows', 'All God's Children' and 'Deep River' by Ferde Grofe, Paul
Whiteman's Old Gold program, to be broadcast on Tuesday, at 8 pm,
represents one of the finest programs from a musical standpoint the
popular conductor has yet announced. In
contrast with previous programs, next week's Old Gold Hour is
completely made up of music new to Broadway. A
tango medley, a summer medley and a distinctive waltz medley are
outstanding in the program to be broadcast from WABC"
"The King of
Jazz"–Paul Whiteman–presents his famous orchestra tonight over the ABC
network, station KMTR, from 5 to 6 o'clock. A medley of numbers
appropriate to the approaching summer season will feature the
broadcast, among them being "Love Is In the
Air," "Parking in the Park in the Moonlight," "I'm All of a Twitter."
He'll vary his program, however, with the rendition of one medley of
negro spirituals, a tango medley, and a large number of popular current
dance hits which include "Rainbow Round My Shoulder," "Where Dreams
Come True," "Avalon Town," and "The One That I Love Loves Me."
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 14th May, 1929)
well we liked numbers that Paul Whiteman played over WABC last night. He opened
with “Futuristic Rhythm” and put more real pep and melody into it than we have
heard any other band leader get out of his musicians. “Running Wild,” a trifle
old, was very pleasing also. We like the manner in which Whiteman groups his
numbers. Sort of a series of interlocking melodies. We are glad to know that
even though Paul and the boys are going to California to make talkies that they
will keep up their Old Gold programs on the way out there and also after they
arrive. We also feel certain that the Whiteman music on the talkie screen will
be as much of a success as his radio performances.
series of negro spirituals were delightfully played and sung. “Swing Low, Sweet
Chariot” was outstanding. The banjo work was outstanding in these numbers. The
Hawaiian group were also very pleasing in their rendition. Sung by Whiteman‘s
soloist, who, we think, is a personal triumph to Whiteman's selection, the
pieces were truly fine to listen to.
tangos were remarkably good, giving the swing to the music that only Whiteman
can produce. “Violetters” (sic) had good cadence, but we regret that we did not catch
that old favorite of ours, “My Pavo Real Girl.” Quite an old timer that pleased
out in the West some years ago.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, May 15,
No. 16
21st May 1929
Station WABC New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
California (Here I Come)
Hello, Frisco!
When I First Met Kate By The Golden
I Love You, California
Medley from "Spring Is Here":
With A Song In My Heart
Yours Sincerely (b)
Why Can't I? (b)
Waltz Medley:
I'm Sorry Dear
Oh, Sweetheart Where Are You Tonight?
*Then We Canoe-dle-oodle Along
The Rhythm Boys
*Oh! Miss Hannah
Laughing Marionette
*I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling
*Orange Blossom Time
Nobody's Sweetheart
Red Hair And Freckles
When My Dreams Come True
Mean To Me
(b) Jack
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
I Never Knew
Tea For Two (b)
Lady Of The Evening
*Building A Nest For Mary
The Rhythm Boys
I Love To Hear You Singing
(b) Jack
Stars And Stripes Forever (Sousa)
Avalon Town
Where The Shy Little Violets Grow
Paul Whiteman and
his orchestra will broadcast their Old Gold Hour program at 9:00 o'clock
tonight, before leaving for the Pacific coast on the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman Special.
As usual, the concert will come from WABC. The program would not be complete
without, “California. Here I Come,” and every native son will join in on “I
Love You California.” A highlight of this last broadcast will be Jessie L. Deppen’s
new song, “Red Hair and Freckles.” The Old Gold Hours will be broadcast from Chicago
and Denver on the westward trip and will continue at the usual time each
Tuesday from the Pacific coast after the arrival of the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman
(David Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, May 21, 1929)
From Station WBBM
Diga Doo
(b) The Rhythm Boys
Canadian Capers
Foxtrot Medley:
I Can't Forget
Who Cares What You Have Been
Baby - Oh Where Can You Be?
French Medley:
Madelon (I'll Be True To The Whole Regiment)
On The Boulevard
Ca C'Est Paris
Waltz Medley:
A Smile, A Kiss
(b) Jack
(The End Of) A Perfect Day
My Dear
(a) The
Rhythm Boys
Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers
*Till We Meet
O, Ya Ya
Pickin' Cotton
Medley from "Lady Fingers":
*Something To Live
You're Perfect
Foxtrot Medley:
Doin' The
*I Faw Down An' Go Boom
The Rhythm Boys
My Mother's Eyes
I'll Never Ask For More
*Red Hair And Freckles
The Rhythm Boys
I'm Just A Vagabond Lover
*My Sin
Sugar Is Back In Town
China Boy
The Old Gold-Paul
Whiteman hour will be heard from Chicago at 7 o'clock this evening, and it is from
the Windy City that the first concert on Whiteman's Western tour will be broadcast
over the Columbia system and WFBM. The maestro and his musicians will be the
guests of WFBM and he will offer a large and varied program of dance music for
the first “touring” broadcast. A waltz medley will include "'A Smile, A Kiss,"
“When You Come to the End of the Day" and “My
Dear." Among the old time successes will be "The Parade of the Wooden
Soldiers” and a more recent medley from "Lady Fingers.”
(The Indianapolis Star, May 28, 1929)
From Station KLZ,
Dusky Stevedore
Foxtrot Medley:
I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling
To Be
In Love (Espesh'llyy With You)
(b) Jack
Please Let Me Dream In Your Arms
In The Land Of Make Believe
Waltz Medley:
My Hero
The Blue Danube (Strauss)
The Pink Lady Waltz (Caryll)
The Merry Widow Waltz (Lehar)
By The Waters Of Minnetonka
*I'll Get By
Nola (Arndt)
*If I Had You
Medley from "Show Boat":
Ol' Man River
Make Believe
Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man
Why Do I Love You?
Waltz Medley:
Down By The Old Mill Stream
Sweet Adeline
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree
After The Ball
Foxtrot Medley:
A Precious Little Thing Called Love
A Love Tale Of Alsace Lorraine
Glad Rag Doll (b)
Sweet Georgia Brown
Lover, Come Back To Me
(b) Jack
Runnin' Wild!
Punch And Judy
"The home folks will
have an opportunity to see one of their favourite sons, now famous,
when Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra arrive at Denver on the Old
Gold-Paul Whiteman Special for the Old Gold Hour weekly broadcast. The jazz king and his men will be heard from 8
to 9 pm as guest artists of station KLZ. The
arrival of the Special on Monday gave Whiteman time to inspect his
extensive ranch not far from the city, where his prize-winning cattle
and dogs are bred. A re-union of old
friends suggests such songs as 'Down By The
Old Mill Stream', 'In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree' and 'Sweet
Adeline'. All three of these are on the program along with an up to date selection of dance music"
Whiteman is now using "California, Here I Come" as a theme song. The
plump master of jazz stops periodically to broadcast to the world that
he is Los Angeles bound. Last week we heard him from Chicago, where his
theme song was "I Want to be Missed by
You." This afternoon he comes out of Denver via KMTR. The hour is 5
o'clock, and a medley of tunes from "Show Boat" is one of the major
allurements of the program.”
(“Los Angeles
Examiner”, 4th June, 1929)
Station KYA San Francisco.
Announced by Ted Husing.
China Boy
O, Ya Ya
Here Comes The Showboat
Medley from "The Little Show":
I've Made A Habit Of You
Or What Have You?
Waltz Medley:
Please Let Me Dream In Your Arms
A Smile, A Kiss
Just An Old
Love Affair
*Red Hair And Freckles
(b) The
Rhythm Boys
Ploddin' Along
(b) Al
Tiger Rag
*Then We Canoe-dle-oodle Along
(b) The
Rhythm Boys
When My Dreams Come True
(a) Jack
Tango Medley:
La Seduction
Rose Room
La Rosita
*Nobody's Fault But Your Own
I Want To Meander In The Meadow (b) Jack Fulton
*There's A Rainbow
'Round My Shoulder
Sittin' And
Wait 'Til You See "Ma Cherie"
To Be
In Love (Espesh'llyy With You)
Oh, Come On, Be Sociable
Eyeful Of You
Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers
Sweet Georgia Brown
"Concluding a coast to coast musical pilgrimage, Paul Whiteman and his Old Gold Orchestra will broadcast their first program from San Francisco, on Tuesday, over a nationwide network of CBS. This regular Old Gold Hour from 8 to 9 pm will give radio fans throughout the country an opportunity to hear some of Broadway's newest song hits played by the acknowledged leader in the popular music field. It will come from the studio of KYA and will be re-broadcast from WABC, New York city, over Columbia's 44 stations"
Paul Whiteman’s
Old Gold Hour signed on at 9 o’clock over WABC and a few minutes later 10 o’clock
hit in and weren’t we sore? That’s one of the fleetest hours Old Man
Chronometer ever ground out.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, June
12, 1929)
No. 20 18th June 1929
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Ted Husing.
*Feeling The Way I Do
The Rhythm Boys
Medley from "Music In
(Titles unknown)
Medley from "The Student
The Drinking Song (Drink! Drink! Drink!)
Deep In My Heart, Dear
Palm Trees
Alabamy Snow
El Choclo
Roy Bargy (piano)
I’ve Got A Feeling I’m Falling
*Oh! Miss Hannah
You're My Silver Lining Of Love
Jack Fulton
What A Day!
I've Made A Habit Of You
Waltz Medley:
Drigo's Serenade
I Can't Forget Hawaii Or You
For Someone (And Not Finding Anyone There)
*Oh! Baby, Have A
The Things That Were Made For Love
(You Can't Take Away)
China Boy
Warren W. Scholl notes, "Medley from 'Music In May' (Titles
missed)" (Both the newspapers of the day and Scholl concur that the
programme contained the medley from this obscure musical which had
opened on Broadway in early January and closed after only 80
performances!?); "Medley from 'The Student Prince' (Two titles
missed)"; "Five titles missed" (Between 'You're My Silver Lining Of
Love' and Reachin' For Someone') and
(after 'China Boy') "Balance of program lost".
Whiteman and his broadcasting artists who
arrived in Los Angeles on Saturday, will broadcast their regular
Tuesday concert over the Columbia network from KMTR, official
broadcasting station of ‘The Evening Herald’. Thus, the prominent radio
station becomes the point of origin for the Whiteman-Old Gold program
rather than the western releasing terminals, causing the reversal of
transcontinental from west to east through the Columbia Broadcasting
System. Featured on tonight’s program from the current Broadway
success, ‘Music In May’; two selections
from ‘The Student Prince’ and a tango group. The
Rhythm Boys will entertain with several numbers.”
Angeles Evening Herald’ 18th June 1929)
Angeles will become the source of a regular nationwide weekly feature
broadcast for the first time tonight, when the Paul Whiteman Hour is
presented over KMTR. Special arrangements were made to rush Whiteman
from Pantages theater to the studio of
KMTR in time to come before the mike at 5 o’clock. . . It is planned to
have Whiteman give his Tuesday broadcast
hour from a special remote control at the Universal lot wired up to
KMTR and hence, eastward, on the chain. This plan is being devised so
Whiteman will have very little interruption during the filming of his
first talking picture, ‘The King Of Jazz’”.
(‘Los Angeles
Record’ 18th June 1929)
with a nonchalance quite amazing under the
circumstances, KMTR waits the arrival of Paul Whiteman and his band at
the studio this evening, 5 o'clock. Mr. Whiteman and his
perambulator-full of symphonic jazz babies will enter by the ordinary
front door just like you and I. They will even ascend ten floors in the
ordinary elevator just like plain folk–thus spikes the report that Mr.
Whiteman had chartered the freight elevator for the round trip to KMTR.
But once before the microphone, in the glass-partitioned sanctuary, set
apart from the world like a rare specimen in a bottle, Mr. Whiteman
will assume his crown, become Paul the First, King of Jazz, and
broadcast an hour’s syncopated greeting to his subjects from coast to
coast. This first Whiteman program to leak from Los Angeles goes out
over the Columbia system. Features will be a tango group, including "El
Chocio," an old-timer that tantalized
before the war when America, young and fearless, decided for the first
time that it, too, could tango; and two selections from the "Student
Prince." Jack Fulton, tenor, Bing Crosby, baritone, and the Rhythm Boys
also will be put in motion. KMTR, 5 to 6pm.”
