Note: Dates are quoted in
month/day/year format. Where a precise date is not available and the entry is
shown as undated, e.g., January (undated), the day of the month will appear as
00, e.g., 01/00/50. The compiler has exercised discretion in preparing this
index and some isolated and immaterial names shown in the Day by Day section
have not been included.
Aaronson, Irving, 07/05/34
Abbott and Costello, 08/30/42
Abbott, Norman, 12/24/62
Abie’s Irish Rose (movie), 04/00/46,
12/27/46, 05/11/50
Academy Awards (the “Oscars”), 02/27/35, 03/04/37, 02/27/41, 03/04/43,
03/15/45, 03/07/46, 03/13/47, 03/20/52, 03/19/53, 03/30/55, 03/27/57, 04/17/61
Acapulco, (Mexico), 03/00/69
Adams, Edie, 04/29/62, 05/14/62, 07/06/63, 10/31/63, 01/14/67
Adams, Franklin P., 07/08/43
Adams, Weston, 03/14/65
Adamson, Harold, 02/08/49
Adlam, Basil, 01/18/51
Adler, Larry, 11/09/39, 04/30/42, 08/30/42
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Disney cartoon), 03/00/48,
06/23/49, 10/05/49
Agay, Denes, 06/15/47
Agnew, Spiro, 01/11/69
Agua Caliente (Mexico), 09/03/32, 05/01/35, 05/19/35, 06/01/35,
05/09/37, 05/16/37, 06/13/37, 03/27/38, 11/00/38
Aherne, Brian, 02/10/38, 11/10/38, 10/26/39,
05/16/40, 04/17/41
Ahlert, Fred, 10/21/53
Aiken (S. C.), 11/00/56, 04/07/56, 04/03/60
Alameda (Calif.), 10/03/51
Alba, Florence, 04/05/45, 04/26/45, 05/17/45, 06/28/45
Albanese, Licia, 12/18/49, 12/23/51
Alberghetti, Anna Maria, 10/24/51,
11/07/51, 11/14/51, 03/21/52, 03/26/52
Albert, Eddie, 07/11/40, 03/14/47
Albertson, Frankie, 07/03/29, 07/12/36, 10/05/39, 02/15/40
Aldridge, Kay, 12/17/42
Alexander, Jeff, 04/09/48, 05/10/49, 06/21/49, 06/23/50
Alias Jesse James (movie), 10/00/58, 03/20/59
Allan, Elizabeth, 07/08/36
Allen, Fred, 05/00/29, 12/24/42, 05/00/47, 06/04/47, 05/11/47, 05/29/47, 10/01/47,
04/28/48, 05/18/48, 05/23/48, 06/02/48, 02/08/50, 04/20/50, 05/17/50
Allen, Judith, 07/03/33
Allen, Steve, 09/06/49, 02/27/62, 06/24/62
Allentown (Pa.), 01/30/28, 01/10/29
Alliss, Peter, 08/23/76
All-Star Bond Rally, The (film short), 02/00/45
Alsop, Kenneth, 08/03/61
Altoona (Pa.), 02/20/28
Ameche, Don, 08/05/37, 06/14/39, 12/16/39, 12/30/39, 03/27/41, 04/24/41,
07/31/41, 05/30/42, 06/11/42, 12/25/44, 07/14/46, 01/25/67, 05/13/67
American Federation of Musicians, 08/01/42, 09/18/43
The American Sportsman (TV series), 02/06/66, 08/30/66, 09/14/66,
01/29/67, 08/04/67, 01/28/68, 03/09/69, 07/00/69, 02/08/70, 04/12/70, 03/28/71,
09/00/71, 01/09/72, 03/26/72, 02/04/73, 06/00/73, 02/10/74, 02/24/74, 01/19/75, 01/00/76, 04/18/76,
Ames, Adrienne, 05/19/38
Amos ‘n’ Andy, 11/01/31, 01/22/39, 10/03/51, 10/09/52, 02/14/54, 11/22/54
Ampex Company, 08/10/47, 12/18/47, 02/25/48, 03/31/48
Amsterdam, Morey, 11/18/68, 02/14/69
Anders, Laurie, 06/27/51
Anderson, Eddie (see ‘Rochester’)
Anderson, Lynn, 04/12/76
Anderson, Marian, 02/22/45
Anderson, Maxwell, 09/24/59
Anderson, R. Alex, 01/10/36
Andrews, Dana, 02/28/47
Andrews, Eamonn, 10/14/61, 06/27/65, 06/04/67
Andrews, Julie, 11/07/55, 11/11/56, 06/15/76
The Andrews Sisters, 09/20/39, 06/07/40, 12/24/42, 09/29/43, 06/30/44,
07/15/44, 07/25/44, 10/14/44, 11/22/44, 12/08/44, 12/16/44, 12/31/44, 01/25/45,
02/15/45, 04/20/45, 05/16/45, 06/29/45, 07/03/45, 02/27/46, 05/10/46, 12/30/46,
02/11/47, 02/26/47, 03/19/47, 03/26/47, 05/29/47, 11/25/47, 12/17/47, 12/25/48,
04/14/49, 05/10/49, 11/25/49, 01/26/50, 02/14/50, 02/22/50, 03/23/50, 03/24/50,
03/29/50, 09/07/50, 02/01/51, 02/06/51, 02/08/51, 02/28/51, 02/21/52, 09/05/52,
Angel, Heather, 02/17/38
Angelos, Bill, 04/13/70, 12/16/70, 01/23/71, 12/10/72, 03/15/73, 11/03/74
Angels in the Outfield (movie), 06/00/51
Angels of Mercy (film short), 11/00/41, 12/05/41
Angelus, Muriel, 08/01/40
Anka, Paul, 03/20/77, 04/25/77
Annabella, 11/30/39, 05/02/40
Antoine, Josephine, 10/22/36
Ann-Margret, 07/06/65
Anything Goes (1936 movie), 09/00/35, 01/23/36
Anything Goes (1956 movie), 03/00/55, 04/00/55, 04/09/55, 05/02/55,
05/23/55, 06/01/55, 01/06/56, 03/21/56
Archer, George, 01/23/69
Archerd, Army, 02/26/70
Arden, Eve, 10/29/42, 09/05/55
Arden, Toni, 10/24/50, 11/06/50, 11/15/50, 12/30/50, 01/13/51, 01/17/51, 01/20/51,
01/24/51, 01/31/51, 12/05/51, 03/28/54, 04/25/54, 04/07/54, 05/16/54
The Aristokats, 04/08/50
Arlen, Harold, 09/24/61
Arlen, Richard, 02/04/30, 04/03/33, 04/21/33, 05/29/33, 08/03/33, 09/02/33,
09/20/33, 10/08/33, 11/04/33, 03/01/34, 09/22/34, 11/02/34, 11/25/34, 03/17/35, 02/06/37, 04/00/37,
01/15/38, 06/00/38, 06/12/38, 01/28/39, 10/01/39, 12/24/39, 01/26/40, 06/30/40, 01/31/42, 01/29/44, 01/10/47, 01/14/49, 01/13/50, 01/11/52, 01/14/55, 01/13/56, 01/11/57,
Armbruster, Robert, 02/05/45, 05/16/49
Armour, Tommy, 05/06/42, 09/10/42, 09/11/42, 11/22/56
Armstrong, Louis, 12/00/26, 07/06/36, 08/13/36, 08/17/36, 10/13/37,
12/30/37, 02/21/49, 03/16/49, 01/18/50, 01/25/50, 12/14/50, 12/27/50, 12/30/50, 01/09/51,
01/17/51, 04/07/51, 04/11/51, 04/19/51, 04/25/51, 04/30/51, 05/23/51, 11/28/51, 05/27/55, 01/06/56,
01/18/56, 01/23/56, 11/11/56, 10/13/57, 00/11/58, 09/29/59, 12/08/59, 06/28/60, 09/14/65, 09/25/65,
10/29/66, 04/01/67, 05/00/68, 02/06/69, 11/05/70, 01/20/71, 01/23/71, 02/10/71, 04/02/71, 07/06/71, 08/23/72, 06/02/76
Armstrong, Robert, 11/19/36,
Arnaz, Desi, 08/00/37, 05/05/42, 10/08/42, 10/01/46, 12/24/46, 04/12/56, 04/26/56,
01/21/58, 01/15/59, 03/15/59, 01/24/60, 01/17/63, 03/24/67, 04/00/71
Arnheim, Gus, 07/14/30, 07/15/30, 10/29/30,
11/25/30, 12/31/30, 01/19/31, 03/02/31, 03/17/31, 04/16/31, 04/21/31, 05/01/31,
04/15/33, 11/19/33, 01/15/34, 06/26/35
Arnold, Edward, 12/02/37, 12/01/38, 03/20/41, 02/01/45
Arrowhead Springs (Calif.), 05/11/40, 11/01/43
Artane Boys Band, 09/15/61, 09/18/61, 07/11/76, 07/12/76
Arthur, Jean, 06/25/36, 07/09/36
ASCAP, 05/23/41, 10/30/41, 06/23/57
Askey, Arthur, 12/22/45
Aspel, Michael, 07/18/75
Association, The, 08/31/67
Astaire, Fred, 02/06/37, 03/04/37, 05/28/37, 11/00/41, 05/27/42, 06/25/42,
08/26/42, 11/04/42, 02/08/44, 08/31/44, 09/05/44, 09/07/44, 09/27/44, 10/01/44, 12/06/44, 07/12/45,
07/24/46, 04/07/48, 12/24/50, 01/03/51, 04/21/51, 05/09/51, 01/30/52,
02/06/52, 02/11/53, 05/08/55, 07/13/75–07/15/75, 11/13/75, 11/20/75, 12/03/75
Astor, Mary, 12/17/36, 06/02/38
Atkinson, Gord, 08/14/45, 10/18/48, 01/09/50, 10/24/51, 10/29/60, 12/04/65, 02/14/70,
12/20/71, 11/28/73, 02/15/74, 07/15/74, 31/10/74, 01/09/76, 01/12/76, 01/19/76, 05/24/76, 09/19/76, 05/06/77, 07/11/77
Atlanta (Ga.), 05/07/43, 05/29/43, 04/11/60
At My Time of Life (LP album), 02/18/75
Auer, Mischa, 03/04/37, 04/29/37, 03/03/38, 12/19/38, 02/10/44
Auger, Claudine, 04/20/66
Augusta (Ga.), 04/04/57, 04/07/60
Aurandt, Dick, 03/09/45, 05/11/45, 11/04/54
Auroratone (Music in Color), 06/00/44
Austin, Gene, 01/20/34
Austria (Europe), 09/20/60
Autry, Gene, 12/25/48, 02/15/53
The Avalon Boys, 05/21/36
Avalon, Frankie, 12/28/64, 02/22/65, 01/19/67, 01/11/68, 01/22/70
Aylesworth, John, 02/29/60
Ayres, Lew, 06/26/32, 08/13/32, 04/26/33, 01/06/40, 02/06/41, 04/05/41,
Ayres, Mitchell, 03/16/60, 01/16/65, 09/18/65, 09/25/65, 07/31/66, 09/28/68, 10/23/68,
Aznavour, Charles, 12/31/66
Bacall, Lauren, 12/16/44, 02/02/52, 02/13/52, 02/27/52, 03/12/52
Baccaloni, Salvatore, 11/06/41
Backus, Jim, 02/25/53, 10/24/59, 01/19/61, 01/18/62, 01/17/63, 11/11/63, 01/16/64, 09/20/64, 01/21/65, 01/20/66, 01/19/67, 01/11/68
Bacon, Lloyd, 09/23/34, 06/00/38
Baecker, Werner, 12/00/76
Baer, Max, 01/09/53, 01/14/71, 01/13/72
Bailey, Buck, 08/19/49
Mildred, 11/00/25, 08/03/29, 08/06/29, 08/27/29, 09/10/29, 10/01/29,
10/15/29, 12/17/29, 01/07/30, 01/14/30, 01/21/30, 01/28/30, 03/25/30,
01/06/40, 03/25/50,
04/01/30, 04/12/50, 12/12/51
Bailey, Pearl, 12/30/62, 02/11/68, 11/05/70, 01/23/71, 07/06/71, 02/27/72,
08/10/74, 10/09/74, 03/20/77
Bainter, Fay, 11/04/37, 07/21/38,
12/21/39, 02/27/41, 12/25/41, 12/24/42
Baiocchi, Hugh, 08/10/76
Baird, Eugenie, 11/09/44, 12/07/44, 02/01/45, 06/28/45, 03/06/51, 01/11/54,
Baja California (see also “La Paz” and “Las Cruces”), 04/00/59,
04/00/61, 01/19/68
Baker, C. Graham, 02/05/40
Baker, Josephine, 05/20/53
Baker, Stanley, 07/05/75
Bakewell, Joan, 06/30/65, 07/07/65
Balaban, Barney, 05/05/48
Ball, Lucille, 06/08/39, 11/09/39, 04/11/40, 01/22/42, 04/01/43, 10/07/43, 12/09/43, 03/02/44, 09/20/64, 05/26/48, 06/24/62, 10/24/62, 01/17/63, 12/14/64, 10/02/76
Ballantine, Carl, 09/14/65
Ballesteros, Seve, 08/10/76
Baltimore (Md.), 12/19/27, 12/23/32
Bampton, Rose, 05/28/36, 07/16/36, 01/21/37, 04/22/37, 01/20/38,
05/19/38, 11/17/38, 03/02/39
The Bando Da Lua, 02/05/51
Banff Springs (Alberta, Canada), 07/07/59, 07/12/60
Bankhead, Tallulah, 12/03/50, 02/10/51, 02/21/51
Banks, Marilyn, 10/30/54
Banks, Mary, 05/02/54, 05/18/54, 10/23/57
Banks, Norman, 06/00/69
Barbados (Caribbean) 09/03/41
Barbeau, Adrienne, 10/1575
Barber, Mary I., 03/12/42
Barberot, Pat, 09/10/76
Barbour, Dave, 02/25/47, 06/08/51
Barbour, John, 12/11/75
Barclay, McLelland, 06/03/37
Bardot, Brigitte, 02/14/64
Barere, Simon. 12/16/37
Bargy, Roy, 03/14/29, 05/24/29, 02/21/47, 11/05/47,
Barkley, Alben W. (Vice President), 03/31/50
Bari, Lynn, 07/21/44
Barnes, Binnie, 04/02/36, 07/12/36, 04/28/38, 03/21/53
Barnes, George, 05/14/47
Barnes, Ken, 09/09/74, 10/00/74, 10/13/74, 10/17/74, 02/18/75, 07/13/75,
06/21/76, 10/29/76, 09/12/77
Barrere, Georges, 04/28/38, 12/28/39
Barrett, Judith, 09/07/41
Barrie, Wendy, 05/11/39, 10/05/39, 06/13/40, 11/27/41
Barrios, Valentin, 10/14/77
Barris, Harry, 04/00/27–07/00/31, 11/22/31, 03/13/33, 03/10/34,
04/15/37, 04/26/37, 04/00/38, 04/00/41, 11/00/41, 10/28/42, 07/04/43, 05/01/44,
Barrymore, Dolores Costello, 07/30/36
Barrymore, Ethel, 10/05/33, 12/19/48, 08/15/49, 12/08/49,
12/21/49, 10/22/51, 11/21/54
Barrymore, John, 03/29/28, 01/22/34, 01/16/36, 04/01/37
Barrymore, Lionel, 03/06/41, 12/16/42, 12/24/43, 04/05/45, 12/25/48,
01/21/50, 04/28/51, 11/21/54
Bartell, Dick, 01/22/50
Bartholomew, Freddie, 03/04/37, 05/25/39
Bartlett, Ethel, 02/03/38
Basehart, Richard, 08/29/64
Basie, Count, 08/08/45, 02/29/72, 03/14/72–03/16/72
Bassler, Harry, 06/20/33, 11/02/33,
12/14/33, 07/12/34, 08/00/34, 03/24/41
Bates, Florence, 04/28/51
Bauer, Hank, 11/27/41
Bauer, Harold, 11/19/36
Baxter, Anne 12/18/51
Baxter, Billy, 02/18/77
Baxter, Stanley, 09/05/77
Baxter, Warner, 07/17/41, 10/30/41, 04/10/50
Baylos, Gene, 04/20/68
Bay Meadows Racetrack, San Mateo, 10/25/37, 03/26/38, 10/06/42
Beach Boys, The,
Beane, Abraham, 12/06/76
Beautiful Memories (LP album), 10/19/76
Becerra, Jose, 02/24/60
Beemer, Brace, 11/21/47, 01/07/48
Beiderbecke, Bix, 08/14/27, 10/23/27, 10/29/27, 11/07/27, 11/23/27,
05/00/29, 08/03/29, 09/06/29, 09/13/29, 08/06/31
Belgium (Europe), 04/19/50
Bell, Art, 02/21/43, 09/22/57
Bell, Max,
Bellamy, Ralph, 12/16/37, 04/21/38, 10/27/38, 03/23/39, 04/08/39,
01/15/40, 02/08/40, 06/13/40, 04/25/47
Bellarmine Academy (San Jose), 09/00/47, 10/07/48, 09/00/48, 10/09/48,
10/10/48, 06/09/51, 06/07/52, 09/00/72, 09/00/74, 09/00/75, 06/00/76
The Bell Sisters, 02/13/52, 02/27/52, 04/02/52, 04/05/52, 04/09/52, 04/16/52,
04/20/52, 04/23/52, 09/03/52, 10/16/52, 03/14/53, 04/30/53, 02/05/55
Bellson, Louis, 09/21/75
The Bells of St. Mary’s (movie), 03/30/44, 02/26/45, 09/10/45, 12/06/45,