(Dick Creedon, Los Angeles Examiner, 18th June, 1929)
tonight Paul Whiteman and his musicians will broadcast their weekly
transcontinental programs from the studios of KMTR. Everyone finds his
way to Hollywood at some time or another during his lifetime. As is
customary, Paul Whiteman will direct his orchestra in the playing of a
group of medleys. Taking a few titles from here and there we find
listed, "Silver Lining of Love," "Things That Were Made For Love,"
"What a Day," "Drinking Song" from "Student Prince" and "I Can't Forget
Hawaii Or You."
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 18th June,
21 25th June
From Station KMTR,
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
*March Of The Musketeers
Marche Slav (Tchaikovsky)
Kammenoi Ostrow
Spiritual Medley:
Every Time I Feel The Spirit
Get On Board, Little Chillun
Joshua Fit De Battle Of Jericho
Deep Night
*Futuristic Rhythm
The Rhythm Boys
Waltz Medley:
Is The Song Of Songs For Me?
Love, Here Is My Heart
L'Amour, Toujours,
L'Amour (Everlasting Love) (b)
The Wedding Of The Painted Doll
I've Made A Habit Of You
Doin' The
A Broken Idol
Tango Medley:
La Violetera (Padilla)
My Pavo Real Girl
(a) The
Rhythm Boys
*Nobody But You
Gotta Feeling For
You're My Silver Lining Of Love
(a) Jack
*Building A Nest For Mary
The Rhythm Boys
What A Day!
Don't Hold Everything
Medley from "Blackbirds Of
I Must Have That Man
I Can't Give You Anything But Love
Diga Diga
Medley from "Spring Is Here":
With A Song In My Heart
Yours Sincerely
Why Can't I?
Number Three
Anything To Hold Your Baby
Button Up Your Overcoat
Darky melodies and negro
spirituals will feature the Paul Whiteman program tonight at 5 o’clock
over KMTR, official broadcasting station of The Evening Herald. By
direct wire from the Universal lot, where Whiteman is engaged in making
a sound picture, the music will be transmitted to the powerful tower of
KMTR, where the nationwide broadcast will be released to the Columbia
network of radio stations. Spirituals included in one of the medleys to
be offered are, “Every Time I Feel the Spirit, “Get On Board,” “Joshua
Fit the Battle of Jericho” and “Gotta Have Dat Man.” Another medley from the musical
success, “Spring Is Here,” will include,
“Why Can’t I?” “Yours Sincerely,” and
“There’s A Soul In My Heart.”
Angeles, Evening Herald, 25th June, 1929)
Time I Feel the Spirit," "Get On Board," and "Joshua Fit de Battle of
Jericho," negro spirituals, have been
arranged into a medley by Paul Whiteman for his 6 o'clock dance program
over KMTR. The waltz medley will consist of "Song of Songs," "Love,
Here Is My Heart," and "L'Amour Toujours L'Amour."
From "Spring Is Here," You will be
entertained with "Why Can't I?" Yours Sincerely,"
and "There's a Song in My Heart."
Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 25th June, 1929)
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
Hittin' The
Wartime Medley:
Mademoiselle From Armentieres (Hinky
Dinky Parlay Voo)
Over There
You're A Grand Old Flag
It's A Long Way To Tipperary
Waltz Medley:
By The Side Of The Western Sea
That Night Among The Roses
Jack Fulton
Love Sings A Song In My Heart
*My Sin
*Number Three
(a) The Rhythm Boys
The Parade Of The Wooden Soldiers (Jessel) (b)
*You Were Meant For
Makin' Whoopee
I'm Bringing A Red, Red, Rose
Lady Of The Morning (b) Jack Fulton
You Belong To Me
Here Comes The Showboat
Runnin' Wild!
Little Coat Of Tan
I'm Just Wild About Harry
Pickin' Cotton
Note: Warren W. Scholl notes, "Three titles missed
in Waltz medley".
Whiteman and his orchestra will be on the air at 6 over KMTR with a
dance program. Last week we do not think any of the scheduled numbers
were played, but dance tunes are dance tunes and many of them sound
alike, or almost so. What will the orchestra play tonight? Quien sabe?”
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 2nd July, 1929)
Paul Whiteman and
the Old Gold Orchestra came East to us last night from Universal City,
California. The Coast air seemed to have had rather a bad effect on Whiteman.
Several of his symphonic arrangements had notes in them that we feel sure should
not have been there. Still and all, the greater part of the program was
enjoyable. There was a set of George M. Cohan numbers stood out quite well.
“Lady of the Morning” was pleasing and the revival of “Dardanella” still showed
that number to be a hit. There was one bad transmission break during the
playing of this number.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, July 3, 1929)
No. 23 9th July 1929
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
*I'm Refer'n Just To Her'n
(a) The
Rhythm Boys
Liza (All The
Clouds'll Roll Away)
Canadian Capers
Button Up Your Overcoat
Just Me, Just You
Singin' In The
*Song Of
Drigo's Serenade
Number Three
Laughing Marionette
Ma Belle
(b) The Cheerleaders Quartet
O, Ya Ya
Pagan Love Song
(a) The Whiteman Trio (Fulton-Gaylord-Heatherton)
Too Much Mustard (Trés Moutarde)
Can It Be True
*I'll Never Ask For More
I Want To Meander In The Meadow
*Out Where The Moonbeams Are Born
Carolina In The Morning
The Sun Is At My Window (Throwing Kisses At Me)
Canoe-dle-oodle Along
The Cheerleaders Quartet
Sweet Georgia Brown
Doin' The
New Low Down
*Baby, Oh Where Can You Be?
Runnin' Wild!
"One of those
haunting melodies that have been written about the barren wastes of
Russia - 'Song Of Siberia' - will be featured by Paul Whiteman and his
Old Gold Orchestra during the Old Gold Hour to be broadcast from
station KMTR, Universal City, from 8 to 9 pm. It
will be vocalised by Bing Crosby, baritone. Forty
stations of the Columbia System will re-broadcast the entire Old Gold program, nationally. "Drigo's Serenade", an unusual waltz number, is
another selection in this group"
We do not know
whether Paul Whiteman and his orchestra will play any of these numbers
on the program which KMTR broadcasts at 5 but they are listed for
tonight. In one medley there will be, maybe, "Carolina in the Morning,"
"The Sun Is At My Window," "Sweet Georgia Brown," and "Doin' the Low Down." Bing Crosby is scheduled to
sing the refrain from "Song of Siberia," and of "I'll Never Ask For
More" and Jack Fulton, "Ma Belle" from "Three Musketeers."
Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 9th July, 1929)
As delightful a
waltz as was ever written, the “Drigo Serenade” was rendered by Paul Whiteman
and his band on the Old Gold program last night over WABC. When it comes to
knowing how to present music with proper effects, Whiteman is pre-eminent. We
have been familiar with this number for many years, but seldom is it so
pleasingly played as Whiteman rendered it. “Song of Siberia” was rather
dramatic in its moments, but the vocal effects by Bing Crosby were very well
handled. Whiteman and the band sounded much better than they did a week ago. We
also liked the playing of “Ma Belle” from the “Three Musketeers”.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, July 10, 1929)
No. 24 16th July 1929
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
It Goes Like This (That Funny Melody)
Back In Your Own Back Yard
(b) The
Cheerleaders Quartet
Where Were You? - Where Was I? (Exactly Where We Are) (b)
Right Out Of Heaven
Yours Sincerely
Waltz Medley:
Oh Sweetheart, Where
Are You Tonight?
(a) The
Cheerleaders Quartet
Sweetheart (Will You Remember?)
Medley from "Hollywood Review Of 1929":
*Your Mother And Mine
(a) The
Rhythm Boys
Singin' In The Rain
(b) The
Cheerleaders Quartet with solo verse by Al Rinker
*Orange Blossom Time
(b) The
Cheerleaders Quartet with solo verse by Al Rinker
Medley from "The Little Show":
I've Made A Habit Of You
Moanin' Low
Or What Have You? (b)
A Little Hut In Hoboken
*I'm Just A Vagabond Lover
Sweetheart's Holiday
(b) The Cheerleaders Quartet
Miss You
Finding The Long Way Home
The Things That Were Made For Love
(You Can't Take Away)
Sing A Little Love Song
(b) The Cheerleaders Quartet
When We
Get Together In The Moonlight (We Get Along Great)
(b) The
Cheerleaders Quartet
When I’m Walking With My Sweetness (Down Among The Sugar Cane)
To Be
In Love (Espesh'llyy With You)
I Want To Meander In The Meadow
again Paul Whiteman and his orchestra will entertain at 5 over the
Columbia system of which KMTR is a link. One of the medleys listed
consist of "Habit of You," "Moaning Low," "What Have You" and "A Little Hut" all from "Little Show."
The last of 8 combinations will consist of "Finding the Long Way Home,"
"I'm Just a Vagabond Lover," "Things That Were Made For Love," and
"Down Among the Sugar Cane."
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 16th July, 1929)
Whiteman provided the best of the lighter vein music on the air last night. “Vagabond
Lover” was a real delight to listen to and this is praise indeed, especially
when one considers the number of times that this number has been heard on the
radio recently. The opening was bit old but peppy. This was “It Goes Like This,
etc.” The Whiteman boys sang in good unison and although several of their
numbers could have been just a bit more harmonious they were good when compared
with the general run of radio singers.
Old Gold program emanated from KMTR, out in California. Sort of gave it a
romantic California tinge, but the leader did not cloy up his period with the
numerous selections that are called typical of that State. Therefore, in addition
to good music, this lack of Californian numbers was to be appreciated.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, July 17, 1929)
No. 25 23rd July 1929
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
What A Day!
The One That I Love Loves Me
If You Believed In Me
I'd Do Anything For You
Here We Are
*Some Sweet Day
(a) The Old Gold Trio
I'll Always Be In Love With You
The Cheerleaders Quartet
*Give Your Little
Baby Lots Of Lovin'
Just Another Day Wasted Away
(Waiting For You) (a)
It Don't Mean A Thing Without You (b)
To Be In Love (Espesh'llyy With You)
Hot Footin' It
*My Blue Heaven
(b) The Old Gold Trio
Someday You'll Realise You're Wrong
In The Garden Of Tomorrow
(a) Jack
*Love Me Or Leave Me
Glad Rag Doll
Foxtrot Medley:
One Moment More With You
Then I'll Know Why
On Top Of The World Alone
Ploddin' Along
Medleys of tunes
from "The Little Show Boat" will supply the program from Paul
Whiteman's bungalow studio in Universal City tonight, which will be a
feature of the evening's entertainment to be broadcast over KMTR,
official broadcasting station of The Evening Herald, from 5 to 6
After opening with "Rhapsody in Blue," the orchestra will paint a
musical picture of California with "Its Orange Blossom Time."
(Los Angeles Evening
Herald, 23rd July, 1929)
"The Old Gold Paul Whiteman Hour on a nationwide hook-up will continue the light popular music characteristic of Summer dance programs. Broadway songwriters, at the present time, in Hollywood, will contribute a group of new selections, heretofore not broadcast on the air. The male quartet, the Old Gold Cheerleaders, will be heard in several arrangements. Paul Whiteman leads his Old Gold Orchestra in another characteristic Waltz medley and in addition, Bing Crosby, baritone will offer several vocal interpolations in the program"
No matter how many
times we hear Paul Whiteman play, either over the radio or on the stage, we always
enjoy the little interlude of the “Rhapsody in Blue.” Last night Whiteman again
played from the Pacific Coast. His opening dance numbers contained both pep and
melody. I did not care for either the singing or playing of “I’ll Always Be in
Love with You” as interpreted by Whiteman last night, although the balance of
the program pleased us immensely.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, July 24, 1929)
Note: Warren W. Scholl notes, "Two titles missed"
No. 26 30th July 1929
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
Hittin' The
Ca C'Est Paris
*The Broadway Melody
*Your Mother And Mine
(b) The
Rhythm Boys
Living, To Be In Love
*My Dear
My Lucky Star
(b) The Rhythm Boys
*Punch And Judy
(b) The
Old Gold Trio
*Dusky Stevedore
(a) The Old Gold Trio
Sugar Is Back In Town
My Dream Memory
Happy Because I'm In Love
*Nobody's Fault But Your Own
Every Moon's A Honeymoon
(b) Jack
Fulton, Charles Gaylord & Al Rinker
Do What You Do
Alabamy Bound
Great Day!
Avalon Town
"Paul Whiteman and
his Old Gold Orchestra will broadcast their Tuesday program from
Universal City. The program will be made
up of summer dance hits. Bing Crosby and
the Old Gold Trio will round out the program with interpolations"
No. 27
6th August 1929
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
With Mildred Bailey and Mary Nolan.
I'd Do Anything For You
Heigh-Ho! Everybody, Heigh-Ho!
*Pagan Love Song
(a) The Old Gold Trio
*Wake Up, Chillun, Wake Up
The Old Gold Trio
Beautiful Ohio
*My Madonna
*Garden In The Rain
(a) The
Old Gold Trio
Ain't Misbehavin'
*Walking With Susie
Moanin' Low
(a) Mildred
If You Believed In Me
*Little Pal
"Mary" Medley:
Mary Make-Believe
Mary Lou
*Building A Nest For Mary (a)
*You're My Silver
Lining Of Love
That Rhythm Man
in the series of Old Gold-Paul Whiteman Tuesday evening programs will
be broadcast tonight from station KMTR in
Universal City from 7 to 8 o'clock, Central Standard time, over Columbia Broadcasting System and the national hookup of forty stations. A
group of song--'Girls Named Mary' including
such hits as Mary, Make Believe, Mary Lou, and Building a Nest for Mary
is dedicated to Mary Nolan, the film star, who will be Paul Whiteman's
guest in the Old Gold studio on this occasion. The
program will be made up of a number of light summer dance tunes, and
Bing Crosby, baritone, and the Old Gold Trio will offer a number of
vocal interpolations throughout the hour.”
(Press Release)
WABC made a poor
contact immediately after announcing the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman program.
However when Whiteman’s music was finally heard, coming to us from out in California,
the effect more than made up for any break in contact. “I'll Do Anything for
You,‘ the opening number was very peppily played, Goodness knows how many times
we listen to the “Pagan Love Song,” but few are the times we listen to it as
Paul Whiteman plays it. “Wake up, Chillun, Wake Up” was another that was truly
Whitemanic in its rendition. “My Madonna” promises to be a
hit, but we did like the waltz measures of "Beautiful Ohio" much better than any
fox trot that was played.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, August 7, 1929)
No. 28 13th August 1929
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
Fiddlin' Joe
*You Were Meant For
There's Sugar Cane 'Round My Door
I Found A New Baby
*Just Another Kiss
Medley from "Hot Chocolate":
Dixie Cinderella
Sweet Savannah Sue
Off Time
The Toymaker's Dream
Don't Wake Baby Up
Am I Blue
(a) Mildred
Believe It Or Not (I Found My Man)
Till We Meet Again
(a) The Cheerleaders Quartet
My Melody Man
Ploddin' Along
No One Can Take Your Place
(a) The Cheerleaders Quartet
Song Of The West
Liza (All The
Clouds'll Roll Away)
Waiting For The Robert E. Lee
Note: Warren W. Scholl notes, "Two titles missed from 'Hot Chocolate' Medley" and one other. Subsequently found in newspaper reports.
The weekly dance program by Paul Whiteman and his
orchestra, one of the outstanding WMAL-Columbia Broadcasting System presentations
tonight, will feature a medley of song hits from the current musical success “Hot
Chocolates.” The orchestra will also play a group of other popular numbers, which
includes “Toymaker’s Dream,” “Fiddlin’ Joe” and “You Were Meant for Me.”
(Evening Star, August 13, 1929)
Paul Whiteman‘s
Old Gold program last night sort of sounded a bit off to us. There were arrangements
that did not have the former smoothness of Whitemanic arrangement to them. This
was noticeable in “Am I Blue" and in the several numbers following it. The
solo work for the number was not impressive to us either. "Till We
Meet" was a return to the Whiteman style. As was also "My Melody
Man," but several of the other numbers did not click with us in the least.
We also did not care much for the comparison made by the announcer between the
choice of hats and cigarettes. Rather far fetched in that hats go by styles of
one brand and cigarettes go chiefly by
brands. However, the program was bright all the way through and provided
generally good entertainment, and who could ask for more?
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, August 14, 1929)
No. 29 20th August 1929
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
*I'm Refer'n Just To Her'n
(a) The
Rhythm Boys
Alabamy Snow
*(Memories Of) One Sweet Kiss
*Feeling The Way I Do
(a) The
Rhythm Boys
*Waiting At The End Of The Road
Waltz Medley:
Sleepy Valley
Can't Forget Hawaii
My Lovely Celia
*Oh! Baby, Have A
(I Only Wish I Had You With Me) Last
Night, Honey
*Futuristic Rhythm
(a) The Rhythm Boys
*I'm Just A Vagabond Lover
Good Little, Bad Little You
(a) Mildred
I'll Tell The World About You (a)
"Sally" Medley:
Sally Won't You Come Back
I Wonder What's Become Of Sally
I'm Sorry Sally
I'll Never Ask For More
(a) Mildred
Let's Do It (Let's Fall In Love)
*Good Little, Bad
Little You
Oh! Baby, Have A Heart
(b) The Cheerleaders Quartet
I'll Tell The World About You
The Cheerleaders Quartet
Waiting At The End Of The Road
The Cheerleaders Quartet
"Bing Crosby, baritone, appearing with the Cheerleaders Quartet on the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman Hour, will sing three numbers for which he has become well-known over the air, 'Satisfied', 'Vagabond Lover' and 'Good Little, Bad Little You'. The quartet will furnish a vocal refrain to many of the orchestral numbers, which include, 'Waiting At The End Of The Road', 'Baby Have A Heart' and 'I'll Tell The World About You'"
Paul Whiteman and
his Old Gold Orchestra was somewhat better this week than it was last week, and
there was, fortunately, no atmospheric disturbance to break up the WABC presentation. “Last Night Honey” was well
played and sung. “Baby, Have a Heart" was about the snappiest number that
Whiteman offered. “Can’t Forget Hawaii" sounded anything but Hawaiian in trend,
but was good music for all of that. The story of the three bears and the Old
Gold test did not hit our fancy as good comparison, but then fairy tales are
always interesting over the air.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, August 21, 1929)
No. 30
27th August 1929
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
Announced by Harry Von Zell.
*March Of The Musketeers
Jingles Medley:
I've Made A Habit Of You
Or What Have You?
*When I’m Walking With My Sweetness (Down Among The Sugar Cane)
*Nobody's Fault But Your Own
Eyeful Of You
*Where Is The Song Of Songs For Me?
(a) Mildred
Bailey & The Old Gold Trio
Do Something
Maybe - Who Knows? (b) Mildred
The Wedding Of The Painted Doll
*Looking For Love
(b) The Old Gold Trio
I've Got A Feeling I'm Falling
(b) Mildred
Sweet Georgia Brown
*You Wouldn't Fool
Me, Would You?
(b) The
Old Gold Trio
Avalon Town
I Wanna Be Loved By You
China Boy
"Moonlight" Medley:
Moonlight And Roses
On Moonlight Bay
By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
The Blue Room
the thought that he will shortly return to the East keyed up Paul Whiteman a
bit last night, for his musical renditions were much better than they have been
for some time past. For awhile, this feature threatened to become mediocre, but
within the past two weeks distinct change for the better has been noted in the
Old Gold Hour over WABC and the CBS. From the opening selection, “March of the Musketeers”
on through the balance of the period, it was nearer Whitemanic than nearly any
other program he has offered since he started West to work in the speakies.
early numbers last evening were, for the most part, new to us. “An Eyeful of
You” and “Nobody’s Fault But Your Own.” A series of waltz numbers were played
in typical Whiteman manner, which means very well done. Of these, “Where Is the
Song of Songs for Me” was the outstanding number. The vocal work in this number
was also pleasing, although we cannot say that we care especially much for the
feminine voice that chimed in with the male singers of the group.
(David Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, August 28, 1929)
From Station WABC
New York.
O, Ya Ya
*When You're Counting The Stars Alone
Same Old Moon - Same Old
(b) The Ponce Sisters
Singin' In The
The Merry Widow Waltz (Lehar)
Dancing Dominoes
Moanin' Low
(b) Mildred
Where The Butterflies Kiss The
Buttercups Goodnight (b) The Ponce
*The Broadway Melody
Heigh-Ho! Everybody, Heigh-Ho!
I'd Do Anything For You
*I'm Doing What I'm
Doing For Love
*If You Believed In
(b) Mildred
Bailey with The Rhythm Boys
*Huggable, Kissable
What A Day!
(a) The Rhythm Boys
Waters Of Venice
He's A Good Man To Have Around
Oh, Come On, Be Sociable
That's Where You Come In
Miss You
(Headline) “Bing Crosby, Tenor Soloist, With
Paul Whiteman's Players”
"The following program will be broadcast over WABC, WBBM, WKRC, WCAU and the
Columbia Broadcasting System at 8 o'clock by Paul Whiteman and his
Orchestra with Bing Crosby, tenor (!)"
give this program of Paul Whiteman's orchestra at 5 over KHJ for what
it is worth. Bing Crosby, tenor, will be the soloist. Instrumental
number scheduled are "Oh Ya Ya," "Valencia,"
"When You're Counting the Stars Alone," "Singin'
in the Rain" (not a bad idea at that), "Same Old Moon," "Water of
Venice," a waltz, and some other popular ditties. We have a sneaking
idea that we read somewhere that this concert was to be given in the
New York studios of the Columbia Broadcasting Company. Mr. Whiteman
paid the west coast quite a visit.”
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 3rd September, 1929)
Whiteman and the boys played somewhat better than they have lately done over
WABC. The Old Gold group were in fine form last night and put lots of vim into their
renditions. “The Breakaway” was a good example of how a musician must work on a
hot night. Leading this selection, we would be willing to bet that the smiling
Paul must have lost at least 10 pounds. Paul Whiteman, in his curtain speech,
sounded sincerely glad to be back on Broadway again and we feel sure, from the brand
of entertainment offered that just being East again made Whiteman’s boys give
so much better a performance.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, September 4, 1929)
No. 32 10th September 1929
From Station WABC
New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
(b) The Old Gold Trio
St. Louis Blues
(b) Mildred
*Love, Your Magic
Spell Is Everywhere (b)
*Red Hair And Freckles
(b) with
The Ponce Sisters
Victor Herbert Medley:
The Angelus
Kiss Me Again
I'm Falling In Love With Someone
A Kiss In The Dark
Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life
Jack Fulton
Back In Your Own Back Yard
(b) The
Ponce Sisters
After You've Gone
Mildred Bailey
El Choclo
*Song Of
Bugle Call Rag
Nobody's Sweetheart
*When I’m Walking With My Sweetness (Down Among The Sugar Cane)
Up! Chillun, Wake Up!
(b) Vocal
by Whiteman's 'New' Trio
Laughing Marionette
National Emblem March
"A group of Victor
Herbert's waltzes, 'Angelina' (sic), 'Kiss Me Again', 'Falling In Love
With Someone' and 'Sweet Mystery Of Love' will be played during the Old
Gold-Paul Whiteman Hour to be broadcast at 8 o'clock.
Bing Crosby, contralto (!!!); Jack Fulton, tenor; the Old Gold
Trio and the Ponce Sisters will also be heard during this period"
Whiteman tonight, KHJ via Columbia from New York City. Time,
5 o'clock. The Whiteman program will feature Bing Crosby,
Mildred Bailey and Jack Fulton in vocal interruptions.”
(Dick Creedon, Los Angeles Examiner, 10th September, 1929)
Whiteman and his Old Gold Orchestra put across their pleasing hour’s program
over WABC. There was just a bit more singing than was usual on the feature. “Kiss
Me Again” was well sung and so was “Alabama Bound,” but we did not care much
for Whiteman’s girl blues singer. Some of Whiteman’s arrangements sound a bit
odd and the blending of one song into another sometimes makes one think that
there has been a slip-up on the part of the musicians. However, when all is balanced,
the Whiteman-Old Gold program is just about at the top of the list for pleasing
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, September
11, 1929)
From Station WABC
New York.
Announced by Ted Husing.
Marche Militaire
To Be In Love (Espesh'llyy With You)
Runnin' Wild!