01/25/46, 02/00/46, 03/07/46, 08/26/46, 10/06/47
The Bell Telephone Hour, 07/02/45, 10/06/64
Benchley, Robert, 08/05/37, 09/02/43, 09/16/44
Bendix, William, 01/27/44, 12/00/46, 10/22/47, 12/27/47
Bennett, Constance, 06/24/37, 01/06/38
Joan, 11/00/34, 02/12/35, 06/00/35, 07/20/35, 08/20/36, 03/28/38,
10/20/38, 03/02/39, 11/02/39, 12/30/39, 02/22/40, 05/05/42,
Bennett, Tony, 12/00/38, 06/12/76
Benny, Jack, 10/15/28, 10/18/28, 05/08/32, 03/12/33, 06/26/35, 11/11/35, 06/00/36, 01/07/37,
02/16/37, 05/29/37, 04/21/38, 07/20/38, 12/26/38, 05/02/39, 12/16/39. 12/30/39, 01/20/40, 12/27/40,
12/31/41, 12/24/42, 12/25/43, 06/17/44, 11/23/44, 12/25/44, 12/29/44, 12/31/44, 09/22/45,
08/15/46, 03/11/47, 03/16/47, 03/26/47, 03/31/47, 05/29/47, 11/22/47, 12/29/47, 03/03/48,
04/04/48, 05/01/48, 10/04/48, 09/21/49, 02/25/50, 08/20/50, 02/04/51, 01/31/53, 02/04/53, 02/12/53,
02/15/53, 03/10/53, 11/28/53, 01/03/54, 01/22/54, 03/21/54, 07/18/54, 07/19/54, 11/22/54, 11/05/55,
03/13/61, 09/25/63, 06/24/62, 11/24/63, 12/13/63, 12/15/65, 01/11/69, 12/26/74
Bentsen, Calvin, 09/17/71, 12/11/75
Berg, Patty, 01/19/41, 01/24/41, 03/15/61
Bergen, Edgar, 02/16/37, 08/05/37, 10/07/37, 10/20/38, 09/28/39,
01/06/40, 04/05/41, 10/30/41, 05/30/42, 12/24/42, 06/04/44, 12/06/44, 12/29/44, 11/22/47, 05/16/48, 11/03/48, 05/21/49, 11/17/49, 01/09/51,
02/04/58, 03/08/61, 12/24/61, 02/19/66, 05/02/68, 11/17/72
Bergen, Polly, 04/13/67
Bergeron, Vic (Trader Vic), 01/00/62, 10/27/62, 11/01/63, 12/13/63,
10/04/64, 05/00/65, 01/16/66, 12/24/66, 01/19/68, 04/12/68, 08/00/68, 03/00/69, 08/26/74
Bergman, Ingrid, 02/26/45, 03/07/46, 08/26/46, 10/06/47
Berkova, Sandra, 03/01/45
Berle, Milton, 03/10/33, 03/12/33, 10/08/42, 06/10/45,
10/20/58, 09/08/60, 03/13/61, 08/31/67, 01/13/68
Berlin, Irving, 02/01/30, 05/14/40, 11/00/41, 10/31/42, 03/04/43,
03/31/47, 05/07/47, 02/02/49, 06/09/50, 06/14/50, 10/04/54, 03/30/55, 04/03/58, 11/18/58, 12/22/64,
12/19/67, 02/10/68, 05/05/68, 12/07/76
Berman, Shelley, 05/21/66, 11/23/68, 02/14/69, 04/05/69
Bermuda, 09/17/38, 10/14/38
Bernhard, Prince, 04/00/71
Bernie, Ben, 03/24/34, 08/17/35
Bernier, Peggy, 10/18/26, 10/30/26, 11/06/26, 11/05/28
Berns, Seymour, 10/13/57
Berrey, Lester V., 03/19/42
Best, Edna, 05/30/40
Biarritz (Calif.), 03/14/42
The Big Broadcast (movie), 03/04/32, 07/05/32, 08/12/32, 10/14/32
The Big Broadcast of 1936 (movie), 04/17/36, 09/13/36, 09/14/36
Bilbow, Tony, 08/04/61
Billboard Girl (film short), 07/00/31, 03/20/32
Bing—A 50th Anniversary Gala (TV special), 03/20/77
Bing—A Musical Autobiography (5 LP album), 04/21/54,
04/24/54, 05/03/54, 06/16/54, 06/19/54
Bing and Carol—Together Again for the First Time (TV special), 10/14/69,
Bing and Louis (LP album), 06/28/60
Bing Crosby and Friends (stage show), 01/31/76, 03/17/76,
06/02/76, 06/21/76, 07/12/76, 07/15/76, 11/26/76, 02/18/77, 02/26/77, 09/22/77,
09/23/77, 09/26/77, 10/10/77
Bing Crosby and His Friends (TV specials), 01/26/72, 02/27/72, 08/10/74,
Bing Crosby and the Sounds of Christmas (TV special), 12/14/71
Bing Crosby Enterprises, 02/00/46, 08/15/46, 01/00/48, 08/00/48,
11/01/48, 03/21/50, 06/00/51, 11/12/51, 03/01/52, 03/04/52, 09/19/54, 12/00/54,
06/00/55, 08/31/56, 03/00/61, 02/04/62, 02/00/63, 04/00/63, 04/08/66, 09/09/66,
Bing Crosby Ice Cream, 03/01/52
Bing Crosby National Pro-Am, 01/10/47, 01/09/48, 01/14/49, 01/13/50,
01/12/51, 01/11/52, 01/09/53, 01/15/54, 01/14/55, 01/13/56, 01/11/57, 01/09/58,
04/21/58, 01/15/59, 01/21/60, 01/19/61, 01/18/62, 01/17/63, 01/16/64, 01/21/65,
01/20/66, 01/19/67, 01/11/68, 01/23/69, 01/22/70, 01/14/71, 01/13/72, 01/25/73,
01/03/74, 01/22/75, 01/22/76, 01/20/77
Bing Crosby on Broadway (stage show), 12/07/76
Bing Crosby—On the Happy Side (LP album), 04/30/62
Bing Crosby Open Golf International Classic (golf tournament at Guadalajara),
08/00/73, 03/15/74, 03/21/75
Bing Crosby Enterprises, 12/21/49
Bing Crosby Phonocards, 12/28/55, 05/00/57
Bing Crosby Productions, 04/00/46, 02/01/60, 10/02/61, 09/16/63,
09/21/64, 09/17/65, 09/22/67
Bing Crosby’s Christmas Show (TV show), 09/20/70, 12/16/70
The Bing Crosby Show (radio show), 11/22/54–12/31/56
The Bing Crosby Show (TV specials), 12/00/53, 01/03/54, 02/00/54, 04/25/54,
10/01/58, 03/02/59, 09/29/59, 01/11/60, 02/29/60, 10/05/60, 11/12/61, 12/11/61,
04/00/62,05/14/62, 12/12/62, 12/24/62, 09/29/63, 10/27/63, 11/07/63, 02/03/64,
The Bing Crosby Show (TV series—sitcom), 03/03/64, 03/27/64, 07/00/64,
08/03/64, 08/25/64, 09/14/64–04/19/65
The Bing Crosby Show for Chesterfield (see Chesterfield Show)
The Bing Crosby Show for General Electric (see General Electric Show)
Bing Crosby’s Merrie Olde Christmas (TV special),
09/06/77, 09/11/77
The Bing Crosby Special (TV show), 10/23/68
Bing Crosby’s Sun Valley Christmas Show (TV show), 02/00/73, 12/09/73
Bing Crosby’s White Christmas (TV special), 07/00/76,
Binghamton (N. Y.), 12/30/27, 09/05/42
Binglin Breeding Stables, 11/00/37
Bing ‘n’ Basie (LP album), 03/14/72–03/16/72
Bingo Crosbyana (cartoon), 05/30/36
Bingo Viejo (LP album), 06/23/75, 09/15/75, 01/25/77
Bing Presents Oreste (film short),
Bing’s Britain, (Documentary film), 08/26/76
Bing’s Hollywood (15 LP album set), 03/00/62
Bing Sings While Bregman Swings (LP album),
Bing’s Things Inc., 10/03/51, 03/23/55
Bing with a Beat (LP album), 02/19/57
Binyon, Claude, 09/18/34, 12/00/44
Birmingham (Ala.), 06/01/43
Birth of the Blues (movie), 04/00/41, 05/26/41, 10/31/41, 11/01/41,
11/07/41, 12/09/41, 09/13/43, 01/18/51
Bishop, Joey, 10/25/67
Black, Cilla, 06/27/65
Blackton, Jay, 01/22/46, 04/11/50
Blaine, Vivian, 08/00/51
Blair, Janet, 11/26/42, 12/24/42, 01/07/43, 01/14/43, 02/13/43, 12/22/43
Blalock, Jane, 03/15/74
Blanc, Mel, 06/19/43, 09/04/43, 09/10/43, 09/17/43, 09/24/43, 10/09/43,
10/15/43, 01/00/44, 02/18/44, 04/28/44, 05/19/44, 06/16/44, 07/14/44, 07/21/44,
11/17/44, 03/09/45, 05/11/45, 07/31/45, 02/04/53, 03/00/66, 10/05/75
Bloch, Ray, 11/21/56
Block, Martin, 12/19/50, 12/20/50
Blondell, Joan, 11/08/37, 12/19/38, 05/05/42, 07/01/42, 11/17/44,
Bloomingdale, Betty, 10/01/62
Blue, Ben, 01/01/66
Blue of the Night (film short), 07/02/32, 01/06/33
Blue Skies (movie), 03/04/45, 07/12/45, 08/14/45, 07/18/46,
07/24/46, 10/16/46, 03/13/47
Blue Skies Trailer Park, 03/13/55, 11/05/55
Blyth, Ann, 12/20/47, 04/18/48, 10/26/48, 12/00/48, 03/11/49, 07/26/49, 09/26/49, 12/18/49, 02/25/50, 04/09/50, 04/20/50, 12/23/51, 12/21/52, 04/11/53
Bogart, Humphrey, 06/17/37, 05/19/38, 01/26/39, 01/04/40, 03/21/40, 05/22/41,
11/27/41, 12/06/44, 02/02/52, 02/13/52, 02/27/52, 03/12/52
Boggs, Bill, 12/10/76
Boise (Idaho), 10/30/46, 07/29/50, 08/06/50
Boland, Mary, 06/00/35
Boles, John, 11/02/29, 11/05/29, 12/03/29, 03/18/30, 05/18/33, 01/13/34, 09/13/35
Bolger, Ray, 08/05/37, 07/06/45, 12/13/45, 01/15/59, 01/19/61, 01/17/63, 01/16/64, 01/21/65, 01/20/66, 01/19/67, 01/11/68, 01/27/70,
01/13/72, 03/05/76
Bonaventure Choir 08/06/56, 12/21/56
Bondi, Beulah, 05/05/38
Bonelli, Richard, 12/12/40
Boomer, Roy, 05/09/25
Boone, Pat, 11/28/56, 03/02/57, 07/04/58, 09/24/67, 01/11/68, 01/23/69, 01/22/70, 01/13/72, 01/23/75,
10/15/75, 11/12/75, 01/22/76, 01/20/77
Booth, Shirley, 02/14/54
Borge, Victor, 12/04/41, 01/01/42, 04/23/42,
10/01/42, 11/12/42, 02/04/43, 10/31/67, 02/18/69
Borzage, Frank, 06/26/32, 08/05/45,
01/10/47, 08/03/47, 01/14/49
Bostock, Godfrey, 08/11/76-08/13/76
Boston (Mass.), 09/25/27, 04/26/28, 05/06/32, 07/12/39, 09/28/40,
06/09/45, 12/18/45, 05/27/47, 04/23/48
Boswell, Connie, 01/21/32, 04/29/37, 05/06/37, 05/20/37, 05/23/37, 09/25/37,
10/19/37, 10/21/37, 10/22/37, 11/21/37, 11/30/37, 12/30/37, 01/26/38, 01/29/38, 04/00/38, 08/20/38,
01/22/39, 06/22/39, 12/15/39, 11/14/40, 12/13/40, 04/03/41, 10/30/41, 12/25/41,
01/01/42, 08/30/42, 02/16/44, 05/00/47, 06/04/47, 07/30/51, 09/06/52, 11/27/52,
06/20/74, 02/13/76, 03/04/76, 10/11/76
The Boswell Sisters, 07/12/30, 10/25/31, 11/01/31, 12/31/31, 01/15/32, 01/22/32,
02/06/32, 04/13/32, 07/05/32, 09/18/34, 09/20/34, 09/25/34, 10/02/34, 10/09/34,
10/16/34, 10/23/34, 10/30/34, 11/06/34, 11/13/34, 11/20/34, 11/27/34, 12/04/34,
Botkin, Perry, 03/07/39, 03/23/40, 05/02/41, 06/17/44,
09/19/48, 10/00/48, 03/22/49, 04/15/49, 10/26/49, 04/12/50, 07/30/51, 01/09/52, 02/19/52, 03/00/52,
06/17/52, 02/00/53, 02/10/53, 11/14/53
Bough, Frank, 08/00/75, 09/28/77
Boulder (Colo.), 07/14/65
Bourne, Charles, 12/25/34, 01/30/36
Bowen, Jimmy, 11/21/68, 11/25/68
Bower, “Bugs,” 02/09/68, 02/12/68
Bowie, David, 09/06/77, 09/11/77
Bowman, Lee, 03/14/47
Boyd, Bud, 07/17/69
Boyd, Jimmy, 02/07/53, 02/15/53, 03/05/53, 03/12/53, 05/14/53, 10/12/64
Boyd, William (Hopalong Cassidy), 05/09/40, 06/05/41, 12/03/49, 12/07/49, 12/00/49, 03/02/50, 03/22/50, 12/09/50, 12/13/50, 12/24/50, 01/12/51, 03/31/51, 04/04/51, 12/19/51, 01/02/52, 01/11/52, 01/13/56, 01/11/57, 01/21/60, 01/19/61, 01/18/62, 01/17/63, 01/16/64, 01/21/65, 01/20/66, 01/19/67, 01/11/68, 01/23/69, 01/22/70, 01/14/71, 01/13/72
Boyer, Charles, 11/28/40, 01/24/41, 10/21/41, 05/05/42, 06/14/44, 03/21/53
Boysson, Ghislaine
de, 12/24/52, 10/20/53, 06/05/54
Bracken, Eddie, 03/06/41, 06/20/42, 03/11/43, 06/17/43, 07/00/44,
Brackett, Charles, 02/01/46, 11/27/46
Braden, Bernard, 11/05/61
Bradley, Grace, 09/22/35
Bradley, Omar (General), 09/00/44, 05/18/47, 01/15/54, 01/14/55, 01/13/56, 01/11/57
Bradley, Oscar, 02/05/39, 12/10/39, 02/23/41, 03/08/42
Bradley, Vi, 04/00/37
Bradna, Olympe, 11/11/37
Brady, William A., 02/27/36
Braggiotti, Mario, 11/23/39, 11/21/40
Brailowsky, Alex, 03/05/36
Brando, Marlon, 03/30/55
Breaux, Marc, 10/23/68, 06/16/69, 10/11/69
Breen, Joseph, 11/11/35, 01/15/36
Bregman, Buddy, 06/11/56, 09/20/66
Brendel, El, 02/00/40
Breneman, Tom, 03/03/48, 05/01/48
Brennan, Bridget, 06/25/65, 04/01/73, 04/12/73, 04/26/73
Brennan, Walter, 03/25/37
Brenner, David, 09/04/75
Brent, George, 03/24/38
The Brewer Kids, 11/21/40
Brewer, Teresa, 04/21/51, 04/30/51, 05/09/51, 05/23/51, 06/13/51, 06/20/51,
05/11/52, 05/14/52, 06/24/62
Brian, Mary, 04/21/33
Brice, Fanny, 07/27/26, 08/05/37, 11/11/37, 01/20/40, 05/30/42, 06/19/43
Brigadoon, 04/14/48, 06/20/48
Brighton (England), 10/10/77
Brilhart, Arnold, 01/04/33,
Bring, Lou, 12/16/43, 10/16/47, 01/15/48
Brion, Guy, 05/30/51
British Amateur Open Golf Tournament, 05/22/50
Brito, Phil, 08/14/45
Britt, May, 01/02/76
Brodel, Joan, 01/04/40
Brodel, Mary, 06/01/39
Brodie, John, 03/14/65
Broekman, David, 01/00/44
Brokenshire, Norman, 01/04/33
Brook, Clive, 09/19/33, 04/09/34
Brooks, Joe, 05/00/65, 02/06/66, 08/30/68, 01/29/69
Brooklyn (N.Y.C.), 03/02/29, 02/12/32–03/18/32, 01/14/33, 03/17/33
Brophy, Ed, 11/12/42, 06/24/43
Brown, Cleo, 02/06/36
Brown, Francis, 06/04/54, 06/05/54, 05/07/55, 10/15/55, 05/28/57, 06/28/62, 07/08/62, 07/17/62, 07/18/62, 11/21/62, 01/22/63
Brown, Joe E., 11/11/35, 11/12/35, 01/23/36, 08/22/36, 10/22/36, 02/00/38,
06/25/43, 04/22/46, 12/23/49
Brown, Johnny Mack, 04/26/33, 12/29/37
Brown, Kenneth, 12/21/39
Brown, Kenyon, 08/01/51, 12/31/55, 05/27/57
Brown, Les, 12/16/43, 11/15/49, 03/21/50, 10/02/51, 06/21/54, 10/24/62,
11/11/63, 12/13/63, 11/16/66, 04/13/67, 02/11/68, 11/06/69, 11/16/70, 02/15/71, 09/07/71,