Rhythm King
The Missouri Waltz
Down South
I Love To Hear You Singing
Twelfth Street Rag
There's Sugar Cane 'Round My Door
Southern Medley:
Old Black Joe
My Old Kentucky Home (Goodnight)
Swanee River (Old Folks At Home)
Carry Me Back To Old Virginny
Every Moon's A Honeymoon
Do What You Do
Dusky Stevedore
Marche Militaire
"A novelty in the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman Hour when it is next heard over the nationwide hook-up of the Columbia Broadcasting System will be the opening and the closing of the hour with a march, 'March Militaire'. The opening strains of the march will follow immediately after Whiteman's new long popular signature, 'Rhapsody In Blue'. Southern songs and melodies will be sprinkled all through this hour of dance music and Mildred Bailey, the new blues singer, the Old Gold Trio, Jack Fulton, Bing Crosby and the Ponce Sisters will all be heard in vocal interpolations"
Paul Whiteman can
always be counted upon to offer something that is the last word in modern
melody in the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman hour each Tuesday evening. The program
this week included Whiteman adaptations of “Down South,” “Sugar Cane ‘Round My
Door,” “Dusky Stevedore” and a medley of old southern melodies. This is the
highest-priced program on the air from actual cost to the sponsor and the
reason is easily apparent to the person who likes Whiteman music, and 99
percent of the population of this country does.
(The Indianapolis Times, September 18, 1929)
Russian Rag
La Sorella
My Dream Memory
Pagan Love Song
What A Day!
Southern Roses (Strauss)
*The One That I Love Loves Me
Willow Tree
Mildred Bailey
*Baby, Oh Where Can You Be?
Crazy Rhythm
Oriental Medley:
Chinatown, My Chinatown
I Want To Go To Tokio
Ponce Sisters
Chinese Lullaby
Dancing Tambourine
You're My Silver Lining Of Love
Mildred Bailey and The Old Gold Trio
It Goes Like This (That Funny Melody)
That's A-Plenty
El Fresco (Sousa)
Tree’ and ‘My Silver Lining of Love’ are scheduled to be sung by
Mildred Bailey, contralto, on the Columbia program at 5 over KHJ. Bing Crosby will contribute ‘The One I Love
Loves Me’ and "Baby Where Can You Be," and
Paul Whiteman's Orchestra, a Chinese medley—‘Chinatown’, ‘Want To Go To
Tokio’ (sounds like Japan to us), and
‘Chinese Lullaby’, ‘Crazy Rhythm’, ‘Southern Roses Waltz’ and ‘Dream
(“Hollywood Daily Citizen” 24th September 1929)
Tuesday evening
dance tunes. Paul Whiteman and the Old Gold Hour. Typically Whitemanesque in
its construction and the arrangements are all that anyone could wish for. Old
timers like "La Sorella” and the “Russian Rag” were played in a manner
that brought them completely up to date. “Believe It or Not” had all the earmarks
of a hit and other selections all contained the notes that so few in addition
to Whiteman are able to draw from a band. The difference between the Whiteman music of
the Pacific Coast and the Whiteman of Broadway is truly startling. Out on the coast he was almost mediocre in his
work, but since his return—right back at the top of the list. Even the "Pagan
Love Song” sounds different and better as Whiteman presents it. A waltz proved
the group also master of this tempo.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, September
25, 1929)
35 1st October
What A Day!
*Swanee Shuffle The Old Gold Trio
One Sweet Kiss (b) Ponce Sisters
We Be Friends
Mildred Bailey
*Happy Because I'm In Love
*Love Me (b) Mildred Bailey and The Old Gold Trio
Dance Of The Babies In The Wood
*Little Pal
*Ain't Misbehavin' Mildred Bailey and The Rhythm Boys
Wedding Of The Painted Doll
*Great Day The Old Gold Trio
Mississippi Dry Ponce Sisters
China Boy
*Hallelujah! The Rhythm Boys
*Fox Trot Medley, Spirituals Bing Crosby and Mildred Bailey
*There Comes The Show Boat The Old Gold Trio
Without A Song Jack Fulton
Punch And Judy
presentation of music from the new show “Great Day” will be heard when
the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman orchestra goes on the air this evening at 9
o'clock over WABC and the chain. The Old Gold trio will sing a medley
of songs from the newest Broadway presentation and Bing Crosby will
sing "Happy Because I'm in Love." There will be numerous vocal
interpolations throughout the hour by those already mentioned, by
Mildred Bailey, the Ponce Sisters and Jack Fulton. Paul Whiteman and
his Old Gold Orchestra will also offer a novelty fox trot, "Dance of
the Babies in the Wood."
(“The Staunton News Leader” 1st October 1929)
and lively, with good rhythm and a set of arrangements that are pleasing to the
last degree, Paul Whiteman and the Old
Gold orchestra revived old numbers and presented new ones over WABC. A period
without a moment's dullness was offered. “One Sweet Kiss” had a well sung verse
and was decidedly well played, We like Whiteman and his music very much, but at
that, we feel that it would be possible for him to overdo his radio work and
therefore are glad that he appears but once each week.
Me” was a sweet bit, with a pleasing tenor voice doing the chorus work and Whiteman’s
boys chiming in with the obligato. This a very pretty little waltz number and
should attract attention throughout the coming season. “Georgia Pines,” one that
we think about the best of the current crop of songs was also presented by Whiteman.
Mildred Bailey did the singing at this point in the program and scored a hit.
There was also a neat bit of piano work that was most outstanding.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, October
2, 1929)
Lovable And Sweet
*This Is Heaven The Old Gold Trio
Mildred Bailey
*I May Be Wrong (But I Think You're Wonderful) The Old Gold Trio
Wait For The Happy Ending
*Sleepy Valley
Big Boy Jess Of The Western Air Express
Old Gold Trio
Medley from George White's "Scandals"
Bigger And Better Than Ever
Love Is Free To Everyone
There's Something Spanish In Your Eyes
Bottoms Up
*That's You Baby The Rhythm Boys
Fox Trot Medley (Victor Herbert Themes)
I'm Falling In Love With Someone
The Italian Street Song
*Gypsy Love Song
When You're Away Mildred Bailey
March Of The Toys
A Year From Today
Mildred Bailey
*When You’re Counting The Stars Alone
The Flippity Flop
*Walking With Susie (b) The Old Gold Trio
Climbing The Stairs
Rhythm Boys Heard in Paul Whiteman Program
Mildred Bailey, “Bing”
Crosby, Jack Fulton, The Old Gold Trio and the Rhythm Boys will be heard during
the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman Hour to be broadcast over station WABC and the C. B.
S. at 9 o’clock tonight. A medley from George White’s “Scandals” and one from
Murray Anderson’s “Almanac” will be played during this program together with a Fox
Trot medley built on Victor Herbert’s themes with vocal accompaniment by Messrs.
Crosby and Fulton.
(The Morning Star (Allentown, Penn.) 8th October 1929)
One of the most
attractive bits on the air last night was the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman broadcast
over WABC. We liked that lively little bit, “Walking with Susie,” about as good
as any of the light and airy Whiteman tunes. There are some good singers with
this group, too, and Paul’s own message with regard to future programs is
always of interest.
(David Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, October 9, 1929)
No. 37 15th October 1929
*Pretty Little You
The Old Gold Trio
One-Step Medley:
Stepping Along
*I'm In Seventh
*Song Of The Blues
The Old Gold Trio
Shoo-Shoo-Boogie Boo
Mildred Bailey
The Moonlight Reminds Me Of You
(b) Jack Fulton
I Can't Remember The Words
*Lonely Troubadour
Big City Blues
Mildred Bailey
*I Get The Blues When It Rains
The Old Gold Trio
Medley of Kern hits:
What A Day!
More Than You Know
Mildred Bailey
*True Blue Lou
The Rhythm Boys
Where The Shy Little Violets Grow
Bottoms Up
A medley of Kern hits will feature the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman hour of
dance music over the nationwide network of the Columbia broadcasting system and
KHJ. The orchestra also will play “Zonky,” a new tune by the authors of “Ain’t
Misbehavin’.” Mildred Bailey, the blues singer, who has become a popular part
of the program, will, as her principal contribution, sing “More Than You Know,”
from “Great Day.”
(The San Bernardino County Sun, 15 Oct. 1929)
“Big City Blues”
and others were sung by Mildred Bailey, with Paul Whiteman and his Old Gold
Orchestra. The orchestra is good, nay, is better than good; it is one of the
three or four best on or off the air, but we can’t say that we particularly
care for Miss Bailey’s singing. WABC and the CBS have one of the real
headliners of the air with this group. A waltz, “Moonlight Reminds Me,” was a
delight as both played and sung.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, October
16, 1929)
Dixie Jamboree
*Tip-Toe Through The Tulips (With Me)
The Old Gold Trio
Sing A Little Love Song
The Old Gold Trio
*Walking With Susie
*Red Hair And Freckles
The Rhythm Boys
*Dance Away The Night
Mildred Bailey & The Old Gold Trio
*To Be
In Love (Espesh'lly With You)
The Old Gold Trio
I Wish You Knew
Mildred Bailey
*Oh! Miss Hannah
*Don't Get Collegiate
The Rhythm Boys
Medley from "Sunny Side Up":
Turn On The Heat
If I Had A Talking Picture Of You
I'm A Dreamer (Aren't We All)
Mildred Bailey
*Same Old Moon,
Same Old June
The Old Gold Trio
*Won't You Give In
*Oh! Baby Have A Heart
China Boy
Stars And Stripes Forever
A medley of tunes from “Sunnyside Up,” Broadway success, will feature in a Paul Whiteman concert Tuesday night at 9 o’clock over WABC and the Columbia Broadcasting system. The orchestra will be assisted by “Bing” Crosby, Mildred Bailey and a trio.
(The Tampa Tribune, October 20, 1929)
Paul Whiteman led
his Old Golders through some fine musical renditions last night over WABC. Whiteman
offers some good singing lads and the trio is indeed noteworthy. We cannot
quite see how Mildred Bailey is given the high rating she receives, for there is,
to our way of thinking, nothing outstanding about her voice in the least.
From Los Angeles.
Marche Militaire
Singin' In The
*Moonlight And Roses The
Old Gold Trio
St Louis Blues
Get On Board Little Chillun The Cheerleaders Quartet
*Beautiful Ohio
The Old Gold Trio
*Great Day
The Cheerleaders Quartet
Can't We Be Friends?
*Broadway Melody
*Oh! Baby Have A Heart
*Without A Song
How Am I To Know?
*Should I? The Old Gold Trio
*Laughing Marionette The Old Gold Trio
*What A Day!
Rhythm Boys
Diga Doo The Rhythm Boys
Gold moves its radio feature to Hollywood with the return of Paul Whiteman to California
for the purpose of making his muchly publicized picture, now to become a revue built
upon mammoth proportions, “The King of Jazz.” The Old Gold Hour is the only
commercial feature to originate on the Pacific coast. Thousands of dollars are
expended weekly by the sponsors of the hour in presenting one of radio’s outstanding
personalities, while an additional elaborate outlay, from a technical and
program standpoint, is necessary to present the hour from the coast.
Whiteman will go also the singers who have become so closely identified with
the Old Gold Hour, the trio composed of Jack Fulton, Bing Crosby and Al Rinker,
the famous Whiteman Rhythm boys, and Mildred Bailey, blues singer, the latter a
“find” for Whiteman while upon the Pacific coast during the summer months, and
whose singing has won a nationwide following within the brief space of a few months.
(Tucson Citizen, October 27, 1929)
Paul Whiteman and
his Old Gold Orchestra performed in the usual good manner of the group over WABC.
Their work with “Great Day” was very good indeed. “Can't We Be Friends” was a
real hit as played by the Old Gold Orchestra, but we cannot enthuse over
Mildred Bailey, Whiteman’s blues singer. Her voice is neither beautiful nor exceptionally
pleasing. In fact, there is a distinct lack of intonation to most of her
renditions. Whiteman revived “Valencia” in a manner that brought a pleasant
memory, and also some good piano playing.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, October
30, 1929)
No. 40 5th November 1929
From Universal Studios, Los Angeles via station KHJ. With John Boles.
Stars And Stripes Forever
Over There (b) The Cheerleaders Quartet
French Medley:
Madelon (I'll Be True To The Whole Regiment)
On The Boulevard
Ca C'Est Paris
Wartime Waltz Medley:
Roses Of Picardy
*Dear Old Pal
Of Mine
My Buddy
Rio Rita
Mildred Bailey
Willow Tree
*Miss You T he Old Gold Trio
Mississippi Dry
*Tip-Toe Through The Tulips (With Me) The
Rhythm Boys
Old Gold Dance The Old Gold Trio
*Marianne The Old Gold Trio
Lonely Troubadour Jack
*Baby, Oh Where Can You Be?
Piccolo Pete
"Do You Remember That Night" Medley:
There'll Be A Hot Time In The Old
Town Tonight
Goodbye Broadway, Hello France
The Yankee Doodle Boy
and American airs will mark the celebration of Armistice Day by Paul Whiteman
and his Old Gold Orchestra during the regular weekly Old Gold Hour 8 to 9 p.m. Tuesday
night over KHJ, Los Angeles, and a nation-wide network of the Columbia Broadcasting
System, continuing the second series of Whiteman’s broadcasts from the Pacific
Coast…John Boles, distinguished tenor, who is now appearing in the talking and
singing motion picture version of the Ziegfeld success “Rio Rita,” will be the
guest of Paul Whiteman and Old Gold for this program. Mr. Whiteman offering the
theme song of his film success. Mildred Bailey, Bing Crosby, and Jack Fulton
will again sing individual numbers.
(The Capital Times, November 3, 1929)
Whiteman and the
Old Gold orchestra was another group that returned to war days for the theme of
the evening. From Los Angeles by way of the Columbia network and WABC, this
program held well to its former standards and pleased all the way through. The
vocal choruses were all well sung, and the various groups of numbers were well
diversified. “Over There,” which we heard on virtually seven or eight programs
last night, was best played by the Whiteman group.
(David Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, November 6, 1929)
From Los Angeles.
Pomp And Circumstance (Elgar)
*Don't Get Collegiate
The Old Gold Trio
*Won't You Give In
Bottoms Up
More Than You Know
Mildred Bailey
Love Me
Jack Fulton
Here We Are
Just You, Just Me
Bigger And Better Than Ever
*Rhythm King The Rhythm Boys
I'd Do Anything For You
Liza (All The
Clouds'll Roll Away)
Ain't Misbehavin'
Wake Up! Chillun, Wake Up!
Heigh-Ho! Everybody, Heigh-Ho! The Old Gold Trio
If You Believed In Me
Bound The Old Gold Trio
I've Made A Habit Of You
China Boy
with “Pomp and Circumstance,” the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman hour will again be
broadcast over KHJ and a nation-wide network of the Columbia broadcasting system.
The new French waltz, “Love Me,” will be among the featured tunes of the hour
and will be sung by Jack Fulton, tenor. Mildred Bailey, the popular blues
singer, will be heard in “More Than You Know” from the musical success, “Great
Day,” and the ballad “If You Believed in Me,” The Old Gold trio and the famous
Rhythm Boys will also offer a number of vocal interpolations throughout the
San Bernardino County Sun, November 12, 1929)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
Jack Oakie and Nancy Carroll.
Doin' The
Alma Mammy Jack Oakie
*Collegiate Sam The Rhythm Boys
Foxtrot Medley:
(consisted of eight college songs)
The Right Kind Of Man Mildred
The Sweetheart Of Sigma
Jack Fulton
Ida (Sweet As Apple Cider)
That Revolutionary Rag
The Dance Of The Paper Dolls
Back In Your Own Back Yard
If I Had My Way
Should I?
What Wouldn't I Do For That Man
Mildred Bailey
My Sweeter Than Sweet Nancy Carroll
I'm Only Making Believe
The Varsity Drag
"This week the Old Gold Hour will be given over to a special football program by the Paul Whiteman Orchestra. Included in the program will be a foxtrot medley of eight college songs, a special arrangement called, "Collegiana", "Varsity Drag" and the well-known waltz song, "Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi". As usual the King of Jazz presents the Rhythm Boys, the Old Gold Trio, Mildred Bailey and Bing Crosby, during the hour"
Jack Fulton, sweet
voiced and a darn good singer, rendered that pleasing old hit, “Sweetheart of Sigma
Chi” during the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman Hour over WABC. Mildred Bailey sang too,
but for some reason or other we cannot find any alluring quality to her voice.
Jack Oakie, movie and talkie actor, sang "Alma Mammy" and interpolated
a little side line, asking some lass named Sally in Brooklyn how she was. We
hope she replied.
(David Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, November 20, 1929)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
William Haines and Hedda Hopper.
Turn On The Heat
Stepping Along
Chant Of The Jungle
The Right Kind Of Man
You've Got To Be Modernistic
Same Old Moon - Same Old June
Honeysuckle Rose
Navy Blues
Song Of The Blues
Beside An Open Fireplace
Miss Wonderful
Love Made A Gypsy Out Of Me
I May Be Wrong (But I Think You're
When You're Counting The Stars Alone
That Wonderful Something (Is Love)
Little By Little
Doin' The
Boom Boom
I Can Do Wonders With You
Paul Whiteman and
the Old Gold group again entertained from the Pacific Coast over WABC and the CBS.
Moderns, played in a dance rhythm, were the songs of the evening. Whiteman can
generally be counted on to put over a good program, but we do think that his
programs in the West are not up to the calibre of those rendered in the East.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, November
27, 1929)
No. 44 3rd December 1929
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
John Boles, Jack Egan and the Duncan Sisters..
Zonky, From Now On
I Think You’ll Like It
I’m Doing What I’m
Doing For Love
Somebody Like You
Dream Love (waltz)
Sunnyside Up
Would I Love To Love
Jack Egan
Painting The
Clouds With Sunshine
Spanish Doll
Memories Of
Just One Sweet Kiss
Nobody Loves You
Like I Do
Gay Love
A Little Kiss Each
Lady Luck
I’m In Love With You
My Fate Is In Your
Love (Your Spell Is Everywhere)
Here Comes The Showboat
Oh, La La
Someday Soon
Duncan Sisters
"The second
appearance over the air of John Boles, noted screen and stage star,
will occur in the Paul Whiteman-Old Gold Hour presented by KFRC here,
at 6 o'clock this evening. Boles will sing
two numbers. Typical Whiteman numbers will
comprise the rest of the program"
("San Francisco Chronicle" 3rd December 1929)
…Mr. Boles will sing two numbers and with him will appear Jack Egan, star
of “Broadway Scandals” now being released. Typical dance numbers feature the
King of Jazz and his vocalists, Mildred Bailey, Bing Crosby, Jack Fulton and
the Rhythm Boys, will round out the program.
(San Bernardino Daily Sun, 3rd December 1929)
Paul Whiteman, by
way of WABC, put across one of the best programs we have heard in a long time.
The music was lively and played in a manner that just made one keep stepping
along. Their best numbers were “Painting the Clouds with Sunshine” and in a
slower tempo “Memories of One Sweet Kiss.” During the program Whiteman
introduced the Duncan Sisters, who sang in perfect harmony their rendition of “Some
Day Soon.”
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, December
4, 1929)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
The Brox Sisters.
Pomp And Circumstance (Elgar)
I'm The Medicine Man For The Blues
Wouldn't It Be Wonderful
Singin' In The
All That I'm Asking Is Sympathy
If You Were The Only Girl In The
To Be Forgotten
What Is Life Without Love?
Georgia Pines
Lonely Troubadour
Bigger And Better Than Ever
To Be
In Love (Espesh'llyy With You)
Mildred Bailey
Without A Song
When I See My Sugar
Look What You've Done To Me
Building A Nest For Mary
What A Day!
Hoosier Hop
The King of Jazz will present a number of new popular Hollywood dance
tunes, such as “Wouldn’t It Be Wonderful.” “The Hoosier Hop,” “If You Were the
Only Girl” and “Look What You’ve Done for Me.” The Old Gold trio, Paul Whiteman’s
Rhythm Boys, Mildred Bailey, contralto; Bing Crosby, baritone, and Jack Fulton
will offer vocal interpolations throughout the hour.
(San Bernardino Daily Sun, December 10, 1929)
Whiteman and the Old Gold Orchestra, playing over WABC and the Columbia System,
scored roundly with his program of popular jazz melodies. Whiteman put across
one of the best of his recent periods and had several fine harmonizers with
him. These did some very good work, but unfortunately for giving proper credit,
we missed the names of the group.
Mildred Bailey, as usual, failed to impress us with her singing. This was
especially true with her work during “To Be in Love." Among the better
played numbers were “Lonely Troubadour,” “The End of the Road” and “Bigger and Better.”
The singing and playing of “Without a Song” was one of the high spots of the
(David Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, December 11, 1929)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
Mary Margaret Owens.
(All The Clouds'll
Roll Away)
The Old Gold Trio
*Red Hot And Blue Rhythm
The Rhythm Boys
I'm Walking With The Moonbeams (Talking
To The Stars)
Mildred Bailey
Why? (Is There A Rainbow In The Sky?)
*I Could Do It For You
Diane (I'm In Heaven When I See You Smile)
Jack Fulton
With You - With Me
Mildred Bailey
*Tanned Legs The Rhythm Boys
Medley from "Show Boat":
Make Believe
Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man
Why Do I Love You?
Ol' Man River
*A Night Of Happiness
A Ship Without A Sail
Mildred Bailey
Sitting By The Window
Ploddin' Along
Al Rinker
Some Sweet Day
Eyes (Get Red, Red, Ready For Love)
"The Old Gold-Paul
Whiteman Hour will present Mary Margaret Owens in a special arrangement
of songs from "Show Boat". Among the new
numbers to be heard in this program are, "You're Responsible", "With
You, With Me", "Tanned Legs" and "Blue Eyes Get Red, Ready For Love" The Rhythm Boys, Mildred Bailey (Contralto),
Bing Crosby (Baritone), Jack Fulton and Al Rinker
will also be heard during the program"
("San Francisco
Chronicle" 15th December 1929)
(The detailed programme listing which follows the above quote does not contain the two of the titles mentioned therein - "You're Responsible" and "Blue Eyes Get Red, Ready For Love")
Paul Whiteman and
the Old Gold Orchestra scored well with the program of modern jazz. Whiteman continues
to do well with this account and due to his wiseness in not making more than
one air appearance a week keeps him in good demand with radio fans. From the
opening selection of “Liza” through to “Nola,” “Old Man River” and others, this
WABC and CBS period was a true success. However, we cannot understand why Whiteman
insists on lowering the high quality of his orchestra with the mediocre singing
of Mildred Bailey. Whiteman is surely enough of a musician and leader to recognize
the fact that singing of the calibre of Miss Bailey’s has no place on a program
of his standard. However, as far as the music went, this program was completely
good, even to the singing of the movie stars.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, December
18, 1929)
From Station KMTR Los Angeles. With Jack Oakie, Polly Walker and Marguerite Padula.
Liza (All The Clouds'll Roll Away)
Happy Because I'm In Love
My Love Parade
I'll Still Go On Wanting You
A Place To Call Home
Dream Lover
Selection ("Hit the Deck")
Great Day
Laughing Marionettes
Reaching For The Moon
My Sweeter Than Sweet
What Do I Care
Campus Capers
Sophomore Prom
Too Wonderful For Words
Sitting By The Window
Italian Kisses
Lucky Little Devil
A wide
variety of popular dance numbers will be presented by the Paul Whiteman
orchestra over the nationwide network of the Columbia Broadcasting System and
KHJ. The stars of “Hit the Deck”, Jack Oakie, Polly Walker and Marguerite
Padula, will be the guest artists on this occasion and will sing numbers from
the show. The “King of Jazz” will play a special selection of Christmas Music
as a background to the following numbers…
Bernardino Daily Sun, December 24, 1929)
From Station KMTR Los Angeles. With Ruth Roland and Ben Bard.
Ruth Roland and Ben Bard will be guest artists
in the New Year’s Eve broadcast of the Paul Whiteman orchestra at 8 p.m. today
through the Columbia Broadcasting System. Bing Crosby, Whiteman’s baritone,
will have a prominent part in the jazz program, singing three speciality
numbers, “Chant of the Jungle”, “Someone,” and “I Don’t Want Your Kisses.”
Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette and Republican, December 31, 1929)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
The Rhythm Boys
*Hard To Get
The Old Gold Trio
Daddy, Won't You Please Come Home
Mildred Bailey
*Where The Butterflies Kiss The Buttercups Goodnight The Old Gold Trio
All That I'm Asking Is Sympathy
Jack Fulton
Medley from "Fifty Million Frenchmen"
You Do Something To Me
I Worship You
The Queen Of Terra Haute
Paree, What Did You Do To Me?
*Miss You
*Turn On The Heat
(b) The Old Gold Trio
*Since I Found You
*What More Can I Say?
The Old Gold Trio
If I Can't Have You
Mildred Bailey
*Pretty Little You
The Old Gold Trio
Laughing Marionette
Take Everything But You
Mildred Bailey
*(You Made Me Love
You) Why Did You?