10/07/71, 04/12/76
Browne, Roscoe Lee, 11/29/70
Brox, Bobbe, 05/00/27, 11/02/29, 12/16/26m 11/28/53
Brox Sisters, 12/16/26, 05/00/27
Bruce, Nigel, 02/16/39, 07/04/40, 03/19/42,
Bruce, Virginia, 03/26/36, 06/11/36, 07/12/36, 04/04/40,
07/11/40, 01/30/41, 04/24/41
Bruni, Sergio, 03/31/54
Bryan, Arthur Q,. 09/26/49
Bryan, Jane, 12/15/38
Bubbles, John. W., 12/11/31, 11/14/65, 11/20/65
Buchanan, Edgar, 11/12/42, 12/17/42, 02/11/43
Buchanan, Jack, 05/00/26, 08/31/44, 09/21/52, 01/04/53
Budge, Donald,
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 09/16/41, 06/03/70
Buffalo (N. Y.),
Bulla, Johnny, 05/15/49
Burke, Hilda, 01/11/40
Burke, Jackie, 01/13/50, 01/02/58, 01/23/58
Johnny, 07/06/36, 10/19/37, 04/00/38, 08/30/39, 01/10/40,
01/20/41, 01/24/41, 09/07/41, 01/11/42, 02/20/42, 07/00/42, 01/03/43,
03/06/43, 03/09/43, 03/00/44, 12/01/45, 12/31/45, 01/28/46,
02/01/46, 10/22/47, 10/00/48, 12/14/50, 11/03/52, 02/13/53, 03/12/53,
Burke, Sonny, 01/03/50, 09/08/50, 09/21/50, 06/24/52, 09/28/65, 11/16/70, 06/08/73
Burkemo, Walter, 04/22/58, 04/23/58
Burnett, Carol, 09/25/63, 10/14/69, 11/10/69, 11/22/69, 12/18/69,
10/22/71, 11/03/71, 02/27/72
Burns and Allen, 01/15/32, 03/25/32, 04/08/32, 07/05/32, 12/03/32, 01/29/34,
03/00/34, 03/24/34, 01/26/35, 06/26/35, 06/00/36, 09/16/36, 01/22/39, 10/02/39,
01/20/40, 06/04/44, 03/31/47, 11/30/47, 12/04/47, 01/21/48, 12/25/48
Burns & Schreiber, 09/18/65, 12/31/66
Burns, Bob, 12/05/35, 12/26/35, 01/02/36, 03/12/36, 04/02/36, 04/04/36,
05/21/36, 07/29/36, 08/02/36, 12/17/36, 12/19/36, 01/07/37, 05/16/37, 07/03/37, 10/07/37, 10/19/37, 11/26/37, 12/29/37,
01/15/38, 03/10/38, 10/20/38, 02/23/39, 09/28/39, 03/14/40, 05/02/40, 11/14/40,
04/03/41, 07/03/41, 07/10/41, 05/30/42, 04/01/43, 09/22/45, 02/02/49, 02/16/49, 01/27/52,
01/30/52, 02/02/56
Burns, George, 04/21/38, 11/28/47, 01/14/48, 03/21/54, 11/05/55,
01/16/65, 07/29/66, 09/17/66, 02/17/69
Burrows, Abe, 01/03/49, 01/26/49, 02/07/49, 02/23/49, 03/21/49,
04/27/49, 09/19/49, 09/21/49, 10/12/49, 09/24/49, 09/28/49, 30/6/53
Bushkin, Joe, 11/00/40, 01/16/46, 02/14/58, 09/29/59, 04/20/68,
11/20/75, 01/21/76, 03/17/76, 11/26/76, 12/07/76, 09/21/76, 02/18/77, 02/26/77,
08/27/77, 09/22/77–10/04/77
Busse, Henry, 04/13/27, 05/07/35
Butler, David, 06/26/32, 01/18/36, 12/14/38, 12/19/38, 05/00/39, 02/00/40,
04/13/40, 05/05/40, 05/16/40, 09/07/41, 01/11/42, 02/24/42, 11/22/47, 01/03/72
Butler, Frank, 02/05/39, 03/04/43, 03/15/45
Butlin, Billy, 09/09/61
Butterworth, Charles, 01/13/34, 03/24/34, 04/15/34, 08/05/37, 11/02/39
Butterworth, Donna, 01/01/66
Buttons, Red, 06/24/62, 07/06/65, 04/01/67
Buttram, Pat, 03/14/76
Byers, Billy, 06/08/73, 11/26/76, 12/07/76, 02/18/77, 02/26/77
Bygraves, Max, 09/24/72, 08/23/76
Byington, Spring, 02/03/38, 01/12/39,
Byner, John, 12/21/68, 03/15/73, 12/09/73
Byrd, Harry Jr. 04/30/48, 04/30/76
Byrd, Richard E. (Admiral), 07/05/40
Cabot, Bruce, 12/10/36, 01/28/39, 05/04/39
Caesar, Sid, 07/28/66,
07/29/66, 09/17/66, 11/26/66, 03/01/68, 04/20/68, 09/20/68, 09/28/68
Caffrey, Francis J. (Father), 00/02/55
Cagney, James, 06/26/32, 01/13/34, 11/11/35, 02/25/37, 01/29/38, 06/00/38,
05/05/42, 08/30/42, 12/06/44
Cahn, Sammy,
01/11/42, 03/02/59, 05/20/60, 07/31/61, 08/26/61, 06/12/76
Calgary (Alberta, Canada), 07/05/59, 11/08/59, 07/09/60
California Melodies (radio program), 10/15/30, 11/12/30, 07/10/32,
07/31/32, 08/07/32, 09/24/32, 06/06/33, 07/04/33, 07/25/33, 09/19/33
California Seals, 03/14/65
Calleia, Joseph, 03/02/39
Call Me Lucky (autobiography), 08/00/52, 11/00/52,
Calloway, Cab, 12/27/31, 04/03/32
Calvet, Corinne, 04/12/47
Camarata, 05/14/36, 07/03/37, 10/13/44, 12/18/45,
12/31/45, 02/14/52, 10/13/57
Camarillo Street house, 09/18/35, 06/01/36, 06/00/36, 04/11/42,
10/25/42, 01/03/43
Camden (N. J.), 08/16/27, 01/27/28
Campbell, Glen, 10/29/63, 12/12/68, 12/21/68, 01/22/70, 10/05/71, 01/13/72, 01/25/73, 01/03/74, 01/23/75, 01/22/76, 01/20/77
Campbell, Norman, 07/08/76
Campbell, Patrick, 06/27/65
Campi, Ray, 11/24/72
Camp Carson (Colo.), 08/13/42
Camp Lewis (Wash.), 08/04/42–08/06/42
Canaan (Conn.), 08/00/64
Cancel My Reservation (movie), 02/00/72, 09/21/72
Candelaria, John, 08/10/76
Candido, Candy, 02/21/47, 11/05/47, 02/04/49
Canova, Judy, 10/22/42
Cantinflas, 06/15/60
Canton (Ohio), 11/30/27, 10/18/28
Cantor, Eddie, 07/27/26, 02/05/29, 11/15/31, 08/27/33, 06/00/36,
02/16/37, 08/05/37, 01/26/38, 01/22/39, 12/16/39. 01/30/40, 01/24/42, 04/09/44, 11/23/44, 12/01/45,
01/21/46, 05/26/48, 10/28/49, 11/28/53
Capitol Records, 03/15/57, 10/21/63, 10/29/63, 11/00/63, 08/15/64, 12/03/64
Capra, Frank, 08/28/38, 03/09/49, 04/10/50, 12/14/50, 10/19/59
Carey, Harry, 02/02/39, 11/30/39
Carey, Macdonald, 12/18/49, 10/26/64
Carl, George, 02/14/69, 04/05/69
Carle, Frankie, 03/22/45
Carlisle, Kitty, 04/00/34, 08/27/34, 11/27/34
Carlisle, Mary, 04/03/33, 04/26/37, 07/03/37, 10/13/37, 10/19/37, 10/21/37, 11/07/37, 11/10/37, 07/07/38
Carmichael, Hoagy, 11/18/27, 08/28/29, 08/19/31, 03/23/40, 04/06/48, 09/23/51,
10/03/51, 01/12/52, 03/20/52, 01/14/55, 01/13/56, 11/29/71
Carmichael, Ralph, 10/21/63
Carne, Judy, 01/04/69
Carney, Art, 09/15/69, 10/04/69
Carney, Jack, 03/00/68
Carol, Sue, 09/29/30, 11/00/30, 06/13/32, 09/03/32, 03/03/33, 04/26/33, 05/18/33, 09/20/33, 01/18/36, 06/00/36, 10/30/36, 11/00/46, 01/03/51
Carpenter, Ken, 02/06/36, 10/01/37, 10/20/38, 12/25/38, 09/28/39,
05/02/40, 11/14/40, 04/03/41, 10/30/41, 11/27/41, 04/23/42, 10/01/42, 11/04/42,
06/17/43, 12/02/43, 02/07/46, 10/16/46, 10/01/47, 05/19/48, 09/29/48, 11/22/48,
09/21/49, 10/11/50, 10/03/51, 10/09/52, 09/27/53, 06/13/54, 11/21/75, 09/19/76
Carr, Nat, 05/27/30
Carr, Vikki, 12/28/64, 02/22/65, 11/26/66
Carrillo, Leo, 06/04/44
Carroll, Carroll, 03/03/36, 11/14/40, 08/15/46
Carroll, Diahann, 11/14/65, 11/20/65, 08/31/67
Carroll, Earl, 07/07/31, 12/26/38, 12/10/39, 12/24/44, 10/07/45, 04/21/46
Carroll, Georgia, 10/09/43, 10/15/43
Carroll, Joan, 08/26/46, 10/06/47
Carroll, John, 12/01/45
Carroll, Madeleine, 04/29/37, 01/27/38, 01/25/40, 01/29/42, 03/18/42
Carroll, Rosemary, 07/02/56
Carson, Jack, 12/29/38, 12/24/42, 05/18/44, 02/01/45, 04/20/45
Carson, Johnny, 06/24/62, 01/10/64, 01/27/70, 07/06/71, 03/05/76
Carter, Jack, 06/24/62
Carter, Rosalynn, 10/12/77
Cash, Johnny, 01/27/70
Casper, Billy, 01/09/58, 10/29/60, 01/17/63, 01/16/67, 01/11/68
Cassado, Gaspar, 03/17/38, 02/01/40
The Cass County Boys, 04/26/51, 05/16/51, 07/30/51, 07/31/51, 06/17/52
Cassidy, Hopalong, (see William Boyd)
Cassini, Oleg, 11/12/56, 01/03/74, 01/23/75
Castagna, Bruna, 11/05/36
Catalina Island (Calif.), 08/00/33, 01/29/34, 07/00/34
Caulfield, Joan, 04/06/45, 05/07/45, 07/12/45, 10/04/45, 12/13/45, 12/29/45, 12/31/45, 03/00/46, 10/07/46
Cavalcade of America (radio series), 02/05/45
Cavallaro, Carmen, 04/26/45, 06/28/45,
08/07/45, 10/07/45, 06/04/47, 06/06/49
Cavett, Dick, 10/04/72
Cavett, Frank, 03/15/45
Chaliapin, Feodor, 06/04/36
Challis, Bill, 11/23/27, 01/10/28, 01/26/29
Champion, Gower, 02/07/50
Champion, Marge, 02/07/50
Chandler, A. B. (Happy), 12/14/38, 05/15/42, 05/17/42, 05/17/47, 06/04/49
Chandler, Jeff, 12/21/52
Chaney, Lon Jr., 01/25/40
Chaplin, Charles, 07/27/26, 03/29/28, 05/20/53
Chaplin, Saul, 03/27/57
The Charioteers, 10/01/42, 10/13/42, 12/24/42, 04/02/43, 06/17/43,
07/11/43, 12/02/43, 11/09/44, 02/01/45, 02/07/46, 10/16/46, 03/19/47
Charisse, Cyd, 01/16/65, 12/24/66
Charles, Prince of Wales, 08/02/75, 08/04/75
Charles, Ray, 03/16/60, 10/23/68, 12/14/71
Charlton, Bobby, 09/24/72, 07/05/75
Chattanooga (Tenn.), 06/01/43
Chatterton, Ruth, 10/15/36
Check and Double Check (movie), 08/26/30, 10/25/30
Cher, 01/01/66
Cherry, Don, 01/04/53, 01/09/53, 01/15/54, 01/14/55, 01/13/56, 01/15/59, 01/21/60, 01/19/61, 01/18/62, 01/20/66, 04/13/67, 01/11/68
Chesterfield Show (radio series), 09/21/49–06/25/52
Chevalier, Maurice, 02/06/29, 05/21/47, 12/24/56, 12/13/60, 03/20/61
Cheyenne (Wyo.), 08/10/42
Chicago (Ill.), 12/06/26, 11/07/27, 06/30/28, 09/02/28, 11/05/28,
05/28/29, 04/22/32, 05/20/32, 08/28/37, 10/14/38, 05/05/42, 09/00/42, 05/16/43,
06/02/43, 05/26/45, 04/06/47, 03/29/50, 03/00/53, 07/24/65, 08/00/65
Chiesa, Vivian Della, 02/08/45
Chiles, Linden. 09/16/63
A Christmas Sing with Bing,(long-playing album),
A Christmas Sing with Bing, (radio show),
Christmas with the Bing Crosbys (TV shows),
12/10/72, 11/00/74, 12/15/74
Christy, Ann, 07/00/31
Church Falls (Calif.), 06/16/55
Churchill, Randolph, 12/17/47
Churchill, Sarah, 12/24/56
Cincinnati (Ohio), 01/30/27, 10/16/27, 10/08/28, 09/15/42, 06/07/47,
Cinerama’s Russian Adventure (travelog),
Claire, Dorothy, 05/09/46
Claire, Marion, 02/04/37, 02/18/37, 03/31/38
Clark, Buddy, 03/22/49, 10/01/49
Clark, Don, 10/18/26
Clark, Mark (General), 04/06/48
Clark, Petula, 04/03/66, 02/15/71
Clark, Roy, 11/22/69, 03/26/76
Cleave, Nathan Van, 11/00/49, 05/08/52
Clemente, Roberto, 12/31/72, 02/00/73
Cleveland, Ohio, 01/10/27, 12/04/27, 08/20/28, 05/26/29, 05/27/45
Clooney, Rosemary, 08/00/51, 05/26/52, 06/11/52, 11/23/52, 12/04/52, 12/11/52,
01/03/53, 01/08/53, 01/09/53, 01/10/53, 01/14/53, 01/15/53, 01/22/53, 03/26/53,
04/02/53, 04/09/53, 04/23/53, 09/07/53, 09/20/53, 10/11/53, 10/18/53, 11/15/53,
11/22/53, 12/06/53, 03/28/54, 04/04/54, 04/18/54, 05/02/54, 04/07/54, 05/23/54,
04/02/55, 10/23/55, 12/24/56, 10/13/57, 03/00/58, 04/13/58, 07/28/58, 08/07/58, 08/11/58, 07/20/59,
12/08/59, 02/29/60, 08/29/60, 10/05/60, 11/15/60, 12/11/60, 12/13/60, 12/24/60, 03/13/61, 07/18/61, 08/05/61,
12/24/61, 05/26/62, 08/02/62, 01/17/63, 10/31/63, 11/11/63, 02/15/64, 08/15/64,
12/02/64, 02/02/65, 02/19/66, 03/17/76, 06/21/76, 07/01/76, 11/26/76, 12/07/76,
02/18/77, 02/26/77, 03/20/77, 09/22/77, 10/18/77
Clute, Chester, 05/08/41
Clyde, Andy, 02/06/37
Coates, Albert, 10/05/39
Cobb, Bob, 05/02/39
Cobb, Irving, 05/08/36
Cobb, Lee J., 02/20/68
Cobb, Ty, 03/12/37, 01/26/40
Coburn, Charles, 10/02/39, 11/00/49, 07/17/60
Cockermouth (Cumbria, England), 08/28/66,
09/14/66, 01/29/67
Cocoanut Grove (Hotel Ambassador), 07/15/30, 05/16/31, 06/01/31,
10/00/31, 01/08/39, 03/04/43, 09/29/51, 12/26/59
Coeur d’Alene - see Hayden Lake
Cohan, George M., 02/20/32, 05/08/32
Cohen, Alan, 07/20/76, 08/17/76
Cohen, Emanuel, 01/00/34, 10/12/34, 11/23/34, 07/06/36, 10/13/37
Colbert, Claudette, 05/05/42, 07/31/45, 12/01/45, 04/28/48, 09/06/48,
09/29/48, 04/17/49, 10/16/50, 10/25/50, 02/04/51, 05/08/55
Colby, Anita, 08/16/44
Cole, Buddy, 01/26/40, 09/13/45, 06/12/47, 08/10/47, 04/06/48, 09/19/48, 10/00/48,
06/01/49, 01/09/52, 01/03/54, 04/21/54, 04/24/54, 04/25/54, 05/03/54, 06/16/54, 06/19/54,
11/18/54, 11/22/54, 12/04/54, 03/02/55, 04/06/55, 06/09/55, 06/20/55, 08/25/55,
11/05/55, 11/22/55, 11/23/55, 12/29/55, 03/08/56, 03/14/56, 04/04/56, 06/18/56,
08/22/56, 10/03/56, 01/13/57, 09/02/57, 10/13/57, 12/31/57, 01/09/58, 04/03/58,
04/13/58, 07/28/58, 10/01/58, 01/15/59, 03/01/59, 02/29/60, 10/00/62, 01/17/63,
10/06/64, 11/05/64
Cole, Nat “King” (see also The King Cole Trio), 12/20/40, 02/08/51, 02/28/51,
03/07/54, 03/05/57,
Coleman, George, 09/17/42, 09/05/49, 09/10/49, 04/14/50, 04/25/50,