The Old Gold Trio
I've Made A Habit Of You
*Alabamy Bound The Old Gold Trio
Can't We Be Friends (a) Mildred Bailey
St. Louis Blues (a) Mildred Bailey
Sweet Georgia Brown
The Old Gold hour with Paul Whiteman and his orchestra, features a fox-trot medley from the current musical comedy “Fifty Million Frenchmen.” Mildred Bailey, contralto; Bing Crosby, baritone, and Jack Fulton, tenor, will assist the orchestra. (Evening Star (Washington DC), 7th January 1930)
The Paul Whiteman-Old
Gold presentation via WABC was par excellence. Mildred Bailey, soloist with a real
“blue” tone, sang “Can’t We Be Friends” and “St. Louis Blues” in swell fashion.
The orchestra “Turned on the Heat” and
got oodles of syncopation from this song and “Sweet Georgia Brown” had a lot of
sparkle and pep—if you know what we mean.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, January
8, 1930)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
Mary Nolan.
*Should I?
The Old Gold Trio
*Bottoms Up
The Rhythm Boys
*Too Wonderful For
I'm Only Making Believe
Mildred Bailey
Selections from "Shanghai Lady":
I Wonder If It's Really Love
(Further titles unknown)
A Ship Without A Sail
*I've Got A New Love Affair
*Don't Get Collegiate
The Rhythm Boys
The Woman In The Shoe
Mildred Bailey
Singin' In The
Through (How Can You Say We're Through?)
Mildred Bailey
Lady Luck
Vocal duet
Selections from "Nina Rosa": (Titles unknown)
Wouldn't It Be Wonderful
Mildred Bailey
*He's So Unusual The Old Gold Trio
*Gypsy Dream Rose
‘Tain’t No Sin (To Take Off Your Skin And Dance Around In Your Bones)
The Old Gold Paul Whiteman hour, another outstanding WMAL attraction tonight, will bring to the air not only the ‘king of jazz’ and his orchestra but also a famous guest star in the person of Mary Nolan, motion picture star. She will make her appearance when Whiteman’s Orchestra plays a medley of the hits from her latest talking picture success, “The Shanghai Lady.”
(Evening Star (Washington DC), 14th January 1930)
Not satisfied with
giving us his excellent music alone, Paul Whiteman on the Old Gold presentation
via WABC introduced a guest artist who has risen from the ranks of a Ziegfeldian
chorus to a prominent position in Hollywood and pictures. Mary Nolan, the
former Imogene Wilson, was the star and by her great performance showed us the reason
she has advanced so rapidly. Mildred Bailey, whom we would call a “blueologist,”
was delightful, even more so than last week. The orchestral version of “Wouldn’t
It Be Wonderful?” was outstanding.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, January
15, 1930)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
Charlie King and Stanley Smith.
Several tunes from the new Marilyn Miller picture Sally
are featured.
March Of The Musketeers
Nobody's Sweetheart
If I Had A Talking Picture Of You
How Am I To Know
Love Parade
Stanley Smith
Medley from "Sally"
You Were Meant For Me
Sweetheart, We Need Each Other
Waters Of Venice
Dance Of The Paper Dolls
Italian Kisses
Deep In The Arms Of Love
(I'm A Dreamer) Aren't We All?
Lovable And Sweet
West Wind
Hay Straw
The One Girl
Every Moon's A Honeymoon
Love Ain't Nothin' But The Blues (a) Charles King
Me - Lovable You
Charles King
Charles King, star of “Broadway Melody” and Stanley Smith,
juvenile, will sing some of the latest hits from new screen musical revues
tonight, when they appear with Paul Whiteman on the Old Gold hour. The program,
heard through WJAS at nine o’clock, will feature orchestral selections from Marilyn
Miller’s new picture, “Sally”. Mildred Bailey, Jack Fulton, Bing Crosby and the
Rhythm Boys will complete the personnel.
(The Indiana Gazette, 21st
January 1930)
We do hope that
Charles King gets a bit of rest tomorrow night. Last evening and Monday night
we listened to him singing over WABC and on both occasions he offered “Love Ain’t
Nothing but the Blues,” and also “Lucky Me and Lovable You.” Mr. King is
pleasing, but we do not think his work is good enough to stand two successive
nights of the same songs. Too bad that WABC had transmission trouble during the
Old Gold-Paul Whiteman program on which King sang. For a few moments at the
start of the final quarter-hour, a studio pianist carried on and then, with one
of the neatest bits of tiller work that we have listened to, a studio orchestra
in New York picked up the work and carried on while Whiteman was completely dropped.
Very neat and clever on the art of the Columbia Broadcasting System. Mildred
Bailey sang a bit better than usual, and Stanley Smith, another movie star,
offered “My Love Parade” in very good style. Whiteman’s music, what there was
of it to hear, was as pleasing as ever, and most of the vocal arrangements were
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, January
22, 1930)
“When Joe [Venuti] and I were in Hollywood with the
Whiteman orchestra in 1929, working on the Old Gold radio program,
Charlie King was our guest star on one program. Charlie was an
attraction because he'd been featured in one of the first musical
talkies. The Old Gold show ran for a whole hour. We rehearsed for it
afternoons at the old KHJ studio in downtown Los Angeles. In those days
radio was regarded as a frighteningly technical medium and we
approached it much more seriously than we did later in its development.
We rehearsed and rehearsed to make sure everything would be perfect.
The soloists had to learn their positions at the microphone; the
section mikes had to balance; the opening had to come off with
split-second precision. As part of this intensive preparation, we were
rehearsing with Charlie King. Charlie was a singer of the old school.
He was a great guy, but in the opinion of such irreverent individuals
as myself, he was far better as a comedian
and dancer than as a singer. He was what we call a ricky-tick
singer today - meaning that his style was a little on the razzmataz side.
During rehearsal,
when he began to give out with that "Just bring a sma-aile
to Old Broadway" stuff, Venuti was
fascinated and he kept his eyes on Charlie throughout the rehearsal.
Before the show we had an hour break, and when we went out to find
something to eat, Joe disappeared. He came back just before we went on
the air.
As I've said, a
radio program was more or less sacrosanct then, so we were nervous and
Whiteman was in a swivet. He was getting
money by the sackful from Old Gold and it
would continue to jingle in - if things went smoothly. His music was
the best in the land, and it had to sound that way. It wasn't
transcribed. He had only one crack at it - when we were on the air. So
there was much tension before the show. Then voom!
the red light was on and the awful moment
had arrived. The show started well, and presently it was time for
Charlie King's solo. He stood up to face the mike. As he took his
place, Joe opened his violin case and pulled out an old blunderbuss of
the vintage of 1870, and drew a bead on Charlie. We began to laugh. We
didn't really think that Joe would shoot King, but you never could be
sure with Venuti. He was wholly
unpredictable, and I remember thinking that King was in some slight
jeopardy, even if the weapon was loaded only with rock salt.
Joe kept the gun on
him, as if daring him to send one more corny
note soaring from his larynx, and I thought Whiteman would have a
stroke. He'd lost control of the band; we were laughing so hard we were
hors de combat and Charlie King was singing a cappella.
But toward the end some of the more sedate instrumentalists rallied and
mustered enough breath to give Charlie a finishing chord. Undoubtedly Venuti helped age Whiteman.”
(Bing Crosby,
writing in Call Me Lucky)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
Blanche Sweet, Benny Rubin and J. Harold Murray.
*(You Made Me Love
You) Why Did You?
The Old Gold Trio
*Hard To Get
The Old Gold Trio
*Sweet Nothings Of Love
Daddy, Won’t You Please Come Home
Mildred Bailey
The Old Gold Trio
*What Is Life Without Love
The Old Gold Trio
Harry (The Harmonica King)
The Rhythm Boys
If I Can’t Have You
Punch And Judy
*Look What
You’ve Done To Me
Medley from “Cameo Kirby” featuring J. Harold Murray
She’s Such a Comfort To Me
What Is This Thing Called Love
Mary Margaret Owens
Since I Found You
If You
Want To See Paree
Ca C’est Paree
"At 6 tonight, KHJ will present Blanche Sweet, motion picture
actress who will be the guest artist in an hour of music presented by
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra"
("Los Angeles Times" 28th January 1930)
Paul Whiteman's
music was good last night as he played from the Pacific Coast and it was
relayed over the CBS and reached us from WABC. In fact, the orchestrations were
even smoother than we have heard Whiteman produce in some time. The
introduction of Blanche Sweet was a bit of a disappointment inasmuch as she did
little but acknowledge her thanks to the invisible audience for being introduced.
Later on the program, however, Benny Rubin displayed that rare artistry that
marks him a truly great entertainer. Rubin's monologue regarding his baby and
how to bring it up was a real scream. While we heard but little improvement in
Mildred Bailey’s singing, the Old Gold Hour could readily be classed as a good
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, January
29, 1930)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
With Lew Cody (mc), Richard
Arlen, Jack Oakie, Madge Bellamy, Lola
Lane, June Clyde, Lilian Roth, Harry
Richman and Sam Coslow.
Get On Board, Little Chillun
‘Tain’t No Sin (To Take Off Your Skin And Dance Around In Your Bones)
*Won't You Give In
*Do Ya' Love Me? The Old Gold Trio
Here Am I Mildred Bailey
With You Harry Richman
Puttin' On The Ritz
Singing A Vagabond Song
There's Danger In Your Eyes, Cherie
Alice in Wonderland
Gone Mildred Bailey
*If I'm Dreaming
He's So Unusual
*(The One I Love) Just Can't Be Bothered With Me
Would He Do The Same For Me
Why Was I Born? Mildred Bailey
I've Got A New Love Affair Jack Fulton
Feeling That Way
The Shepherd's Serenade (Do You Hear Me Calling You) Jack Fulton
Gypsy Dream Rose Jack Fulton
*When You're Smiling The Old Gold Trio
Hot And Blue Rhythm
The Old Gold Trio
Richman and Lew Cody, at opposite ends of
the country, will act as star performer and master of ceremonies,
respectively, on the Paul Whiteman Old Gold program as heard over The
Fresno Bee station and the Columbia Broadcasting System tonight. Lew Cody will be assisted by an imposing list of
screen celebrities in making this broadcast one of the evening’s best
entertainment features. Madge Bellamy, Lola Lane, Mildred Harris,
Richard Arlen, Jack Oakie, Lilian Roth, and June Clyde are expected to
(“The Fresno Bee”, 4th
February, 1930)
“Harry Richman, for three years stage star of “George White’s Scandals”, will celebrate his advent to talking pictures by singing from New York in the Paul Whiteman–Old Gold Hour over the Columbia network at 9 o’clock Tuesday night. The Richman picture, for which Berlin composed the music, and in which Richman is supported by Joan Bennett, James Gleason and Lilyan Tashman, was recently completed at the United Artists Studio in Hollywood and has not yet been exhibited. Mr. Whiteman and his orchestra will play the five songs that Mr. Richman sings in “Puttin’ on the Ritz”, the occasion marking the world premiere rendition of Irving Berlin’s newest compositions.”
(“The Marion Star”, Ohio, 4th February 1930)
Old Gold’s first
anniversary program was quite an affair as presented from California and elsewhere
over the Columbia System and heard through WABC. Artists of the movies, the
stage and the radio all combined to make the affair a success. However, all of the
others together did not approach the smoothness of the work of Harry Richman
and even though he is somewhat prejudiced in his own favor, we still believe
him to be one of the outstanding radio—as well as stage—-stars of the day.
Whiteman’s music was up to standard and pleased mightily.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, February
5, 1930)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
The Rhythm Boys
*Never Say Die
The Rhythm Boys
Strike Up The Band
The Cheerleaders Quartet
Soon (Gershwin)
Mildred Bailey
*Ride On, Vaquero
There Must Be Someone Waiting For Me (In Loveland)
(b) The Old Gold Trio
As Long As I'm With You
Mildred Bailey
*Looking At You
*I Have To Have You
Medley from “Sons O’ Guns”: (Titles unknown)
Funny Dear, What Love Can Do
*Collegiate Love
The Rhythm Boys
What Would I Care
*South Sea Rose
The Old Gold Trio
*A Little Kiss Each
Broadway’s two biggest current musical smashes “Strike Up the Band,” and “Sons ‘O Guns,” furnish the high lights of the Old Gold program over the Columbia Broadcasting System this evening from9 to10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The song hit “Soon” from “Strike Up the Band,” written by George Gershwin, the Prince of composers, and arranged for the occasion by the King of jazz, Paul Whiteman, will be sung by Mildred Bailey, and the dashing “Ride On Vaquero,” from the same peppery show will be chanted by Bing Crosby.