08/01/51, 12/31/55, 01/11/56, 05/27/57, 03/20/60, 04/04/60, 03/26/61, 01/25/63, 02/25/66, 03/16/68, 06/00/68, 02/01/69, 07/30/69, 01/00/71, 08/08/71, 02/00/72, 01/20/73
Colgate Comedy Hour (TV series), 01/04/53, 01/15/54
College Humor (movie), 11/22/32, 04/03/33, 05/11/33, 06/06/33,
06/12/33, 06/16/33, 06/19/33, 06/23/33, 06/00/33, 07/04/33
Colleran, Bill, 10/01/58, 03/02/59,
09/29/59, 10/19/59
Collier, William “Buster,” 12/30/29, 07/12/36, 06/00/57, 08/03/57, 08/16/57, 05/20/58, 06/26/58, 06/01/58,
06/07/58, 08/02/59, 08/16/59, 02/20/60, 07/08/60, 08/30/60, 09/02/60, 02/22/64, 05/00/64, 07/11/64, 02/13/65, 06/13/65, 05/11/66, 10/18/77
Collingwood, Charles, 06/23/61
Collins, Dorothy, 12/25/65, 12/31/66
Collins, Joan, 08/02/61, 09/14/61, 10/09/67
Collins, Pat, 12/03/76
Colonna, Jerry, 11/03/31, 11/04/37, 06/25/38, 03/23/40, 03/18/41, 05/05/42, 10/03/42, 01/26/43,
05/21/43, 09/21/43, 09/24/43, 10/15/43, 01/12/44, 01/00/44, 01/16/44, 02/15/44, 04/28/44,
05/19/44, 06/03/44, 06/29/44, 11/14/44, 12/14/44, 12/19/44, 12/29/44, 05/13/45, 05/28/45, 05/30/45,
06/16/45, 09/22/45, 02/28/46, 10/01/46, 11/20/46, 12/11/46, 12/24/46, 10/28/47,
01/11/52, 01/15/52
Colorado Springs (Colo.), 07/27/42, 06/09/43
Coltrin, Benny, 02/19/43, 02/21/43,
Columbia Records, 03/06/59
Columbo (TV series), 02/20/68
Columbo, Russ, 08/25/31, 09/02/31,
11/26/31, 12/04/31, 03/19/32, 10/08/33, 03/24/34, 09/02/34, 09/06/34
Columbus (Ohio), 11/29/27, 10/15/28, 04/13/47, 05/03/75, 05/24/76,
Command Performance (AFRS show), 06/11/42, 08/30/42, 10/13/42,
12/24/42, 12/28/42, 02/13/43, 02/24/43, 04/01/43, 06/19/43, 07/11/43, 08/28/43,
09/25/43, 12/18/43, 02/01/44, 04/15/44, 05/06/44, 06/03/44, 06/17/44, 07/15/44,
12/16/44, 02/01/45, 02/15/45, 03/08/45, 04/05/45, 04/26/45, 07/05/45, 08/14/45,
09/13/45, 02/27/46, 05/29/47, 03/02/48, 05/29/48
Como, Perry, 07/06/46, 07/12/47, 12/20/47, 12/19/48, 02/01/50, 03/29/50, 04/05/50, 04/13/50,
05/24/50, 12/00/50, 04/00/51, 11/21/54, 09/30/59, 01/10/60, 01/11/60, 02/29/60, 03/16/60, 03/00/60,
11/23/60, 06/00/70
Conacher, Charlie, 10/22/65, 10/23/65
Concord (Calif.), 08/16/77
Condon, Eddie, 11/24/45, 01/15/46, 01/16/46
Confessions of a Coed (movie), 04/00/31, 01/11/31
Conlon, Jud (see The Rhythmaires)
Conn, Billy, 07/24/41
Connally, John, 08/04/67
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, (movie), 10/22/47,
11/19/47, 04/07/49
Conner, Nadine, 12/17/36
Connery, Sean, 01/23/69, 08/22/76
Connolly, Walter, 04/22/37, 10/20/38, 06/15/39, 10/19/39
Conover, Willis, 08/28/58, 11/00/58
Conried, Hans, 02/23/41, 12/04/47
Considine, Mille. 11/20/56
Conte, John, 12/10/39, 12/09/45
Conway, Tim, 09/18/65, 01/14/67, 03/16/72
Cooke, Alistair, 06/02/76
Cooling It (TV show), 04/13/70
Cooper, Gary, 06/27/33, 08/03/33, 11/04/33, 01/00/34, 09/22/34,
06/00/36, 08/09/36, 08/22/36, 05/02/39, 06/17/44, 12/29/44, 03/15/45, 12/00/46, 08/10/47, 10/01/47,
05/26/48, 02/23/50, 03/08/50, 05/02/53, 05/20/53, 01/00/57, 04/09/59, 03/13/61, 05/13/61
Cooper, Harry, 01/04/38
Cooper, Henry, 08/23/76, 09/04/77
Cooper, Jackie, 04/22/32, 05/06/32, 01/30/35, 04/20/39, 09/28/39,
12/07/39, 12/27/40, 03/13/41
Coote, Robert, 03/16/39, 12/11/41
Copenhagen, (Denmark), 07/30/70
Corbett, Harry H., 06/27/65
Corcoran, Fred, 01/05/42, 09/12/42, 05/28/47, 09/21/65
Cord, Alex, 07/06/65
Corkery, F. E. (Father), 08/12/48,
03/21/49, 11/03/52, 12/16/52, 01/06/56, 01/09/64
Cornell, Lillian, 08/08/40, 08/16/40
Correll, Charles, 01/15/40
Cortez, Ricardo, 11/26/36
Cosby, Bill, 04/05/76
Coslow, Sam,
Costa, Mary, 12/11/69, 01/03/70, 09/24/71, 12/14/71
Cottrell, Jimmy, 06/07/77
Coughlan, Russ, 01/10/69
The Country Girl (movie), 02/00/54, 10/14/54, 12/15/54, 12/21/54,
12/23/54, 03/08/55, 03/30/55
A Couple of Song and Dance Men (LP album), 07/13/75–07/17/75
Coward, Noel, 10/21/41, 10/11/77
Cowerd, Mary Cook, 08/29/36
Craig, Nancy, 03/31/50
Crain, Jeanne, 05/08/55
Crampton, Bruce, 01/21/65
Crane, Bob, 12/25/65
Crane, Harry, 05/20/60
Crawford, Broderick, 11/19/42, 08/28/44
Crawford, Helen, 11/06/31, 12/04/31, 12/21/31
Crawford, Jesse, 11/06/31, 12/04/31
Crawford, Joan, 04/09/36, 03/07/46, 05/26/48, 02/14/54, 05/08/55, 03/26/61
The Cremo Singer (radio series), 11/03/31–02/27/32
Crenna, Richard, 09/21/64, 01/11/68
Crenshaw, Ben, 01/22/76
Crisp, Donald, 04/18/40, 12/19/40, 06/12/41, 11/20/41, 03/05/42,
Cronyn, Hume, 10/26/48
Crooks, Richard, 02/13/43, 02/16/44
Crosby, Bob (brother), 08/25/13, 09/07/13, 07/25/33, 02/18/34, 09/20/34, 10/28/37,
11/21/37, 11/30/37, 06/02/38, 10/14/38, 06/21/39, 01/06/40, 12/13/40, 12/16/40, 12/23/40, 11/00/41,
01/31/42, 03/25/42, 05/21/42, 05/25/42, 05/27/42, 06/25/42, 06/28/42, 12/16/43,
01/29/44, 01/30/44, 03/16/44, 04/17/44, 06/25/44, 07/14/46, 11/23/46, 12/17/46, 01/10/47, 12/01/48,
11/10/49, 11/16/49, 01/10/50, 02/09/50, 03/01/50, 08/14/50, 08/20/50, 11/06/50,
11/15/50, 01/03/51, 01/08/51, 01/10/51, 01/12/51, 10/27/51, 01/11/52, 02/20/52, 03/05/52, 05/21/52, 11/03/52,
02/15/53, 08/20/56, 01/11/57,
The Crosby Brothers, 06/25/59, 01/11/60, 04/00/60, 04/19/60, 05/25/60, 07/22/60,
08/29/60, 10/05/60, 11/23/60, 01/24/61, 02/04/61, 03/16/61, 04/26/61, 05/07/61,
05/14/61, 07/15/61, 07/26/61, 09/24/61, 01/29/62, 07/01/62
Crosby, Catherine Cordelia (sister, Mrs. Mullin), 03/17/24, 09/06/24, 10/03/04, 12/16/21, 05/06/22, 08/00/26, 06/18/27,
02/07/60, 05/27/74
Crosby, Catherine Helen (mother), 05/03/03, 06/01/11, 06/01/16,
11/22/26, 07/00/33, 10/08/33, 10/19/37, 10/21/37, 05/30/39, 08/21/39, 10/00/39, 04/01/40, 09/05/43, 10/15/50,
01/09/51, 11/03/52, 11/25/52, 11/11/58, 11/13/58, 02/07/60, 10/00/63, 01/07/64,
01/09/64, 01/23/64
Crosby, Cathy (niece), 06/21/39, 12/01/48, 11/10/49, 11/16/49, 02/20/52,
03/05/52, 03/00/58, 10/24/59, 11/07/59
Crosby, Chris (nephew), 01/20/63
Crosby, Denise, 01/04/61
Crosby, Dennis (son), 07/13/34, 04/00/35, 12/25/38, 09/08/39, 06/29/42,
09/16/44, 11/00/44, 12/04/44, 12/24/44, 03/08/45, 04/00/45, 06/06/45, 09/12/45,
05/17/46, 06/20/47, 02/26/48, 03/06/48, 03/07/48, 04/21/48, 06/23/48, 09/00/48, 09/29/48, 04/17/49,
06/00/49, 08/21/49, 03/15/50, 06/23/50, 08/01/50, 08/13/50, 09/06/50, 11/25/50,
12/20/50, 06/00/51, 07/30/51, 06/07/52, 09/00/52, 10/28/52, 11/25/52, 12/00/52,
08/00/53, 08/28/53, 06/00/54, 08/00/54, 12/21/54, 01/02/55, 01/03/55, 01/04/55, 05/07/55, 07/13/55,
02/00/56, 04/10/57, 04/18/57, 05/02/57, 109/10/57, 1/03/57, 05/04/58, 05/05/58, 09/15/58,
11/14/58, 12/22/58, 03/02/59, 06/18/59, 06/25/59, 07/28/59, 10/16/59, 12/03/59, 12/00/59, 03/27/60, 09/22/60, 12/31/60, 01/04/61, 03/09/61,
09/24/61, 01/27/62, 01/29/62, 12/07/62, 12/27/62, 09/06/63, 01/09/64, 07/03/64, 07/16/65, 06/07/68,
10/00/71, 10/18/77
Crosby, Dixie Lee (wife), 11/04/09, 07/03/29, 01/00/30, 09/29/30,
10/10/30, 11/00/30, 03/04/31, 03/15/31, 04/20/31, 07/00/31, 07/29/31, 04/13/32,
06/12/32, 09/03/32, 12/14/32, 02/02/33, 03/00/33, 04/02/33, 05/18/33, 08/21/33,
08/28/33, 09/02/33, 09/20/33, 10/02/33, 11/18/33, 01/10/34, 03/13/34, 03/18/34, 05/24/34,
07/13/34, 09/00/34, 10/29/34, 10/31/34, 12/08/34, 01/16/35, 01/00/35, 01/27/35,
03/11/35, 03/15/35, 04/17/35, 04/25/35, 07/06/35, 08/08/35, 09/13/35, 09/00/35,
09/29/35, 11/11/35, 11/12/35, 11/23/35, 11/30/35, 12/09/35, 01/25/36, 04/04/36,
05/16/36, 05/28/36, 05/30/36, 06/00/36, 07/04/36, 07/12/36, 08/19/36, 08/30/36, 12/06/36,
01/00/37, 03/19/37, 03/27/37, 04/00/37, 05/25/37, 06/05/37, 07/03/37, 12/31/37, 01/05/38, 02/00/38,
03/00/38, 06/00/38, 06/29/38, 08/12/38, 09/17/38, 10/17/38, 11/04/38, 12/14/38,
12/26/38, 01/00/39, 01/08/39, 01/15/39, 03/09/39, 03/11/39, 04/07/39, 04/22/39, 05/00/39,
01/06/40, 01/20/40, 01/23/40, 03/01/40, 03/23/40, 04/00/40, 05/11/40, 06/08/40,
06/23/40, 09/00/40, 11/00/40, 12/27/40, 01/21/41, 03/08/41, 07/03/41, 09/07/41,
09/15/41, 09/23/41, 09/28/41, 10/15/41, 01/11/42, 02/00/42, 03/14/42, 04/01/42, 07/15/42, 08/27/42,
04/17/43, 05/06/43, 05/00/43, 05/20/43, 06/02/43, 09/17/43, 10/13/43, 11/20/43,
01/09/45, 01/11/45, 03/15/45, 01/07/46, 04/06/46, 04/17/46, 05/17/46, 10/00/46, 00/00/47,
06/20/47, 11/01/47, 12/00/47, 12/31/47, 02/05/48, 02/26/48, 03/18/48, 04/14/48,
06/23/48, 10/00/48, 11/08/48, 03/04/49, 04/01/49, 04/06/49, 04/0/49, 03/00/50, 04/14/50, 05/08/50,
05/24/50, 06/20/50, 08/01/50, 09/29/50, 10/15/50, 11/25/50, 12/20/50, 01/03/51, 01/22/51,
03/01/51, 05/02/51, 06/01/51, 06/00/51, 08/07/51, 09/29/51, 11/29/51, 02/00/52, 04/14/52,
06/00/52, 06/18/52, 06/25/52, 07/21/52, 08/04/52, 08/31/52, 09/25/52,
11/00/52, 11/25/52, 12/27/52, 07/23/53, 11/08/54, 09/19/57, 04/01/59, 06/30/59, 12/16/72, 10/18/77
Edward J. (Ted) (brother), 09/06/24, 04/26/26, 05/18/34,
06/00/35, 03/26/37, 10/21/37, 10/22/37, 11/19/38, 06/21/41, 06/24/41, 09/05/43, 07/11/45, 03/08/46,
03/13/46, 04/00/46, 04/17/46, 04/25/46, 08/22/47, 07/20/52,
07/00/52, 02/18/59, 02/07/60, 01/02/64, 01/23/64, 07/00/68, 12/19/72,
Crosby, Everett (brother), 04/06/17, 01/23/20, 07/00/20, 11/00/25, 04/19/27, 05/11/30,
09/29/30, 07/00/31, 11/29/32, 03/03/33, 03/22/34, 05/12/34, 12/00/36, 10/21/37,
01/00/38, 04/18/38, 12/05/38, 12/08/38, 02/08/39, 05/09/39, 06/22/39, 03/24/42,
00/00/46, 01/24/46, 01/03/51, 12/28/55, 09/19/56, 09/24/59, 02/07/60, 06/00/63, 01/02/64, 01/08/64,
01/23/64, 08/00/64, 06/11/66, 07/13/66
Crosby, Gary (son), 06/27/33, 10/08/33, 03/19/34, 07/03/34, 08/03/37, 09/17/38,
10/17/38, 12/25/38, 05/07/41, 04/12/42, 06/20/42, 06/29/42, 07/00/42, 04/07/43, 09/16/44,
11/00/44, 12/04/44, 12/24/44, 03/08/45, 04/00/45, 09/12/45, 02/21/46, 05/17/46,
06/20/47, 09/00/47, 02/26/48, 04/21/48, 06/23/48, 09/29/48, 11/21/47, 10/07/48,
04/17/49, 06/00/49, 08/24/49, 01/16/50, 01/18/50, 02/23/50, 03/08/50, 06/23/50,
08/01/50, 08/13/50, 08/20/50, 09/06/50, 11/25/50, 12/20/50, 01/03/51, 03/22/51, 04/11/51,
04/18/51, 06/09/51, 06/13/51, 08/07/51, 09/20/51, 12/00/51, 04/02/52, 10/28/52, 11/25/52, 12/18/52,
12/25/52, 08/00/53, 08/28/53, 09/15/53, 09/27/53, 10/04/53, 11/01/53, 11/08/53,
12/31/53, 01/10/54, 01/24/54, 03/21/54, 04/04/54, 04/11/54, 04/04/54, 05/09/54,
04/14/54, 05/24/54, 05/30/54, 06/13/54, 06/25/54, 06/00/54, 01/00/55, 03/09/55,
03/14/55, 04/02/55, 05/07/55, 05/27/55, 06/26/55, 01/08/56, 05/14/56, 07/19/56, 09/10/56, 09/16/56, 12/24/57, 03/12/58, 05/00/58,
07/04/58, 08/08/58, 09/15/58, 10/20/58, 11/11/58, 11/14/58, 12/00/58, 06/18/59,
06/25/59, 07/28/59, 08/12/59, 10/16/59, 12/03/59, 12/00/59, 03/27/60, 05/20/60, 07/00/60,
08/00/60, 08/04/60, 09/06/60, 12/19/60, 06/00/61, 07/00/61, 10/24/61, 02/14/62, 03/27/62, 04/29/62,
05/14/62, 10/13/63, 12/28/63, 01/09/64, 09/21/64, 11/09/64, 07/09/65, 12/03/65, 02/19/66, 02/18/69,
10/00/71, 12/16/72, 02/15/75, 03/17/76, 06/11/77, 10/18/77
Crosby, Harry L. Jr. (son), 08/08/58, 03/00/60, 03/28/60, 04/11/60,
07/17/61, 11/21/61, 08/25/61, 02/09/62, 05/26/62, 06/28/62, 07/29/62, 11/29/63,
01/23/64, 02/02/64, 05/04/64, 08/08/64, 03/00/65, 07/14/65, 12/19/65, 12/25/65, 06/19/66,
12/24/66, 07/00/67, 09/08/67, 11/15/67, 12/19/67, 09/13/68, 06/16/69, 07/30/70,
09/08/70, 12/16/70, 05/13/71, 09/24/71, 12/14/71, 01/00/72, 12/10/72, 12/09/73, 09/00/74,
11/00/74, 07/01/75, 07/30/75, 08/00/75, 11/20/75, 12/31/75, 01/00/76, 01/31/76, 02/04/76, 04/18/76, 06/00/76,
06/21/76, 07/01/76, 08/09/76, 09/21/76, 11/26/76, 12/06/76, 12/07/76, 12/10/76,
12/21/76, 02/18/77, 02/26/77, 06/00/77, 08/16/77, 08/27/77, 09/06/77, 09/22/77,
10/12/77, 10/16/77, 10/18/77
Crosby, Harry L. Sr. (father), 05/03/03, 00/00/05, 00/00/06, 01/01/16,
01/00/17, 10/08/33, 12/27/33, 10/19/37, 10/21/37, 08/21/39, 10/00/39, 04/01/40, 03/12/48, 10/04/50, 10/06/50,
10/07/50, 11/30/50, 07/28/77
Crosby, Howard (nephew), 07/12/52, 08/00/73, 01/23/75, 01/21/76, 01/22/76, 01/20/77
Crosby, John (nephew), 01/19/47
Crosby, Kathryn (formerly Kathryn Grant) (wife), 11/25/33, 08/13/52,
02/23/53, 08/18/53, 10/00/53, 01/24/54, 02/12/54, 04/22/54, 04/23/54, 05/02/54,
05/18/54, 06/04/54, 06/05/54, 10/16/54, 10/30/54, 10/31/54, 11/20/54, 12/00/54, 01/19/55,
02/14/55, 03/30/55, 05/13/55, 06/03/55, 06/10/55, 07/13/55, 09/03/55, 09/08/55, 10/15/55,
11/05/55, 12/17/55, 12/24/55, 12/31/55, 05/05/56, 06/00/56, 07/20/56, 09/06/56, 09/12/56,
09/16/56, 09/17/56, 09/21/56, 10/29/56, 01/12/57, 01/13/57, 05/17/57, 07/24/57, 10/02/57, 10/08/57, 10/22/57,
10/23/57, 10/24/57, 10/31/57–12/00/57, 02/04/58, 02/05/58, 02/00/58, 02/14/58,
03/01/58, 03/00/58, 04/06/58, 04/19/58, 05/07/58, 06/14/58, 06/00/58, 08/08/58, 11/12/58,
11/13/58, 12/00/58, 12/14/58, 12/31/58, 01/08/59, 01/15/59, 03/00/59, 04/00/59, 05/07/59,
05/13/59, 05/17/59, 06/00/59, 09/12/59, 09/14/59, 09/20/59, 10/16/59, 10/26/59,
11/11/59, 11/16/59, 12/00/59, 02/19/60, 02/07/60, 02/27/60, 03/00/60, 03/28/60,
04/03/60, 04/07/60, 04/11/60, 06/30/60, 07/09/60, 07/11/60, 07/13/60, 08/31/60,
09/09/60, 10/08/60, 10/12/60, 10/14/60, 10/21/60, 10/24/60, 12/24/60, 01/00/61,
05/10/61, 06/02/61, 07/19/61, 08/25/61, 08/27/61, 10/04/61, 10/29/61, 11/21/61,
12/24/61, 02/09/62, 05/26/62, 06/28/62, 07/19/62, 07/29/62, 08/25/62, 10/01/62,
10/27/62, 03/22/63, 06/00/63, 07/06/63, 08/06/63, 10/05/63, 11/01/63, 11/15/63,
11/29/63, 12/19/63, 12/23/63, 12/24/63, 12/00/63, 01/09/64, 01/10/64, 02/02/64,
02/15/64, 02/27/64, 07/11/64, 07/12/64, 07/28/64, 08/00/64, 08/04/64, 08/08/64, 09/11/64, 10/04/64,
11/04/64, 12/00/64, 12/15/64, 12/24/64, 01/02/65, 01/00/65, 02/01/65, 02/02/65,
02/15/65, 02/16/65, 02/27/65, 03/10/65, 03/00/65, 06/14/65, 08/00/65, 10/01/65,
10/12/65–10/16/65, 12/21/65, 01/03/66, 02/25/66, 03/07/66, 03/21/66, 06/11/66, 07/13/66,
07/31/66, 08/28/66–09/09/66, 12/24/66, 02/22/67, 09/08/67, 10/23/67, 10/25/67,
11/00/67, 11/15/67, 12/19/67, 12/12/67, 01/19/68, 02/12/68, 02/00/68, 03/11/68, 08/00/68,
08/13/68, 09/16/68, 10/16/68, 10/24/68, 12/10/68, 01/11/69, 02/01/69, 02/15/69,
04/25/69, 06/16/69, 06/22/69, 07/24/69, 09/21/69, 12/03/69, 12/24/69,
01/10/70, 02/00/70, 12/16/70, 09/24/71, 09/26/71, 12/14/71, 01/00/72, 08/04/72,
12/10/72, 09/00/73, 12/09/73, 12/31/73, 08/00/74, 10/25/74, 11/25/74, 11/00/74,
01/22/75, 09/04/75, 10/00/75, 11/20/75, 12/25/75, 01/31/76, 02/04/76, 02/06/76, 03/17/76,
06/21/76, 07/01/76, 07/14/76, 09/21/76, 11/26/76, 12/06/76, 12/07/76, 12/08/76,
12/10/76, 12/21/76, 01/25/77, 02/18/77, 02/26/77, 05/02/77, 06/00/77, 06/27/77,
08/16/77, 09/06/77, 09/15/77, 09/22/77, 10/12/77
Crosby, Larry (brother), 04/06/17, 05/04/26, 03/03/27, 07/00/32,
12/27/33, 07/00/34, 12/27/34, 06/00/35, 08/18/36, 06/00/36, 03/26/37, 0/21/37,
09/17/38, 09/30/38, 04/25/39, 05/00/40, 10/26/40, 11/00/40, 10/01/45, 04/00/46,
04/22/46, 01/19/47, 02/10/50, 05/08/50, 03/02/51, 04/00/51, 04/10/52, 12/27/52,
05/07/53, 08/25/53, 09/25/53, 01/11/57, 02/07/60, 01/18/62, 01/09/64, 01/23/64, 01/26/65, 04/23/69, 01/28/73, 02/12/75, 02/15/75
Crosby, Lindsay (son), 01/05/38, 06/29/38, 12/25/38, 09/00/40, 06/29/42,
09/16/44, 11/00/44, 12/04/44, 12/24/44, 03/08/45, 04/00/45, 06/06/45, 09/12/45,
05/17/46, 06/20/47, 02/26/48, 03/06/48, 03/07/48, 04/21/48, 06/23/48, 09/29/48, 12/05/48, 04/17/49,
06/00/49, 03/03/50, 04/19/50, 06/23/50, 07/29/50, 08/01/50, 08/13/50, 08/24/50,
09/06/50, 11/25/50, 12/20/50, 04/07/51, 04/11/51, 06/15/51, 06/00/51, 07/30/51, 09/00/51,
10/11/51, 12/16/51, 12/19/51, 02/00/52, 04/06/52, 10/28/52, 11/25/52, 03/00/53–07/06/53, 07/31/53,
08/28/53, 02/12/54, 03/21/54, 04/04/54, 04/04/54, 04/11/54, 05/09/54, 04/14/54,
05/30/54, 04/17/54, 06/00/54, 08/00/54, 12/03/54, 04/02/55, 05/07/55, 06/00/55, 07/16/55, 07/19/55, 09/04/55, 10/23/55, 11/05/55, 01/13/56,
07/00/56, 07/06/56, 07/21/56, 07/30/56, 08/01/56, 09/19/56. 05/02/57, 10/13/57,
Crosby, Mary Frances (daughter), 09/14/59, 09/20/59, 10/16/59, 04/11/60,
02/07/62, 02/09/62, 06/28/62, 07/29/62, 11/29/63, 02/02/64, 12/21/65, 12/24/66,
07/14/67, 07/24/67, 09/08/67, 10/09/67, 11/15/67, 12/19/67, 09/16/68, 06/16/69,
05/18/70, 06/22/70, 09/08/70, 12/16/70, 09/24/71, 09/28/71, 12/14/71, 01/00/72,
08/04/72, 12/10/72, 09/00/73, 12/09/73, 01/13/74, 11/00/74, 06/13/75, 06/19/75, 11/20/75,
01/31/76, 04/30/76, 06/21/76, 07/01/76, 07/14/76, 09/21/76, 11/26/76, 12/06/76, 12/07/76,
12/10/76, 12/21/76, 02/18/77, 02/26/77, 05/02/77, 06/00/77, 08/16/77, 09/06/77,
Crosby, Mary Rose (sister), 05/03/06, 00/00/14, 06/05/33, 06/10/41,
08/24/48, 09/09/51, 11/01/52, 03/26/53, 01/25/57, 02/07/60, 09/21/76, 06/27/77
Crosby, Nathaniel Patrick (son),10/29/61, 01/03/62, 02/09/62, 07/29/62,
11/29/63, 02/02/64, 12/24/66, 09/08/67, 11/15/67, 12/19/67, 06/16/69, 09/08/70,
12/16/70, 06/00/71, 09/24/71, 12/14/71, 01/00/72, 12/10/72, 12/09/73, 11/00/74,
07/01/75, 07/30/75, 07/31/75, 09/00/75, 11/20/75, 01/22/76, 01/31/76, 02/04/76, 06/21/76, 07/01/76,
08/09/76, 08/16/76, 09/21/76, 11/26/76, 12/06/76, 12/07/76, 12/10/76, 12/21/76,
01/20/77, 02/18/77, 02/26/77, 05/02/77, 07/09/77, 07/19/77, 08/16/77, 09/06/77, 10/18/77
Crosby, Norm (no relation), 02/26/77
Crosby, Phillip (son), 07/13/34, 04/00/35, 12/25/38, 09/08/39, 06/29/42,
09/16/44, 11/00/44, 12/04/44, 12/24/44, 03/08/45, 04/00/45, 06/06/45, 09/12/45,
05/17/46, 06/20/47, 02/26/48, 03/06/48, 03/07/48, 04/21/48, 06/23/48, 09/00/48, 09/29/48, 04/06/49, 04/17/49,
06/00/49, 03/15/50, 06/23/50, 08/01/50, 08/13/50, 09/06/50, 11/25/50, 12/20/50,
06/00/51, 07/30/51, 06/07/52, 09/00/52, 10/28/52, 11/25/52, 12/00/52, 06/10/53, 08/00/53,
08/28/53, 06/00/54, 08/00/54, 01/05/55, 05/07/55, 07/13/55, 07/28/55, 08/12/55, 02/09/56, 02/00/56,
01/00/57, 11/03/57, 07/29/58, 09/15/58, 09/25/58, 11/14/58, 03/02/59, 05/06/59,
06/18/59, 06/25/59, 07/28/59, 10/16/59, 12/03/59, 12/00/59, 01/21/60, 03/27/60, 07/01/60,
09/22/60, 03/09/61, 03/22/61, 09/24/61, 01/27/62, 01/29/62, 02/00/63, 07/09/63, 10/03/63, 01/09/64,
01/17/64, 08/21/64, 11/09/64, 04/27/65, 07/06/66, 07/11/67, 01/18/68, 03/23/68,
05/15/68, 02/14/69, 04/05/69, 06/15/69, 10/01/69, 10/00/71, 07/27/72, 10/18/77
Crosby, Steve, 09/06/60, 02/28/77, 06/11/77
The Crosby-Clooney Show, (radio series), 02/29/60–11/02/62
Crosby, Columbo, and Vallee (cartoon), 03/27/32
Crosby Research Foundation, 10/26/40
Cross, Bert, 08/24/63, 03/08/69, 01/24/70, 08/28/70, 08/27/73
Crowley, Ed, 02/16/53, 08/26/54, 08/27/54, 12/17/55, 05/27/57, 07/30/57, 12/30/57, 08/02/59, 08/16/59, 10/01/62, 11/21/62, 01/26/63, 05/00/64, 05/00/65, 04/01/66, 05/11/66
Crumley, Newt, 07/26/47, 07/25/49, 09/23/47, 03/25/58
Cuba, 12/04/56
Cugat, Xavier, 08/00/37, 06/24/43, 01/28/45,
02/11/45, 11/22/47
Cukor, George, 06/26/32
Culver, Roland, 05/31/46
Cummings, Robert, 05/08/55, 07/06/65
Cuoco, Joyce, 12/20/67
Curley, Walter, 07/11/76
Curtiz, Michael, 09/07/53
Dailey, Dan, 12/27/40, 09/26/48, 10/20/48
Dale, Virginia, 11/00/41
Daley, Cass, 10/01/42, 10/15/42, 11/05/42, 01/14/43, 03/04/43, 10/21/43,
12/30/43, 02/17/44, 12/04/44, 01/24/45, 05/10/45, 12/00/46, 07/30/51, 07/31/51
Dalitz, Moe, 01/15/59, 01/16/59, 01/24/60, 01/19/61
Dallas (Tex.), 02/11/42, 05/11/42, 04/17/43, 02/00/68
D'amboise, Jacques, 01/16/65
Damone, Vic, 05/05/48, 12/23/56, 09/24/61, 01/14/71, 01/22/76
Damrosch, Walter, 06/01/39
Dana, Bill, 10/13/63, 11/26/66
Dandridge, Dorothy, 12/20/40
Daniels, Bebe, 07/27/26, 10/00/30, 04/15/33
Dantine, Helmut, 04/12/68
Darby, Ken, 07/06/40, 12/26/40, 05/29/42, 07/02/43, 07/24/44, 03/19/47,
03/28/47, 04/02/47, 11/08/47, 11/19/47, 12/11/47, 12/20/47, 11/00/48, 11/25/48, 03/22/49,
05/06/49, 12/22/49, 12/13/50, 03/11/55, 03/27/57, 01/00/59
Darin, Bobby, 07/22/60
Darnell, Linda, 12/27/40, 06/18/42, 09/04/43, 09/10/43, 09/17/43,
09/24/43, 12/11/43, 01/00/44, 03/03/44, 07/03/44, 07/14/44, 12/01/45
Darrell, Jeannie, 03/30/44, 08/16/44, 09/02/44, 12/24/44, 12/29/44, 02/05/45
Darro, Frankie, 12/20/40
Dash, Hugh, 03/12/47
Dauphin, Claude, 09/22/52
Davies, Marion, 06/26/32, 08/28/33, 06/00/34, 10/17/35, 01/03/43,
02/04/51, 09/22/61
Davis, Belva, 06/21/71
Davis, Bette, 05/28/36, 06/25/38, 06/14/44, 03/28/45, 09/22/45, 02/27/46
Davis, Janette 03/29/50
Davis, Joan, 12/16/43, 02/25/53
Davis, Mac, 01/03/74, 11/03/74, 01/21/76, 01/22/76, 01/20/77
Davis, Owen, 03/12/36
Davis, Sammy Jr., 10/23/55, 09/25/63, 10/03/63, 11/11/63, 12/10/63, 12/23/63, 04/10/64,
07/27/69, 02/22/71
Dawson, John, 12/24/39, 01/26/40, 01/24/41, 03/27/41, 03/29/41, 01/30/42, 02/19/42, 02/22/42, 04/12/42, 07/04/44, 01/26/47, 01/09/48, 06/17/54, 07/18/54
Day, Dennis, 03/16/47, 12/20/47, 12/19/48, 03/30/49, 01/10/54, 01/07/65, 07/25/64, 03/01/65
Day, Doris, 12/07/48, 11/15/49, 12/20/49, 03/21/50
Day, Jim, 06/06/66
Daybreak Records, 11/16/70, 09/07/71, 03/14/72, 06/08/73
Dayton (Ohio), 10/01/28
Dean, Barney, 07/17/37, 01/11/42, 12/21/45, 12/31/45, 08/31/54
Dean, Dizzy, 05/16/48
Dean, Jimmy, 08/29/64
DeBenedictis, Dick, 04/13/70
Decca Records, 07/06/34, 08/08/34, 09/00/34, 07/08/36, 12/13/40,
12/00/40, 05/02/41, 06/25/42, 08/01/42, 04/06/43, 12/12/44, 03/25/49, 12/31/55,
02/23/56, 05/08/61, 09/15/70, 01/16/75, 02/28/75, 07/20/75–07/22/75, 08/17/75
De Cordoba, Pedro 03/07/45
De Cordova, Arturo, 04/14/44
De Cordova, Fred, 01/03/54
Deems, Mickey, 09/17/66
Deering, Henri 30
DeHaven, Gloria, 01/27/44, 02/18/44, 02/01/45
De Havilland, Olivia, 07/18/40, 05/05/42
Dell, Alan, 10/11/77
Delmar, Kenny, 05/12/48
Del Mar Turf Club, 01/00/36, 05/05/36, 01/22/37, 04/30/37, 07/03/37, 07/09/37,
07/14/37, 07/16/37, 12/25/37, 07/29/38, 08/05/38, 08/12/38, 08/02/39, 07/22/40,
08/07/40, 08/16/40, 07/05/41, 08/01/41, 08/23/41, 06/00/42, 05/26/43, 05/00/45,
07/11/45, 11/03/45, 04/17/46, 02/09/54, 07/00/77
Del Monte (Calif.), 03/19/37, 04/06/40
De Luise, Dom, 02/18/67, 10/19/67, 11/06/69
de Manio, Jack, 07/14/75
Demarest, William, 03/09/49
Demaret, Jimmy, 01/08/41, 01/23/41, 01/01/42, 01/05/42, 02/06/42, 02/11/42, 02/13/42, 02/16/42, 09/06/42, 09/07/42, 09/12/42, 09/15/42, 05/28/47, 06/07/47, 06/18/47, 01/11/51, 01/23/51, 01/00/52, 01/11/52, 01/15/52, 01/09/53, 01/19/53, 01/00/54, 04/16/56, 04/23/58, 01/22/59, 02/04/59, 01/21/60, 01/19/61, 03/26/61, 11/21/62, 01/17/63, 01/26/63
DeMille, Cecil B., 01/02/36, 01/07/37, 01/15/40, 04/05/43, 12/20/43, 06/08/44,
05/07/45, 10/00/51, 08/00/58, 03/10/60
Dempsey, Jack, 03/12/33, 09/29/66
DeSylva, Buddy, 12/14/38,
The Demon under the Bed (TV special), 07/24/67, 10/09/67
Denig, Robert L., 07/03/41
Denny, Reginald, 06/26/32, 06/24/37
Dent, Vernon, 07/00/31, 05/24/33, 11/03/33
Denver (Colo.), 06/03/29, 08/16/42, 07/10/65, 07/11/69
DeRita, Joe, 08/16/44, 12/24/44, 12/29/44
Desert Island Discs, 08/13/75, 12/27/75
Des Moines (Iowa), 05/10/42