(The News, (Paterson, New Jersey), 11th February 1930)
Whiteman, that royal personage of jazz, gave another of his fine programs
emanating from the Pacific Coast and heard through WABC. Whiteman opened with “Hello
Baby” and the Rhythm Boys did some excellent vocal interludes. One thing for
Whiteman, he always offers a most varied program, but then again, with a
complete hour in which to do so, he has much leeway and can put across the type
of programs that time limits restrict other leaders from doing.
Up the Band” was another number that scored. This composition is rapidly
becoming one of the most popular on the air. We note a sharp curtailing of
announcements during the Old Gold program that is most pleasant for the
listener. We also hope that other program sponsors follow the lead of this
sponsor and of Littman, who have both cut down the breaking in of commercial notations
to the least possible amounts.
may be all wrong, but we still cannot see Mildred Bailey as a top-notch blues
singer, or a singer of the quality that Whiteman should have connected with him
as a soloist on a nation-wide program. Her singing of’ “Soon” was hardly worthy
of mention last night. The manner in which Whiteman switched from one selection
to another without announcements was the greatest improvement that we have noted
in any program in many a moon. A good word is deserving for young Mr. Crosby
who sang a romantic hit entitled “Ride On, Vaquero.” This chap's other numbers
were also decidedly well rendered. A trio scored success with “Congratulations,”
and all went well indeed with the Whiteman program.
(David Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, February 12, 1930)
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles.
With Hedda
Hopper and Lawrence Gray.
March Of The Old Guard
Nobody's Using It Now
*Singing A Vagabond Song
Blue Turning Grey Over You
Mildred Bailey
*Hangin’ On The Garden Gate Sayin' "Good Night"
The Merry Widow (Lehar)
*Love Made A Gypsy Out Of Me
Through (How Can You Say We're Through?)
Mildred Bailey
Rhythm Boys
Dancing Butterfly
*Honeysuckle Rose
Days Are Here Again
The Rhythm Boys
Language Of Love
Mildred Bailey
Should I?
The Woman In The Shoe
That Wonderful Something (Is Love)
Have A Little Faith In Me
Mildred Bailey
Sunny Side Up (Keep Your)
Painting The Clouds With Sunshine
Note: It is claimed that Hedda Hopper sang songs from her film “High Society Blues” which starred Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell. None of the songs from the above mentioned list were used in the film. However it does seem as though there were two completely different press releases about this show.
Eastward from KHJ out in Los Angeles, the Old Gold music was presented by Paul
Whiteman through WABC locally. This program is nearly always one to be counted
on for a complete hour of entertainment. Last night was no exception and the
early selection, a rendition of the “March of the Old Guard” gave a pleasing
change to Whiteman’s usual jazz opening theme. However, immediately thereafter,
the regular Whiteman themes came on in rapid succession.
Gray, motion picture star, sang a piece during this program and while his efforts
were good, his voice was rather indifferent for a singer. However, as he is a
movie personality, we imagine that his public and movie fans in general were
well satisfied. Whiteman has done quite well in presenting motion picture stars
to the public by way of radio and this, we feel sure, attracts many additional
listeners to his program.
Hedda Hopper, another featured movie player, took the microphone with much assurance
and told a number of age old incidents which she insisted on hanging on Paul.
It may have been all right with Whiteman, Miss Hopper and the gag man who wrote
Miss Hopper’s little speech, but most of the incidents she related were aged
before Whiteman even came into the world. At that, her voice was clear and
concise and she presented a much better radio personality than did her fellow
motion picture star.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union,
February 19, 1930)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
With Lupe Velez.
If You Want To See Paree
Ca C'est Paris
*Love Is A Dreamer
Moanin' For You
Mildred Bailey
*Piccolo Pete
The Rhythm Boys
Once Upon A Time
*Song Of The Moonbeams
The Old Gold Trio
Cryin' For The
Mildred Bailey
If I Were King
Spanish Doll
*Deep In The Arms Of Love
*Sweet Nothings Of Love
Wouldn't It Be Wonderful?
*Funny, Dear, What
Love Can Do
The Old Gold Trio
*Without My Gal
The Old Gold Trio
What Is This Thing Called Love?
Mildred Bailey
Until Love Comes Along
*Can't You
The Old Gold Trio
Bigger And Better Than Ever
“Lupe Velez, “Whoopie Lupe” of the films, will appear on the
program with Paul Whiteman and his orchestra at 6 over KHJ. Featured
with Miss Velez will be the Mexican Marimba Band of Agua Caliente. Her
part of the program comes from Los Angeles, Mr. Whiteman’s from San
Diego, so ‘tis said.”
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, February 25, 1930)
Sigmund Romberg waltz was the first attractive number that appeared on the Old
Gold-Paul Whiteman Hour over WABC and the CBS last night. To be sure, there were
a number of fast moving renditions prior to this one, with Bing Crosby and
Mildred Bailey getting in some good work—especially the former. However, the waltz
was played in a manner that almost out-melodied Whiteman at his best.
Velez, motion picture star, was the guest of the Whiteman program and sang
rather monotonously through her nose. Her voice did not register well at all
over the air and we harked back a while ago when this vivacious young lady
appeared at one of the Broadway motion picture palaces. At that time, she packed
the crowds in, did a dance step or two and was just about the hit of the
season. Her radio appearance, therefore, was a real disappointment to us.
bit more charm was displayed by Miss Velez when she made her curtain speech at
the conclusion of her song. It was in more or less broken English and had intonations
that were alluring indeed. Her closing remark in calling her radio friends “Darlings”
was a master stroke of showmanship.
(David Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, February 26, 1930)
No. 57 4th March 1930
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
With Lilian Roth, Joseph Wagstaff,
Sam Coslow, Milton Sills and Doris Kenyon.
*Turn On The Heat
The Old Gold Trio
*Same Old Moon, Same Old June The Old Gold Trio
*(The One I Love) Just Can't Be Bothered With Me
Like A Dream Mildred Bailey
I Never Dreamt (You'd Fall In Love With Me)
The Shepherd's Serenade (Do You Hear Me Calling You) Jack Fulton
*The White Dove
Talk Of The Town
*But Where Are You The Old Gold Trio
Medley from "The Vagabond King"
*I'm On A Diet Of Love The Rhythm Boys
Mona Mildred Bailey
In The Garden Of Tomorrow
I've Made A Habit Of You
Bigger And Better Than Ever
Roth and Joe Wagstaff will be the guest
artists with Paul Whiteman’s orchestra at 6 on the program which
originates at KHJ. They will be accompanied by Sam Coslow,
one of Tin Pan Alley’s prolific song writers. Several of the selections
by members of the Whiteman organization will be “Like a Dream,” “I
Never Dreamt,” “Garden of Tomorrow,” and
“One I Love.””
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, March 4th, 1930)
out of her latest role in the new Paramount talkie, “Honey,” Miss Lilian Roth,
young and vivacious star of many a Broadway operetta, graced the Paul Whiteman
Old Gold Hour, Tuesday evening, on the Columbia coast-to-coast network.
her at the microphone was another screen favorite in the person of Joe Wagstaff,
aristocratic star of the latest Fox films, “Song of Kentucky” and “Let’s Go
this duet was Sam Coslow, Tin Pan Alley’s prolific song writer, composer of “Bebe,”
“Wanita,” “Not Yet Suzette” and other hits.
(The Daily Item (Pennsylvania), March 5, 1930)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
Edmund Lowe, Lilyan Tashman
and June Parker.
The Rogue Song
The Cheerleaders Quartet
*‘Tain’t No Sin (To Dance Around In Your Bones)
The Rhythm Boys
*My Love Parade
Darn Fool Woman Like Me
June Parker
*Dancing To Save
Your Sole
The Rhythm Boys
Dream Lover
Jack Fulton
*Anytime's The Time To Fall In Love
The Old Gold Trio
*Sing You Sinners
June Parker & The Old Gold
*When You're Counting The Stars Alone
The Old Gold Trio
Dance Of The Paper Dolls
The Clouds Away
The Old Gold Trio
Medley from "Flying High" (Titles unknown)
*Look What
You've Done To Me
*I Never Dreamt (You'd Fall In Love With Me)
The Old Gold Trio
You Will Come Back To Me
*My Sweeter
Than Sweet
*Singin' In The Bathtub
The Rhythm Boys
Not a spelling error! The song is
from the film, "Paramount On Parade" which
showcased most of the studio's top stars.
"Two popular screen
stars and a Southern California crooner will entertain listeners during
the Paul Whiteman-Old Gold Hour, over KFRC, Tuesday evening from 6 to 7
o'clock. Lilyan
Tashman, former Ziegfeld
Follies beauty who made a hit in 'The Trial Of
Mary Dugan' and other Fox successes, will be one of the screen stars
featured in the program. Her husband,
Edmund Lowe, who played important parts in 'What Price Glory' and 'The
Cock-Eyed World', is the other. June
Parker, KHJ crooner, the Whiteman band and the Rhythm Boys are among
the other features promised for Tuesday night"
("San Francisco
Chronicle" 9th March 1930)
Parker must be the least bit excited tonight for she makes her first
appearance on a nation-wide broadcast when Paul Whiteman presents his
weekly program over KHJ at 6. Edmund Lowe and Lilyan
Tashman, two stars in the world of
make-believe, will be guest artists with “The Little Girl Blue.”
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, March 11th, 1930)
While Paul Whiteman
music is still a real air feature, the majority of his motion picture star
guests are not so good. Last night, during the Old Gold WABC period, Lilyn Tashman
stepped forward and told listeners that she and Paul and George Gershwin and
Bud de Sylva and several more were all friends and that was all she did do.
There was plenty of talk on the Whiteman period last night, and most of it was
of direct advertising nature, which just about spoiled the goodness of the
Whiteman music. Cadman’s compositions were about the best portions of the Whiteman
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, March 12, 1930)
Station KMTR Los Angeles.
John Boles,
Jeannette Loff and Lloyd Hughes.
Happy Days Are Here Again
Sweet Nothings Of Love
Should I?
Jack Fulton
What Do I Care
Mildred Bailey
*You Do Something To Me
Song Of The Dawn
John Boles with Chorus
Or What Have You?
Lady Luck
I've Made A Habit Of You
*Someday Soon
The Old Gold Trio
I'm Following You
Mildred Bailey
Where The Golden Daffodils Grow
Mildred Bailey
*Get On Board,
Little Chillun The Old Gold Trio
Chant Of The Jungle
Dream Avenue
*When You're Counting The Stars Alone
Why? (Is There A Rainbow In The Sky?)
*(You Made Me Love
You) Why Did You?
The Old Gold Trio
"John Boles,
declared one of Screenland's most talented young actors will be
presented as guest artist of the Paul Whiteman-Old Gold Hour, over the
Columbia system, presented locally by KFRC at 6 pm.
Boles, now starring with Laura LaPlante
in the talkie 'La Marseillaise' (sic), will sing several of the songs
in this picture. The Whiteman band and the
Rhythm Boys will render their sprightly arrangements of popular
("San Francisco
Chronicle" 18th March 1930)
(Some confusion here.
Although 'La Marsellaise' was sung
in the movie, its release title was 'Captain Of The
“John Boles is scheduled to sing “Song of the
Dawn” on the Paul Whiteman concert at 6 over KHJ. Lloyd Hughes and June
Parker are also supposed to take part on this program. When the first
trumpet of the Whiteman orchestra was called back to New York, Cecil Noe of Raymond Paige’s KHJ orchestra stepped in
to do the pinch tooting and is doing it well according to latest reports.”