Detroit (Mich.), 10/09/27, 05/26/28, 09/27/28, 05/26/29, 04/15/32,
09/05/37, 09/07/42
Detroit Tigers (baseball team), 07/17/56, 01/10/57, 10/28/57
Devine, Andy, 05/19/35, 05/28/35, 06/26/35, 02/27/37, 04/00/37, 04/26/37, 05/29/37, 10/13/37, 11/28/37, 12/31/37, 06/25/38, 09/06/38, 10/22/39, 12/10/39, 01/26/40, 03/23/40, 01/20/43, 01/21/43, 03/03/44, 06/17/44, 07/14/44, 05/11/45, 07/31/45, 07/25/64
Devlin, Bruce, 01/11/68
De Zulueta, Cesar, 10/14/77
De Vol, Frank, 03/25/59
DeWitt, John L., 04/09/42
De Wolfe, Billy, 10/28/42, 06/22/43, 12/04/44, 03/18/71
Dexter, Brad, 01/04/53
Dexter, Dave, 04/21/46
Diamond, Leo, 01/30/41
Diamond, Lou, 11/23/34, 08/15/35
Dickinson, Gardner, 03/22/60
Didrikson, Babe (later Babe Didrikson Zaharias), 07/30/32, 01/28/39,
01/19/41, 01/24/41, 12/14/41, 08/02/42, 04/04/1943, 04/22/45
Dieterle, Kurt, 07/00/29
Dietrich, Marlene, 05/20/31, 12/30/39, 02/15/40, 05/05/48, 10/04/48,
Diller, Phyllis, 12/14/70
Dilling, Mildred, 07/25/40
DiMaggio, Joe, 11/13/41, 03/13/61, 09/20/64, 11/07/73
Dirksen, Everett, 01/14/67
Disney, Walt, 06/14/35, 01/14/38, 12/05/38, 02/08/39, 02/08/40,
06/18/42, 11/00/48, 03/08/55, 10/18/66, 09/14/68, 06/16/69, 07/00/75, 12/26/75
Ditmars, Ivan, 08/12/36
Dixie (movie), 10/28/42, 06/22/43, 12/20/43
Dizzy Seven, 04/19/21
Doctor Rhythm (movie) 10/13/37, 01/21/38, 04/28/38
Dodd, Claire, 03/00/38
Dodd, Ken, 06/28/65
Dolan, Robert Emmett, 04/00/41, 11/00/41, 06/20/42, 10/28/42,
03/04/43, 08/00/43, 12/00/43, 05/01/44, 02/26/45, 07/12/45, 03/00/46, 03/07/46, 12/30/46, 03/13/47, 10/26/48, 03/11/49, 05/07/55
Dombourian, Peter, 09/10/76
Donegan, Lonnie, 10/02/61
Donlevy, Brian, 02/29/40, 04/00/41,
Don’t Hook Now (film short) 01/30/42, 01/03/49
Doodletown, Pipers, The, 09/20/70
Doonican, Val, 08/00/75, 08/23/76
Dornan, Robert K., 10/10/70
D’Orsay, Fifi, 08/28/33
Dorsey, Jimmy, 11/03/27, 11/07/27, 12/28/28, 02/16/32, 12/05/35, 12/26/35,
01/02/36, 01/08/36, 06/00/36, 07/08/36, 07/17/36, 08/04/36, 08/17/36, 10/15/36,
10/29/36, 02/28/37, 03/03/37, 05/23/37, 07/01/37, 07/03/37, 01/26/38,
08/20/38, 06/13/44, 07/06/44, 08/29/45, 09/06/45, 12/05/45, 08/04/46, 12/20/50,
Dorsey, Tommy, 07/02/27, 11/07/27, 11/21/27, 12/28/28, 11/03/31,
02/16/32, 01/04/33, 07/20/38, 11/00/40, 11/28/40, 01/20/43, 06/18/44, 07/06/44,
07/05/45, 08/21/46, 01/07/51, 06/13/51, 06/20/51, 11/26/56
Dorsey Brothers, 01/26/29, 01/26/33, 03/14/33, 09/20/34, 08/14/35
Doubleday, Nelson, 03/14/65
Double or Nothing (movie) 04/26/37, 09/01/37
Douglas, Gordon, 10/03/63, 07/06/65
Douglas, Jack, 10/14/43
Douglas, Kirk, 02/14/54
Douglas, Mike, 01/20/66, 01/23/69, 09/04/75, 10/00/75, 10/28/75, 11/28/75
Douglas, Paul, 04/05/33, 02/25/50, 11/13/50, 11/22/50, 06/00/51,
10/24/51, 01/23/52
Downey, Morton, 11/01/31, 11/15/31, 10/05/33, 02/10/34, 11/29/45, 09/19/46, 12/08/48
Down Memory Lane (movie) 09/06/49
Downs, Hugh, 04/20/66, 11/29/67
Drapeau, Jean, 05/04/66, 09/15/67
Draper, Paul, 12/08/35, 07/12/45
Dr. Cook’s Garden (TV film) 09/00/70, 01/19/71
Dream House (film short) 07/00/31, 01/09/32
Dressler, Marie, 06/26/32
Drew, Ellen, 04/00/38, 02/23/39
Dru, Joanne, 04/00/46
Drummond, Sandra (daughter-in-law), 09/25/58, 05/06/59, 07/03/60,
Dublin (Ireland), 09/15/61, 10/12/65, 09/20/66, 07/11/76
Duchin, Eddy, 03/10/33, 02/07/46
Dudley, Ed, 09/15/40, 06/29/41, 02/06/42, 02/16/42, 07/26/42, 07/27/42,
08/13/42, 08/15/42, 08/16/42, 09/16/42, 09/17/42, 09/18/42, 09/19/42, 09/21/42, 05/07/43,
05/21/43, 05/23/43, 05/29/43, 05/30/43, 06/02/43, 06/09/43, 05/30/45
Duff, Howard, 02/23/41, 10/10/47, 10/22/47
Duffield, Marshall, 01/05/41
Duffy’s Tavern (movie), 09/16/44, 12/04/44, 12/15/44, 09/05/45
Duffy’s Tavern (radio program) 12/07/43
Dunbar, Dixie, 01/30/36
Duncan, Sandy, 08/10/74, 10/09/74, 03/20/77
Dunn, Elaine, 01/11/60
Dunn, James, 04/06/45, 05/07/45
Dunne, Irene, 02/28/47, 02/25/50
Dunphy, Chris, 11/10/37, 11/14/37, 09/23/40, 11/22/56, 11/23/56, 04/02/57,
03/21/60, 03/25/61, 03/26/61, 03/31/61, 07/29/62, 09/28/63, 03/17/66
Dunser, Margret, 10/00/75, 01/02/76
Dunstedter, Eddie, 11/12/37, 11/15/37,
04/25/38, 07/01/42, 07/09/42, 12/26/42, 02/24/43, 07/07/43, 06/00/44
Durand, Charles, 05/30/51
Durand, Paul, 05/16/53
Durante, Jimmy, 12/15/33, 12/26/38, 06/24/43, 08/28/43, 09/10/43, 09/17/43, 05/17/44, 11/17/44, 02/15/45, 04/26/45, 02/27/46, 11/16/46, 12/04/46, 02/21/47, 03/24/47, 04/17/47, 08/15/47, 10/08/47, 11/05/47, 12/12/47, 02/04/48, 04/18/48, 01/14/49, 02/02/49, 02/04/49, 01/21/50, 04/09/50, 04/20/50, 09/30/51, 12/23/51, 04/11/53, 04/25/56, 10/19/59, 03/13/61, 01/14/67, 08/31/67, 01/13/68, 09/21/71
Durbridge, Don, 03/06/75
Durocher, Leo, 01/14/49, 12/31/56
Durslag, Mel, 12/13/65, 01/31/66
Dussault, Rev. Arthur, 08/12/48
Dutra, Olin, 12/17/44, 04/22/45
Dyckman, Doug, 03/15/21, 11/24/22, 05/03/23, 08/05/42, 07/15/54
Eacret, Johnny, 01/18/43, 11/05/43, 10/29/44, 06/18/45, 07/26/47, 06/23/48, 05/19/51, 05/21/51, 07/16/55, 07/06/56
Earhart, Amelia, 04/01/37
Easton (Pa.), 01/07/29
East Side of Heaven (movie) 12/19/38, 02/01/39, 03/10/39, 05/04/39
Eastwood, Bob, 01/23/75
Eastwood, Clint, 09/20/64, 01/24/65, 01/20/66, 01/19/67, 01/23/69, 01/22/70, 01/14/71, 01/13/72,
01/25/73, 01/03/74, 01/23/75, 01/22/76, 01/20/77
Eaton, Charles, 03/22/27
Ebsen, Buddy, 09/29/63, 11/07/63, 01/16/65
Eden, Barbara 02/11/68
Edinburgh (Scotland), 07/06/75, 07/14/76
Eddy, Nelson, 01/30/35, 12/09/45
Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) 06/15/46
The Edsel Show (TV show) 10/13/57
Edwards, Blake, 02/01/60
Edwards, Cliff, 12/10/42
Edwards, Gus, 08/18/39
Edwards, Joan, 03/28/42, 12/06/45
Edwards, Vince, 10/02/61
Ehlers, Alice, 01/05/39, 02/15/40
Eilers, Sally, 04/21/38
Einstein, Albert, 01/25/31
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 09/27/44, 09/29/44, 10/13/44, 10/28/44, 11/27/44, 01/00/46,
01/29/51, 11/05/52, 11/06/56, 03/08/61, 10/06/61, 10/14/61, 02/16/62, 01/00/65,
03/28/69, 01/27/70, 02/16/70
Eisner, Michael, 09/14/68
Ekberg, Anita, 03/02/58
El Centro (Calif.), 06/20/59
Electrovision, 02/00/70, 06/01/70,
07/01/71, 08/12/71, 09/01/71, 06/25/73, 07/26/77
The Elgin Watch Show (radio program), 12/25/43, 12/25/44
Elizabeth (New Jersey), 12/31/28
Elko (Nevada), 06/13/42, 01/25/43, 11/01/43, 10/13/44, 06/00/45, 10/04/45,
05/17/46, 07/00/46, 09/00/46, 00/00/47, 06/20/47, 09/25/47, 02/05/48, 06/23/48,
10/00/48, 11/00/48, 06/00/49, 06/23/50, 06/00/51, 06/30/51, 07/29/51, 05/18/54,
06/00/54, 03/14/55, 07/00/56, 05/18/57, 03/00/58, 04/00/58, 11/18/58, 01/16/59
Ellen, Vera, 09/07/53
Ellington, Duke, 08/21/30, 08/26/30, 02/11/32, 01/16/41, 05/29/41, 01/18/45,
05/05/48, 02/14/58, 04/15/77
Elliott, Wild Bill, 03/24/48
Ellis, Anita, 05/19/44
Ellis, Patricia, 01/14/37, 05/18/39
Elman, Ziggy, 11/10/48, 03/31/51
El Senor Bing (LP album), 06/22/60
The Emperor Waltz (movie), 05/17/46, 06/01/46, 01/17/47, 05/26/48,
06/17/48, 09/26/49
Engel, Lehman, 12/04/45
Engelhard, Charles Jr., 03/03/68
Ennis, Skinnay, 03/18/41, 10/03/42, 01/26/43, 07/26/43, 09/00/43, 12/18/43,
01/12/44, 05/13/45
Erickson, Leif, 05/30/36
Erie (Pa.), 10/29/28
Errol, Leon, 03/01/34
Erskine, John, 05/28/36, 03/14/40
Erwin, Charles, 03/19/35, 08/28/38
Erwin, Stuart, 06/26/32, 07/05/32, 08/28/33, 11/23/39, 06/16/63
Erwin, Trudy, 12/17/42, 02/04/43, 06/17/43, 08/04/43, 08/23/43,
12/02/43, 12/30/43, 03/30/44, 04/18/46, 07/24/46, 12/16/51, 12/19/51
Etting, Ruth, 06/18/27, 01/04/33, 08/27/33, 10/05/33
Evans, Chick, 06/29/41, 05/06/42
Evans, Dale, 01/20/44
Evans, Madge, 07/06/36, 12/23/37
Evans, Ray, 09/08/50, 12/14/50, 07/30/51, 07/31/51
Every Mother's Son, 04/20/68
Fabian, 02/01/60
Fabray, Nanette, 11/29/45, 05/00/48, 03/26/66, 04/01/67
Fadiman, Clifton, 05/09/45
Fairbanks, Douglas Jr., 06/26/32, 03/04/37, 06/10/37, 11/04/37,
01/13/38, 01/17/48, 04/13/50, 04/08/73
Fairbanks, Douglas Sr., 03/29/28, 10/00/30, 11/15/31
Fairmont (W. Va.), 02/23/28
Faith, Percy, 03/06/59
Faith, Hope and Hogan (film short), 02/00/53
Falana, Lola, 09/17/66
Falk, Peter, 10/03/63, 08/05/64, 02/20/68
Falkenburg, Jinx, 12/10/42,
Family Theater (radio series) 02/28/47, 08/14/47, 08/13/52, 02/12/53,
04/28/54, 05/11/55, 06/13/56, 03/07/56, 03/05/69, 04/02/69
Fancy Meeting You Here (LP album), 07/28/58, 08/07/58, 08/11/58,
Farmer, Frances, 04/04/36, 05/30/36, 07/02/36, 04/15/37
Farnon, Robert, 08/02/61
Farrell, Charles, 04/26/33, 12/08/38, 04/08/39, 02/28/50, 03/11/52
Farrell, Eileen, 03/28/48
Farrell, Glenda, 11/23/64
Fatool. Nick, 06/23/50, 01/09/53
Faulkner, Max, 07/05/75
Favero, Mafalda, 11/10/38
Fay, Frank, 10/10/49, 10/19/49, 11/23/49
Faye, Alice, 02/13/36, 12/03/36, 05/28/38, 01/20/43, 03/10/53, 04/23/54, 06/04/54, 03/13/55,
05/07/55, 12/17/55, 05/05/56, 09/16/56, 01/22/57, 12/30/57, 05/07/58, 06/00/59, 10/26/59, 11/11/59, 07/09/60,
07/13/60, 12/13/63, 02/18/67
Faylen, Carol, 09/14/64
Fazio, George, 01/10/47
Feelin’ Groovy at
Marine World (TV special), 09/14/68, 02/15/69
Feels Good, Feels Right (LP album), 06/24/76, 07/20/76, 08/17/76
Felice, Ernie, 02/25/47, 03/12/47
Feliciano, Jose, 10/23/68
Fellows, Edith, 06/04/36, 07/06/36
Fenton, Carl, 11/02/31
Ferguson, Allyn, 10/30/66, 12/10/72
Ferrer, Jose, 03/00/58, 12/11/60, 12/24/60, 07/06/63, 02/01/65, 02/02/65, 12/22/73
Feuermann, Emanuel, 03/19/36, 10/29/36, 01/19/39
Fibber McGee and Molly (Jim and Marion Jordan), 11/04/42, 04/15/43, 09/09/43,
02/07/46, 10/16/46, 03/15/48, 04/14/48, 10/05/75
Fidler, Jimmie, 01/01/31, 04/26/33, 09/30/33, 01/16/35, 02/01/39, 12/22/39, 01/06/40, 01/01/42, 01/29/44, 11/16/47, 03/04/49, 11/19/49
Field, Sid, 12/00/46
Fields, Gracie, 06/04/44, 10/10/77
Fields, W. C., 01/00/34, 03/01/34, 03/24/34, 11/00/34, 02/16/37,
12/25/37, 02/16/39, 12/21/46
Fields & Fingerle 04/11/40, 03/13/41
The Fifth Freedom (film short), 04/00/51
Finkel, Bob, 12/14/71, 12/10/72, 03/15/73, 11/03/74
Finsterwald, Dow, 11/29/56, 03/21/60
Finston, Nat W., 02/25/34
Finucane, Charles, 08/11/48
Firehouse Five Plus Two, The,
Fireside Theater (TV series) 03/21/50
Fisher, Alan, 07/00/63, 08/28/66, 03/31/68, 11/00/68, 04/05/77, 10/16/77
Fisher, Art, 03/15/73
Fisher, Avery, 12/22/73
Fisher, Eddie, 05/04/54, 04/18/57,
Fisher, Ham, 11/15/49
Fisher, Suzanne, 06/06/40
Fitzgerald, Barry, 08/00/43, 07/02/44, 01/08/45, 02/00/45, 03/15/45, 03/28/45,
03/00/46, 12/00/46, 04/17/47, 10/31/47, 11/19/47, 05/05/48, 10/14/48, 10/26/48, 03/11/49
Fitzgerald, Ed, 09/26/48
Fitzgerald, Ella, 10/25/49, 11/09/49, 05/03/50, 11/29/50, 12/20/50,
01/09/51, 11/28/51, 11/30/52, 12/18/52, 01/01/53, 11/15/53, 12/13/53, 11/22/53,
12/27/53, 01/27/54, 02/14/54, 12/26/65, 11/05/66, 02/18/67, 10/14/69, 11/10/69, 07/06/71
Fitzgerald, Geraldine, 07/04/40
Fitzmorris, Jimmy, 09/10/76
Flagstad, Kirsten, 10/26/39, 06/20/40
Flanagan, Father, 06/02/45
Fleming, Rhonda, 10/22/47, 12/18/47, 05/18/49, 12/20/49, 06/13/54
Florida, 03/00/57, 02/22/67, 08/21/68
Flynn, Errol, 12/26/38, 04/08/39, 03/28/40, 05/23/40, 12/05/40, 05/02/53
Foladare, Maury, 02/10/68
Fonda, Henry, 07/07/38, 10/27/38, 02/23/39, 04/26/48, 05/12/48
Fontaine, Joan, 01/20/38, 04/30/43, 05/31/46, 03/26/61, 01/07/65, 03/01/65
The Fontaine Sisters, 04/13/50
Fonteyn, Margot, 06/30/63, 01/03/66, 07/07/72, 07/08/72
Forbes, Don, 06/22/44
Ford, Doug, 04/06/57, 01/18/62
Ford, Gerald, 08/08/74, 01/27/76, 01/20/77
Ford, Mary, 03/17/51, 03/21/51
Ford, Tennessee Ernie, 03/09/55, 03/14/55, 01/24/60, 01/19/61, 01/17/63,
01/16/64, 01/21/65, 01/20/66, 07/13/66, 10/30/66, 01/19/67, 01/11/68, 01/23/69, 01/22/70, 01/13/72, 12/23/72,
01/25/73, 01/23/75, 04/29/75
Ford Road Show (radio series) 09/02/57–08/31/58
Ford Theater (radio series) 03/11/49
Foreman Avenue (house) 04/00/33, 09/18/33, 09/17/35
Forrest, Helen, 07/14/44
Forrest, Steve, 08/23/76
Forsyth, Bruce, 09/24/72, 08/23/75, 09/04/77
Forsyth, Rosemary, 02/26/70
Forsythe, John, 09/27/65
Fort Myers (Fla.), 03/17/61
Fort Oglethorpe (Ga.), 06/01/43
Fort Ord (California), 01/13/51, 01/23/51, 01/11/52, 01/15/52, 01/16/52,
01/10/53, 01/14/53, 01/15/53, 01/05/55, 05/14/56
Fort Warren (Wyo.), 08/10/42, 08/11/42
Fort Wayne (Ind.), 05/27/29
Foster, Lawrence, 01/31/76
Fountain, Pete, 04/00/62, 05/14/62, 09/10/76, 09/21/76
Four Aces, The,
Fourcade, Christian, 09/22/52,
The Four Lads, 04/03/66
The Four Preps, 10/13/57
The Foursome, 11/18/37, 03/03/38, 07/21/38
The Four Tops, 02/14/69, 04/05/69
Fox, Sonny, 02/26/70
France (Europe), 09/05/44, 04/19/50, 09/22/52, 03/26/53, 10/12/60,
08/25/61, 07/29/62, 0/01/65, 10/00/73, 08/14/75
Franchi, Sergio, 12/11/69, 01/03/70
Franciosa, Anthony, 08/29/64
Francis, Kay, 05/09/40
Frank, Melvin, 03/13/47
Franklin, Joe, 12/03/76
Frantz, Dalies, 07/07/38, 11/03/38, 01/18/40
Franz, Arthur, 02/08/65
Fraser, Elisabeth, 11/16/64
Fraser, Ian, 09/05/77
Frawley, William, 08/27/34, 06/17/36, 02/04/37, 02/06/37, 04/26/37, 06/10/37,
11/08/37, 01/28/39, 03/09/39, 11/14/40, 05/08/41, 10/30/41, 02/26/42, 07/22/43, 01/06/44, 03/28/45,
02/04/47, 02/19/47, 03/04/48, 03/12/48, 03/08/66
Fray, Jacques, 11/23/39, 11/21/40
Frazee, Jane, 01/13/44
Frazier, Brenda, 05/22/48
Frederickson, Barbara (daughter-in-law), 12/00/59, 02/06/60, 09/03/60,
02/11/62, 02/23/62, 11/09/62, 04/03/63
Freeman, Ernie, 10/31/67
Freeman, Mona, 05/26/48, 10/14/48, 04/09/50, 01/08/53, 01/21/53, 01/24/53, 01/28/53,
03/30/53, 09/02/53, 10/11/53, 12/31/53, 01/15/54, 01/19/54, 02/14/54, 11/30/54, 12/21/54
French Amateur Golf Championship, 06/05/53, 06/06/53
French Lick (Ind.), 04/10/47
Frick, Ford, 01/10/57
Friday, Pat, 05/25/39, 06/15/39, 09/28/39, 11/17/44
Frisco, Joe, 01/15/39, 05/02/46, 12/16/46, 01/01/47, 02/26/47, 11/14/47,
12/17/47, 10/12/49
Frishberg, Dave, 08/16/77
Front Royal (Va.), 04/30/48, 03/31/50
Frost, David, 03/26/66, 01/21/71, 02/10/71
Frost, Mark, 01/11/56
Fulton, Jack, 07/09/29, 04/08/30
Furgol, Ed, 01/10/47
Furness, Betty, 10/14/37
Gaal, Franciska,
03/17/38, 05/23/38, 01/25/39
Gable, Clark, 02/01/37, 05/28/37, 05/29/37, 08/12/38, 03/01/41, 10/04/45, 05/26/48,
Gabor, Eva, 11/06/69
Gage, Ben, 07/07/43, 01/12/51, 01/11/52
Gahagan, Helen, 04/06/38
Gaillard, Slim, 03/21/46
Galbreath, Dan, 01/00/71
Galbreath, John W., 08/08/46, 05/03/75, 05/25/76
Gallacher, Bernard, 07/05/75
Gallagher, Skeets, 03/22/27, 07/03/33, 08/21/33, 08/28/33, 09/11/33, 11/25/34,
07/12/36, 06/25/38
Gallard, Angel, 08/10/76
Ganz, Rudolph, 04/09/36, 05/27/37, 04/07/38, 03/30/39, 03/07/40,
Garbo, Greta, 10/24/45
Garden, Mary, 02/25/37, 03/04/37, 05/06/37
Gardiner, Reginald, 10/12/39, 11/16/39, 12/16/43
Gardner, Ed, 08/12/43, 12/02/43, 12/07/43, 12/07/43, 12/04/44
Gardner, Erle Stanley, 10/12/39
Garfield, John, 07/04/40, 07/24/41, 02/05/42, 06/04/42, 05/16/43, 12/29/44
Gargan, William, 05/20/37, 10/07/37, 02/26/45, 03/07/45, 09/22/48, 09/30/48, 10/04/48, 10/06/48, 10/09/48, 10/13/48, 10/20/48, 10/27/48, 11/03/52, 03/10/53, 01/13/56, 04/13/56, 04/17/58, 05/07/58, 07/17/60, 07/25/64
Garland, Beverly, 03/03/64, 09/14/64, 12/21/64, 01/16/65
Garland, Judy, 12/27/40, 08/28/43, 12/25/43, 04/28/44, 05/17/44,
06/03/44, 06/04/44, 06/14/44, 06/25/44, 07/15/44, 07/31/44, 01/30/45, 02/15/45,
03/09/45, 09/13/45, 12/09/45, 11/11/46, 11/27/46, 02/04/47, 02/19/47, 05/29/47, 09/11/48, 10/06/48,
10/01/49, 10/05/49, 09/20/50, 09/25/50, 10/04/50, 10/11/50, 10/18/50, 12/02/50,
12/06/50, 01/09/51, 01/27/51, 02/07/51, 03/05/51, 03/07/51, 03/14/51, 03/17/51,
03/21/51, 03/24/51, 03/28/51, 10/22/51, 05/18/52, 05/21/52, 05/28/52, 06/04/52,
10/30/52, 02/04/53, 03/29/53, 10/11/54, 12/31/55, 11/11/56, 11/12/56, 09/25/63, 06/22/69
Garner, Darlene,
Garner, James,
Garnett, Tay, 06/26/32, 10/22/47
Garrett, Betty, 11/22/47
Garrison, Greg, 10/07/71
Garron, Tubby, 03/14/49, 06/03/55
Garson, Greer, 03/10/53, 02/14/54, 12/31/55
Gateson, Marjorie, 07/16/36
Gavin, John, 10/12/61
Gaxton, William, 03/19/32, 12/01/45
Leslie. 03/05/59, 10/15/60, 10/16/63, 08/10/66, 06/06/67, 07/07/67,
01/11/68, 08/16/68, 01/19/70, 07/24/70, 02/10/71, 07/14/72, 07/31/72,
05/17/74, 09/22/75, 07/22/76, 11/12/76, 03/22/77, 05/22/77, 09/22/77
Gaynor, Mitzi, 04/07/55, 06/01/55, 02/23/56, 10/15/59, 10/19/59
General Electric Show (radio series), 06/25/52, 09/03/52, 09/06/52,
Genevieve, 03/16/60
Gennaro, Peter, 03/16/60, 10/24/63, 10/25/63, 10/26/63, 02/15/64, 05/05/68
Gentry, Bobbie, 01/04/69, 09/30/69, 10/11/69
George, Florence, 06/30/38, 12/08/38, 03/23/39, 05/09/39, 11/30/39, 07/24/41, 02/27/60
George, Gladys, 11/05/36, 06/09/38
Gerbig, Barry Van, 03/14/65, 02/09/66, 09/15/67, 08/08/71
Germany (Europe), 00/05/53, 10/09/60, 08/12/71, 08/27/72, 07/31/75,
Gershwin, George, 02/12/24, 01/00/31, 07/11/37, 07/12/37, 06/18/42,
Gethers, Steven, 03/27/64, 09/14/64
Giannini, Dusola,
Gibbs, Georgia, 06/24/43, 06/17/44, 03/28/46, 04/04/46
Gibson, Dick, 01/26/40, 01/24/41, 01/03/43, 04/04/43, 05/06/43, 05/20/43
Gibson, Hoot, 06/26/32
Gibson, Leland, 01/30/42
Gielgud, John (Sir), 07/26/69
Gifford, Clemence, 06/16/38
Gifford, Frances, 03/09/49, 04/10/50
GI Journal (AFRS show), 09/04/43, 09/10/43, 09/17/43, 09/24/43,
10/09/43, 10/15/43, 12/11/43, 01/00/44, 02/18/44, 03/03/44, 04/28/44, 05/19/44,
06/16/44, 07/14/44, 07/21/44, 11/17/44, 03/09/45, 05/11/45, 07/31/45
Gilbert, Joanne, 01/31/53, 02/19/53, 04/25/54
Gilbert, John, 11/04/33
Gill, Ernie, 03/07/4
Gill, Florence, 04/09/36
Gillespie, Dizzy, 07/06/71
Gillespie, Jimmy, 10/08/26, 07/27/31
Gilliam, Stu, 01/04/69
Gilliland, John, 07/08/71, 10/29/72
Gillstrom, Arvid
E., 05/24/33
Gingold, Hermione, 11/25/74
Gleason, Jackie, 10/22/67, 11/25/67, 03/31/68, 09/15/69, 10/04/69,
Gleason, James, 02/01/30, 06/26/32, 11/11/35, 01/15/36, 12/24/36
Glendale (Calif.), 03/00/26, 09/30/32
Glenn, John (Col.), 03/10/65
Gobel, George, 01/24/60, 01/19/61, 06/24/62, 02/15/65
Goddard, Paulette, 12/10/39, 05/16/43, 05/16/45
Godfrey, Arthur, 05/17/47, 06/04/49, 11/17/49, 02/01/50, 03/29/50, 04/05/50,
05/24/50, 12/00/50, 04/00/51
Goetz, William, 10/10/53, 11/05/53
Going Hollywood (movie), 08/28/33, 10/22/33, 12/23/33
Going My Way (movie), 08/00/43, 10/15/43, 02/07/44, 02/25/44,
05/03/44, 07/11/44, 10/00/44, 01/08/45, 02/04/45, 02/00/45, 03/05/45, 03/15/45,
Golden Records, 24/04/57, 25/04/57
Goldilocks (TV program), 06/10/69, 06/16/69, 03/31/70
Goldsboro, Bobby, 09/20/68, 09/28/68
Goldwater, Bob, 05/15/49, 01/29/58, 09/05/68, 09/00/69
Goldwyn, Sam, 02/10/35
Gomez, Thomas, 11/30/64
Gomez, Vicente, 02/20/41
Gonzaga Glee Club, 11/24/38, 03/22/49, 04/13/49
Gonzaga High School, 09/06/16–06/09/20, 06/27/77
Gonzaga University, 09/15/20 to 1924, 11/04/34, 10/21/37, 11/03/37,
11/28/37, 11/30/37, 11/27/38, 07/00/46, 08/12/48, 12/24/48, 03/21/49, 08/13/50,
05/26/51, 12/16/52, 12/09/53, 01/04/56, 01/06/56, 09/12/56, 10/13/57, 11/03/57,
06/15/60, 02/04/64, 03/09/68, 03/19/68, 06/22/71, 04/22/72, 05/02/72, 09/12/74,
Gonzales, Pancho, 11/11/63
Goodman, Benny, 08/05/37, 12/16/44
Goodtime Washboard Three, The, 04/01/67
Goodwins, Leslie, 04/25/54
Gorcey, Leo, 12/13/45
Gordon, Gale, 12/04/47
Gordon, Lee, 09/08/50
Gorin, Igor, 01/29/42
Gorme, Eydie, 03/26/76
Gosden, Freeman, 01/15/40, 03/08/61
Goudal, Jetta, 07/03/29, 06/00/33, 08/10/55
Goulding, Edmund, 10/00/30
Goulet, Robert, 01/19/67, 05/05/68, 09/24/71, 09/27/71, 12/14/71
Goupil, Augie, 03/06/41
Gowdy, Curt, 01/22/70, 11/17/70, 01/20/71, 01/19/75
Grable, Betty, 09/00/35, 02/23/41, 07/11/43, 07/26/44, 12/06/44,
05/26/48, 12/27/48, 01/05/49, 05/08/55
Grahame, Margot, 02/24/38
Grainger, Percy, 01/23/36, 04/15/37, 04/21/38
Grand Rapids (Mich.), 09/20/28, 09/12/42
Grandjany, Marcel, 07/09/41
Grandstaff, Delbert E. (father-in-law),
07/20/56, 07/04/59, 03/05/61, 04/04/61, 09/08/70
Grandstaff, Mrs. Olive (mother-in-law),
07/20/56, 06/28/62, 07/29/62, 08/25/62, 12/24/63, 12/24/64, 12/24/66, 09/08/70
Grant, Cary, 09/00/33, 06/26/35, 07/12/36, 10/29/36, 05/05/42, 05/12/42
Grant, Gogi, 01/13/57
Grant, Johnny, 02/18/53
Granville, Bonita, 12/13/45
Grauer, Ben. 04/12/77, 04/24/77
Graves, Charles, 09/19/52, 05/06/57, 03/03/58, 06/23/58, 04/05/61
Graves, Teresa, 02/15/71
Gray, Bee Ho, 01/23/36
Gray, Coleen, 03/09/49
Grayson, Bobby, 01/02/36
The Greatest Show on Earth (movie), 06/00/51, 01/10/52
The Great John L (movie), 07/03/44, 05/02/45, 05/25/45, 07/02/45,
08/14/45, 08/20/45
Greco, Buddy, 01/21/65
Greece (Europe), 07/24/69
Green, Johnny, 08/05/37, 01/06/56, 01/17/56, 02/22/56, 03/27/57,
Greenberg, Hank, 04/15/47, 04/16/47, 05/14/47
Greene, Richard, 12/22/45
Greene, Shecky, 01/13/57
Greenwood, Charlotte, 05/05/42
Greer, Jo Ann, 12/18/51
Gregg, Anne, 09/16/61
Gregory, Ena, 11/06/37
Grey, Joel, 03/26/76
Grey, Nan, 11/08/37
Grier, Jimmie, 06/09/33, 06/13/33, 06/16/33, 08/27/33, 03/10/34,
03/13/34, 03/19/34, 04/23/34, 04/30/34, 05/14/34, 05/00/34, 08/03/34, 09/18/34,
10/22/34, 05/23/37, 12/00/44
Grier, Rosey, 01/13/68
Grieve, Harold, 06/00/33, 09/18/35, 11/05/39, 04/12/54, 06/28/55, 08/10/55
Griffin, Merv, 04/00/71, 01/03/72, 01/28/75, 06/26/75,
07/25/75, 01/26/76, 07/19/76
Grillo, Basil, 04/00/46, 08/15/46, 09/00/48,
08/31/56, 05/27/57, 05/18/59, 01/09/64, 04/00/64, 09/22/67, 01/16/68, 06/27/77
Grimes, Tammy, 03/26/66
Griswold, Dwight, 06/02/45
Grofe, Ferde. 05/11/29
Guadalajara (Mexico), 04/08/72, 08/00/73, 08/26/74, 03/00/76
Guest, Raymond R. (Senator), 07/13/39, 09/23/40, 10/01/40, 08/27/44, 04/30/48, 03/31/50, 04/01/50,
Guest Star (radio series), 06/15/47, 04/19/48, 02/07/49, 05/29/49, 12/18/49, 03/05/50, 10/19/52
Guilford, Jesse. 06/09/45
Guldahl, Ralph, 08/24/38
Hagen, Walter, 12/20/35
Haggart, Bob, 12/06/45, 12/27/45,
05/08/47, 02/14/50, 04/08/50
Haines, Connie, 12/16/43, 06/03/44, 07/26/44, 02/09/49
Hale, Alan Jr., 11/07/73,
Hale, Alan Sr,,
Haley, Jack, 11/11/35, 09/22/45
Halimi, Alphonse, 02/24/60
Hall, Jon, 01/06/40, 04/05/41
Halloran, Jack, 12/16/59, 12/20/60, 11/16/70, 09/07/71
Hally, T. Matt, 07/03/46, 10/30/46
Hamey, Roy, 05/23/48
Hamlisch, Marvin, 03/05/76, 03/26/76
Hampton, Lionel, 01/21/46, 07/16/70
Handley, Tommy, 08/27/44
Hanna, Vincent, 09/21/77
Hannan, Philip, (Archbishop), 09/10/76
Harbach, William O., 02/29/60, 10/05/60, 12/13/60, 03/20/61, 04/12/68, 09/28/68, 10/11/69
Hardin, Ty, 01/21/60
Hardwicke, Cedric (Sir), 10/22/47, 12/17/47, 12/27/47
Hardy, Oliver, 05/19/35, 06/13/37, 01/26/40
Harmon, Tommy, 01/02/41, 01/05/41, 01/18/65, 11/29/68
Harrigan, Catherine (grandmother),
Harrigan, Dennis (grandfather), 09/18/15, 07/13/34
Harrigan, George L. (uncle), 08/05/42
Harris, Jack, 09/22/75, 11/25/75, 05/04/77, 10/08/77