(Zuma Palmer, Hollywood Daily Citizen, 18th March 1930)
John Boles,
Jeannette Loff and Lloyd Hughes, prominent screen luminaries, were guest
artists on the Paul Whiteman WABC period. Boles is the possessor of a voice
with wide range and unusual beauty. He teamed with Miss Loff to offer a duet of
outstanding proportions. The Rhythm Boys also did their share toward furthering
festivities. This was another top-speed presentation with a sprinkling of
everything in the way of popularities and Mr. Hughes sang with surprisingly
good voice.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, March
19, 1930)
From Station KMTR
Los Angeles. With Jeanette Loff and Grace
The Rhythm Boys
*Loose Ankles
The Old Gold Trio
*I Don't Need
Atmosphere (To Fall In Love)
Cooking Breakfast For The One I Love
(b) Mildred Bailey
A Bench In The Park
Jeanette Loff
*Fascinating Devil
(With Those Angel Eyes)
When A Woman Loves A Man
Mildred Bailey
*I'm A Dreamer
(Aren't We All)
The Old Gold Trio
Song Of India
Saving Myself Mildred
A Ship Without A Sail
Strike Up The Band
*Never Say Die
The Rhythm Boys
South Sea Rose
Mildred Bailey
*Love Ain't Nothing But The Blues
(Your Spell Is Everywhere)
Mildred Bailey
*Turn On The Heat The Old Gold Trio
When You're Smiling
Jeanne Lang
"Beautiful Jeanette Loff who essays the featured feminine lead
against Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in the
all-talking picture production, 'Party Girl' will be the guest artist
of the Old Gold-Paul Whiteman Hour over the Columbia system on Tuesday
evening from 6 to 7 o'clock. KFRC presents
this program locally. Miss Loff who will also be featured in the new Paul
Whiteman picture, 'The King Of Jazz', soon
to be released, will offer, among other things, 'The Bench In The Park'
song from the Whiteman picture. Paul
Whiteman's band will be heard in arrangements of the newest musical
("San Francisco Chronicle" 23rd March 1930)
Paul Whiteman and
his Old Gold orchestra offered music in the typical dance rhythm of the day and
put it across the CBS and WABC in fine style. Jeannette Loff, motion picture star
of Whiteman’s new picture, sang with good effect “A Bench in the Park,” and
Mildred Bailey did a bit better than usual. A trio of male voices and the
Rhythm Boys also sang well. The musical hits included “I Don’t Need Atmosphere,”
“Fascinating Devil” and “Cooking Breakfast for the One I Love.” Bing Crosby was
in good voice and scored with his numbers. Later in the program, a new number, “When
You’re Smiling” proved a decisive hit, and Jeanne Lang sang in just about the
best manner of any soloist on the Old Gold program.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, March 26,
Station KFRC San Francisco. Announcer Don Ball.
*Worryin' Over You The Rhythm Boys
*Chinnin' And Chattin' With Mary The Rhythm Boys
*Blue Is The Night
*Cinderella Brown The Old Gold Trio
*Diane (I’m In Heaven When I See You Smile) The Old Gold Trio
Jeannie Lang
I Want To Do Things
*'Leven-Thirty Saturday Night
The Woman In The Shoe
*Anytime's The Time To Fall In Love The Old Gold Trio
*On The Sunny Side Of The Street
*Exactly Like You Mildred Bailey & The Old Gold Trio
Little You
The Old Gold Trio
Knockin’ On Wood
*Garden Of Roses And You
Through! (How Can You Say We're Through?)
Mildred Bailey
*Me And The Girl Next Door The Rhythm Boys
*A Cottage For Sale The Old Gold Trio
"KFRC Offers Paul
Whiteman Band On Air - Jazz King En Route
East To Broadcast Program On SF Station Tonight"
Whiteman's band, returning to the East via San Francisco will offer its
weekly Old Gold Hour from the KFRC Studios tonight, beginning at 6
Whiteman has completed his new talkie, 'The King Of Jazz' which is soon to be released. Five new musical numbers will be included in
the program, tonight"
("San Francisco
Chronicle" 1st April 1930)
Paul Whiteman and the
Gold Orchestra—ah me, this WABC program is one to warm the cockles of the heart
of he who loves good syncopation and jazz. Whiteman is aptly termed the “King
of Jazz,” for his melodies prove him just this. All the old local favorites
were there, including the ever-popular Rhythm Boys, Bing Crosby and Mildred Bailey.
Crosby improves with each broadcast and Miss Bailey did much better than she
formerly did. Perhaps it is the approaching Eastern trip to Broadway that is
pepping her up, but she surely was splendid last night.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, April 2,
From the Civic
Auditorium, Seattle WA.. Announced by Harry Von Zell.
I've Got My Eyes On You
*Why? (Is There A Rainbow In The Sky?) 46, 59, 62, 66 The Old Gold Trio
Still Remember
Mildred Bailey
Turning Grey Over You
Mildred Bailey
Happened In
*Just An Hour of Love The Old Gold Trio
Gone Mildred Bailey
*Alice In Wonderland
*Liza (All The Clouds’ll Roll Away) The Old Gold Trio
Ragamuffin Romeo
*Would You Do The Same For Me
Romance (b) Jack Fulton
*Love Is A Dreamer The Old Gold Trio
When You're Smiling
*Where The Butterflies Kiss The Buttercups Goodnight The Old Gold Trio
You Will Come Back To Me Mildred Bailey
Washing Dishes With My Sweetie
Hay Straw
On A Sunbeam
from the latest talking screen successes will be played and sung during
the coming Old Gold Hour to-night when Paul Whiteman directs his famous
jazz orchestra from the civic auditorium at Seattle.
The program will be relayed from that northwest city direct to
New York, whence the Columbia System will transmit it over its
nationwide network. Outstanding among the features of this hour will be
Bing Crosby's rendering of hits from two musical comedies now on
Broadway. One is the waltz song, 'It
Happened In Monterey' from Whiteman's picture, 'King Of Jazz.' The other is the novelty number, 'Alice In Wonderland,' from Harry Richman's picture, 'Puttin' On The Ritz.' With Crosby on the program
will be the popular crooner, Mildred Bailey, who will sing 'Blue
Turning Gray Over You' and 'I Still
Remember.' Jack Fulton, tenor, will sing
the new ballad, 'Romance,' and Whiteman's 32-piece band will include in
its own repertoire such hits as 'Why?' from 'Sons o' Guns' and 'Hay
Straw' from 'Song Of The West.' This
program goes on the air this evening at 9 eastern standard time."
('Bangor Daily News', 8th April, 1930)
Paul Whiteman and
his symphonic jazz orchestra, who appear on the Old Gold offering via WABC, went
“Sailing on a Sunbeam” and brought penetrating rays of music to our hearts—yes,
they did. Bing-Crosby warbled some pretty dittys, the most fetching of which
was, “It Happened in Monterey” from the maestro’s picture, “The King of Jazz.”
Jack Fulton sang about something that has always intrigued us, “Romance” and
accomplished this to good effect. Mildred Bailey, blues crooner, said that she was
“Blue Turning Gray over You”—wonder it she meant us. This was a good all around
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, April
9, 1930)
Station KOIN Portland, Oregon. Announced by Harry Von Zell.
*The Rogue Song Quartet
*Let Us Drink To The Girl Of My Dreams The Old Gold Trio
*Oh! Baby, Have A Heart
*Anytime's The Time To Fall In Love The Old Gold Trio
Through! (How Can You Say We're Through?) Mildred Bailey
*So The Bluebirds And The Blackbirds Got Together
The Rhythm Boys
*Medley from "Cameo Kirby" (b) The Old Gold Trio / Mildred Bailey / Jack Fulton
Sing A Little Theme Song
Telling It To The Daisies (But It Never Gets Back To You)
*You Do Something To Me
Rhapsody In Blue (b) featuring Roy Bargy
*Let Me Sing And I’m Happy
Looking At You Mildred Bailey
On A Blue And Moonless Night Jack Fulton
My Gal Is Good For Nothing But Love
*Some Day Soon The Old Gold Trio
(“Indiana Evening Gazette”, Pennsylvania,
15th April 1930)
Paul Whiteman
presented the Old Gold musical diversion over the CBS and WABC. While good
singing and musical renditions were the keynote of the period, the outstanding
work was with that rapidly becoming famous "Romance" from "Cameo
Kirby," and also the playing of the Gershwin "Rhapsody in Blue."
This latter was played in honor of an anniversary of the first time that Whiteman
offered the number at Carnegie Hall. While bits from this number have been
played with every Whiteman broadcast as the theme song, it has lost none of its
attractiveness when rendered complete.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, April 16,
"The band continued
to do concerts in Washington and Oregon, but our final radio show with
Bing took place on April 15 in Portland. The
Rhythm Boys sang their final number, SO THE BLUEBIRDS AND THE
an additional four solo spots and bowed out with LET ME SING AND I'M
HAPPY. Paul was very sad to see the trio leave the band.
Times were hard with the depression all around us, and the
tastes of the public in the music of the day were changing. The trio
(Harry Barris, Al Rinker,
and Bing Crosby) felt that the contacts that they made while we were in
Hollywood might help their careers. They
had a chance for a job at the Cocoanut Grove and been promised possible
film work. They all felt that their future
was in Hollywood. We knew that Bing's future was in Hollywood, and on
September 29 he married Wilma Wyatt (Dixie Lee). Bing
was appearing with Gus Arnheim's Orchestra
at the time."
(Frank Trumbauer as quoted in Tram: The Frank Trumbauer Story)
No. 64 22nd April 1930
From Station WABC
New York
Bing was not on this show
It is rumored that
Paul Whiteman plays three violins at one time —-one on each chin. He didn't do
it last night, but his outfit did plenty. We doff our proverbial hats to the “King
of Jazz,” for he gave us a royal performance. Dance inspiring tunes with a
subtle swing and richness of melody came through our speaker as these boys rode
the airy waves via WABC. From their opening few bars of “Rhapsody in Blue” to
their closing refrain they maintained a dance program of the highest merit and
seemed better than ever before.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, April 23,
Station WABC New York.
Catherine Dale Owen.
Nobody's Sweetheart
Lady Luck
Singing River
The Man From The South (With A Big Cigar In His Mouth) Mildred Bailey
Let's Do Something Different Tonight
Is The Song Of
Songs For Me?
Alone With My Dreams
Land Of The Sky Blue Water
Punch And Judy
Cryin' For The Carolines
To My Mammy
So Sympathetic
Swingin' In A Hammock
Bing was not on this show
Paul Whiteman,
back in New York after one or two visits to talkie land, sounded better than
usual with his Old Gold program. This had a more finished, mellow and possibly contented
sound to it than did the Whiteman broadcasts from the West coast. There was
quite a bit of romance to the program and the more melodious numbers such as “Land
of the Sky Blue Waters” had their full share of time. At that, there were
plenty of the ultra modern numbers and Paul, in person, read an announcement or
so. We noted that Mildred Bailey has also come on East with the Whiteman group and
while her singing or “I Never Dreamt” hardly justified this, she still is the
Whiteman prima donna.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, April 30,
Station WABC New York. With Irene Dunne and John Held Jr.
Happy Days Are Here Again
Dancing To Save Your Sole
Ship Without A Sail
What Do I Care Mildred Bailey
Without You, Sweetheart
Medley of College tunes:
Mysterious Mose
Under A Texas Moon
Wouldn't It Be Wonderful Mildred Bailey
Should I
Blue Night
Exactly Like You Mildred Bailey
Why? (Is There A Rainbow In The Sky?)
Gone Mildred Bailey
My Sweeter Than Sweet
Bing was not on this show
"Paul Whiteman's Orchestra is to present two well-known artists on the Old Gold Hour through WHK relay at 8 pm. First of all, there'll be Irene Dunne, star of 'Show Boat' now appearing in the lead, opposite Everett Marshall in RKO's picturization of 'Babes In Toyland'. John Held Jr., cartoonist,, is to be the second star. He's to give a brief talk. The orchestra will offer a medley of college tunes. The broadcast tonight is to bring to an end the long string of programs which has made up the current series played by the Whiteman Orchestra"
Whiteman and the Old Gold orchestra played with usual vim and vigor over WABC.
The musical portions of the program were well presented and the male singers
were well voiced. Mildred Bailey, as usual, failed utterly to score even the
least little bit of credit for herself.
was especially noticeable during her singing of “Sing You Singers,” “Gone.” and
the other numbers she rendered. There is so little merit reason for Miss Bailey
being kept in the Old Gold group, as on a comparative basis with the rest of
the Whiteman aggregation that it does not seem fair to listeners to have her
appear on the program so often. Paul Whiteman made a neat little speech at the
close of the hour, harking back to 16 months successful contact as the air
representative of Old Gold, and hoped that listeners would remember this group
in the future. Sounded like the end of the Whiteman-Old Gold combination.
Bratton, Brooklyn Times Union, May 7,
reports of successors to Paul Whiteman on the Old Gold Radio Hour, it
is understood that the hour has been abandoned by the cigarette people. Whiteman played it once weekly for an hour at
an average salary of $5,000 per week for sixteen months.
Whiteman's gross amount from Old Gold was $350,000, with station
charges etc., the broadcasting for the period cost Old Gold over