Harris, Phil, 04/15/33, 01/29/38, 12/16/43, 04/04/48, 03/09/49,
01/21/50, 01/12/51, 01/13/51, 01/18/51, 01/11/52, 02/00/52, 01/09/53, 03/10/53, 04/23/54, 06/04/54,
07/00/54, 07/19/54, 08/27/54, 01/14/55, 03/13/55, 04/07/55, 04/25/55, 06/11/55, 06/26/55, 11/05/55, 12/11/55, 12/17/55, 01/13/56, 04/12/56, 04/26/56,
07/00/56, 07/06/56, 07/20/56, 07/21/56, 07/30/56, 09/16/56, 09/17/56, 11/00/56,
11/16/56, 11/22/56, 11/23/56, 11/28/56, 12/04/56, 12/10/56,
01/11/57, 01/22/57, 04/02/57, 04/10/57, 05/28/57, 07/30/57, 08/02/57,
08/03/57, 08/16/57, 12/30/57, 01/09/58, 01/29/58, 02/14/58, 04/13/58,
04/23/58, 05/07/58, 06/01/58, 06/03/58,
06/07/58, 11/22/58, 01/15/59, 03/15/59, 04/22/59, 06/00/59,
07/30/59, 08/17/59,
09/15/59, 10/04/59, 10/26/59, 11/02/59, 11/08/59, 01/24/60, 04/19/60,
07/09/60, 07/10/60, 07/11/60, 07/13/60, 07/17/60, 08/07/60, 08/19/60, 10/29/60, 12/04/60, 01/19/61, 03/08/61, 01/18/62,
11/21/62, 11/22/62, 01/17/63, 01/25/63, 01/26/63, 12/13/63, 01/16/64, 07/25/64, 01/12/65, 01/16/65, 01/21/65, 03/08/65, 09/14/65, 09/25/65,
01/20/66, 09/29/66, 01/19/67, 02/11/67, 02/13/67, 02/18/67,
08/00/67, 08/24/67, 09/24/67, 12/00/67, 01/13/68, 01/28/68, 03/23/68, 11/18/68, 01/23/69, 01/22/70, 07/00/71, 09/17/71, 01/09/72,
01/13/72, 12/09/72, 01/25/73,
01/00/73, 02/04/73, 10/21/73, 01/03/74, 10/25/74, 01/19/75,
01/00/76, 1/21/76, 03/14/76, 04/18/76, 08/23/76, 10/18/77
Harris, Radie, 04/22/50, 12/07/76
Harris, Stan, 04/00/62
Harrisburg (Pa.), 02/01/28
Harrison, E. J. (Dutch), 01/28/39, 01/12/51, 01/15/54
Harrison, Rex, 05/26/48, 02/15/57, 02/16/57
Hartman, David, 12/10/72, 04/12/77
Hartman, Don, 10/02/39, 03/04/43, 05/24/55
Hatch, Wilbur (Bill), 06/13/32, 01/11/43, 09/13/43, 01/08/45, 08/26/46, 10/06/47
Hathaway, Stan, 04/12/75
Haver, June, 12/13/63
Havoc, June, 04/09/42
Hawaii, 08/30/36, 06/28/62, 11/00/62, 06/19/66, 07/14/67, 06/00/68,
Hayden Lake (Idaho), 06/20/47, 08/17/47, 08/04/48,
09/27/48, 08/10/49, 07/31/50, 08/14/50, 05/26/51, 08/22/51, 08/00/52,
08/00/53, 04/12/54, 08/00/54,07/00/55, 08/11/55, 09/03/55, 07/21/56, 09/06/56,
11/02/57, 01/30/62
Haydn, Richard, 11/05/42, 12/10/42, 12/31/42, 05/25/44, 06/07/46, 11/00/49
Hayes, Bill, 10/01/58, 03/02/59, 09/29/59
Hayes, Gabby, 12/31/44
Hayes, Helen, 12/22/73
Hayes, Peter Lind, 06/25/42, 02/00/57
Haymes, Dick, 12/16/43, 02/00/45, 03/16/47, 03/19/47,
12/12/47, 12/20/47, 02/04/48
Hayton, Lennie, 03/31/28, 08/03/29, 08/07/29, 05/03/32, 05/25/32,
07/12/32, 08/13/32, 09/09/32, 09/25/32, 10/02/32, 10/25/32, 01/04/33, 04/05/33,
08/28/33, 09/27/33, 10/16/33, 10/22/33, 11/20/33, 12/11/33, 12/25/33, 01/15/34, 07/18/40,
Hayward, Louis, 05/11/39, 11/16/39
Hayward, Susan, 04/30/42, 03/14/47, 10/12/61
Hayworth, Rita, 07/10/41, 02/20/45, 06/10/45, 03/18/48, 05/13/50
Hearst, George, 01/07/61
Hearst, Millicent, 01/07/61
Hearst, Patty, 04/12/68
Hearst, William Randolph Jr.,
Hearst, William Randolph, 08/30/33
Heart of Show Business, The, 05/00/57
Heatherton, Joey, 08/31/67
Hebert, Jay, 01/11/57, 11/11/63
Hebert, Lionel, 01/19/61, 10/22/69
Hedison, David, 08/29/64
Heifetz, Jascha, 07/13/46
Heflin, Van, 12/23/49, 07/06/65
Heidt, Horace, 07/09/33, 01/29/44
Heisler, Stuart, 03/04/45, 07/12/45, 03/14/47
Hellinger, Mark, 11/02/39, 12/12/47, 02/04/48, 04/10/50
Hellman, Lillian, 03/28/60
Hemion, Dwight, 11/20/75, 03/26/76, 09/06/77
Henderson, Charles, 11/09/44
Henderson, Florence, 10/01/58, 03/02/59, 09/29/59, 04/20/68
Henderson, Mary, 05/07/55, 09/17/56
Henderson, Skitch, 01/11/42, 02/06/43,
10/16/46, 01/13/47, 03/26/47, 06/04/47, 12/31/66
Hendra & Ullett, 02/18/67
Hepburn, Audrey, 01/28/53, 11/02/53, 02/14/54
Herbert, Hugh, 01/29/38, 02/05/39
Here Comes the Groom (movie)
Here Come the Waves (movie) 05/01/44, 12/04/44, 12/27/44
Here Is My Heart (movie)
Herman, Woody, 05/23/37, 07/30/41, 01/18/42, 11/21/67
Herron, Davidson, 08/28/47, 09/01/47, 04/21/48
Hersholt, Jean, 03/26/36
Herth, Milt, 11/13/41
Hervey, Irene, 12/19/38, 04/20/39
Hey Jude, Hey Bing! (LP album) 11/21/68, 11/25/68, 01/04/69, 02/18/69
Heywood, Eddie, 02/15/45, 05/17/45, 08/09/45, 08/17/45, 09/05/45
Hicks, Elizabeth (Betty), 10/01/39, 06/03/45
High Society (movie), 01/06/56, 01/17/56, 01/19/56, 01/23/56,
02/22/56, 07/15/56, 08/01/56, 08/09/56, 03/27/57
High Time (movie), 02/01/60, 03/00/60, 04/19/60, 06/15/60,
High Tor (TV film), 10/31/55, 11/07/55, 12/27/55, 02/01/56, 03/10/56, 09/24/59
Hildegarde, 01/13/44, 05/17/47, 05/17/50
Hill, Howard, 03/07/40
Hill, Opal, 01/24/41
Hilliard, Harriet, 03/18/37, 06/10/37, 12/24/42
Hi-Lo's, The, 12/08/59
Hillsborough (homes), 10/00/63, 01/05/64, 01/09/64, 10/01/64, 04/29/65,
06/13/65, 08/09/65, 12/00/65, 04/29/66, 02/07/67, 12/31/68, 05/00/69, 12/24/70,
12/25/71, 03/22/72, 11/25/73, 07/15/74, 09/09/74, 11/25/74, 10/00/75, 12/31/75,
01/10/76, 07/28/77
Hilton, James, 01/02/41, 01/23/41, 05/29/41
Hines, Jimmy, 07/18/62
Hinnau, Duke, 02/07/34, 04/16/34
Hirschhorn, Clive, 05/00/75
Hirt, Al, 02/17/63, 09/10/76, 09/21/76
Hitchcock, Alfred, 03/08/55
Hobart, Valentine, 00/00/10
Hobson, Valerie, 05/28/35
Hodges, Joy, 03/26/35, 01/21/46
Hodiak, John, 01/09/48
Hogan, Ben, 01/30/42, 04/22/45, 01/09/48, 04/15/48, 01/14/49, 02/28/50, 02/10/52, 02/00/53, 01/10/56, 01/11/56, 01/13/56, 03/19/57, 03/20/57, 00/04/57, 03/21/60, 03/26/61, 03/27/61, 04/23/62
Hogan, Louanne, 12/05/49
Hogan’s Heroes (TV series), 09/17/65, 12/25/65
Holden, William, 12/00/46, 05/26/48, 02/25/50, 02/14/54, 02/22/54, 12/21/54, 08/13/68
Holiday in Europe (LP album), 10/15/60, 05/08/61
Holiday Inn (movie), 05/14/40, 11/00/41, 12/25/41, 05/25/42,
06/01/42, 06/25/42, 08/04/42, 08/06/42, 11/04/42, 01/11/43, 03/04/43
Holland (Europe), 05/00/53, 08/07/75
Holliday, Michael, 03/12/58, 05/27/59, 10/15/60, 03/00/64
Holloway, Sterling, 11/08/37, 01/06/38, 10/26/39
Hollywood (see Los Angeles)
Hollywood Canteen, 12/24/43, 12/24/44
Hollywood Fathers (film short), 06/00/55
Hollywood Handicap (film short), 01/08/38
Hollywood on Parade—No. 2 (1932) (film short), 07/00/32
Hollywood on Parade—No. 1 (1933) (film short), 06/00/33
Hollywood on Parade—No. 4 (1933) (film short), 07/03/33
Hollywood on Parade—No. 7 (1933) (film short), 01/22/34
Hollywood on the Air (radio program), 06/12/33, 09/11/33, 09/30/33
The Hollywood Palace (TV show) 12/28/63, 01/04/64, 01/16/65, 09/03/65,
09/05/65, 09/13/65, 09/18/65, 09/25/65, 11/20/65, 11/29/65, 12/17/65, 12/25/65,
01/01/66, 02/19/66, 03/26/66, 05/21/66, 08/10/66, 07/31/66, 09/17/66, 11/05/66,
11/26/66, 12/16/66, 12/24/66, 12/31/66, 01/14/67, 02/18/67, 04/01/67, 05/13/67,
09/05/67, 10/31/67, 11/15/67, 12/20/67, 12/21/67, 01/13/68, 03/01/68, 04/20/68,
09/20/68, 09/28/68, 11/23/68, 12/12/68, 12/21/68, 01/04/69, 02/18/69, 03/19/69,
04/05/69, 09/28/69, 09/30/69, 10/11/69, 11/12/69, 12/11/69, 01/03/70, 02/07/70
Hollywood Victory Caravan, 04/23/42, 05/05/42–05/12/42
Hollywood Victory Caravan (film short), 08/00/45, 10/18/45
Holman, Libby, 05/00/29
Holmby Hills home (see South Mapleton Drive)
Holm, Celeste, 03/04/51, 01/23/56
Holscher, Bud, 12/06/58
Holt, Jack, 12/14/39
Holtz, Lou, 11/09/39, 11/23/39, 07/18/40, 08/01/40
Holyoke (Mass.), 08/00/64
Honor Caddie (film short), 01/03/49, 03/28/49
Hood, Darla, 10/24/59
Hoover, J. Edgar, 06/21/37, 04/05/48, 04/10/51, 06/08/55, 01/31/63, 07/14/66
Hope, Bob, 05/29/03, 10/00/32, 12/02/32, 11/07/37, 11/10/37, 11/14/37,
03/05/38, 04/00/38, 07/14/38, 08/05/38, 12/26/38, 01/28/39, 09/25/39, 09/28/39, 10/02/39,
12/10/39, 12/16/39. 12/22/39,
01/06/40, 02/20/40, 03/23/40, 05/23/40, 07/18/40, 11/00/40,
12/27/40, 01/19/41, 02/23/41, 03/10/41, 03/18/41, 04/10/41, 07/06/41,
01/05/42, 01/11/42, 01/30/42, 02/02/42, 02/06/42, 02/11/42, 02/13/42,
03/01/42, 03/08/42, 05/06/42, 05/12/42, 07/26/42, 08/15/42, 08/16/42,
09/10/42, 10/01/42, 10/03/42, 10/04/42, 10/10/42, 10/29/42, 11/01/42,
01/25/43, 01/26/43, 02/24/43, 03/28/43, 04/04/1943, 04/05/43,
04/17/43, 05/07/43, 05/21/43,
05/29/43, 09/21/43, 09/25/43, 11/01/43, 12/00/43, 12/24/43, 01/23/44,
01/30/44, 02/13/44, 02/15/44, 04/13/44, 05/06/44, 05/21/44,
06/03/44, 06/04/44, 06/13/44, 06/14/44, 06/15/44, 06/22/44, 07/04/44,
11/14/44, 12/06/44, 12/08/44, 12/16/44, 12/17/44, 12/19/44, 12/25/44,
12/29/44, 02/15/45, 02/18/45, 02/20/45, 03/15/45, 04/15/45, 04/22/45,
05/02/45, 05/06/45,
05/08/45, 05/13/45, 05/26/45, 06/04/45, 06/16/45, 09/02/45, 09/13/45,
02/04/46, 03/00/46, 03/03/46, 04/00/46, 04/21/46, 04/22/46,
06/06/46, 07/00/46, 07/14/46, 10/01/46, 10/16/46, 12/00/46, 12/10/46,
12/24/46, 12/30/46, 01/15/47, 01/29/47, 02/09/47, 03/16/47, 03/31/47,
06/15/47, 06/18/47,
10/22/47, 10/28/47, 11/02/47, 11/24/47, 03/18/48, 05/01/48, 05/26/48,
10/04/48, 12/07/48, 12/15/48, 12/25/48, 01/00/49, 05/16/49, 06/04/49,
06/23/49, 08/09/49, 10/23/49, 10/28/49, 10/31/49, 11/02/49, 11/15/49,
11/17/49, 12/18/49,
12/20/49, 01/21/50, 02/01/50, 02/25/50, 03/21/50, 03/22/50, 04/15/50,
05/24/50, 09/19/50, 09/20/50, 09/21/50, 09/25/50, 10/03/50, 10/04/50,
10/11/50, 10/18/50, 12/00/50, 12/12/50, 12/26/50, 01/08/51, 01/09/51, 01/10/51,
01/12/51, 01/23/51,
01/31/51, 04/00/51, 05/28/51, 09/27/51, 10/02/51, 10/17/51, 12/12/51, 12/17/51, 12/18/51, 12/25/51, 12/26/51,
01/12/52, 01/15/52, 01/16/52, 02/10/52, 03/02/52, 03/11/52, 04/05/52, 04/09/52,
04/21/52, 06/21/52, 06/23/52, 06/24/52, 09/19/52, 09/20/52, 09/21/52, 11/03/52,
11/10/52, 01/04/53, 01/10/53, 01/14/53, 01/15/53, 01/16/53, 01/28/53, 02/00/53, 02/08/53,
02/27/53, 04/11/53, 11/28/53, 01/15/54, 11/25/54, 03/30/55, 05/24/55, 11/23/55,
04/25/56, 01/00/57, 01/11/57,
Hope, Dolores, 09/25/39, 04/12/46
Hope, Linda, 09/25/39, 01/11/69
Hopkins, Miriam, 04/00/34, 03/10/38, 05/26/38, 02/02/39
Hopper, Hedda, 11/26/29, 02/18/30, 07/03/37, 12/25/37, 03/03/44, 04/29/45,
08/20/45, 03/24/49, 04/28/51, 05/11/51
Horne, Lena, 01/30/44, 06/16/44, 10/19/67
Horton, Edward Everett, 06/26/32, 04/02/36, 01/14/37, 02/11/37,
05/23/38, 05/26/38, 01/23/41
Horton, Tommy, 07/05/75
Houser, Frederick F., 03/25/46
Houston (Tex.), 02/12/42, 05/12/42, 09/20/42, 11/07/57, 04/11/60,
Howard, Charles S., 11/23/35, 01/18/36, 02/22/36, 02/27/37, 04/00/37, 07/03/37, 08/19/37, 03/27/38, 08/12/38
Howard, Leslie, 12/15/38
Lindsay, 11/23/35, 01/18/36, 02/22/36, 08/29/36, 09/03/36, 09/15/36,
09/22/36, 09/23/36, 09/30/36, 10/02/36, 10/8/36, 11/21/36, 07/17/37, 11/00/37,
01/05/38, 02/00/38, 03/00/38, 06/25/38, 08/12/38, 01/08/39, 01/15/39, 07/12/39, 09/04/39, 01/10/40,
03/23/40, 05/11/40, 07/14/41, 09/07/41, 09/23/41, 07/23/53, 10/01/64
Howes, Sally Ann, 02/14/69, 04/05/69
How the West Was Won (LP album), 07/20/59
Hubert, Marcel, 06/13/40
Hughes, Howard, 06/22/40
Hughes, Rupert, 01/09/36
Hull, Warren, 04/29/47
Humanette (film short), 03/17/31,
Hume, Benita, 12/22/38
Humperdinck, Engelbert, 09/30/69, 10/11/69, 01/19/70
Hunt, Leroy P., 11/05/42
Hunt, Marsha, 01/29/36, 02/10/60
Hunter, Vic, 12/14/45, 12/21/45, 12/31/45, 06/03/46, 06/04/46, 06/07/46
Hunter, Willie, 02/13/44
Husing, Ted, 07/30/51
Hussey, Ruth, 11/13/41, 05/28/42, 03/07/45, 04/17/47, 11/00/49, 01/16/53, 04/11/53, 09/16/63
Huston, Walter, 02/06/36, 10/14/37, 05/05/38, 06/01/39, 12/04/41,
Hutcheson, Ernest, 06/11/36, 08/06/36
Hutton, Betty, 06/20/42, 12/31/42, 01/07/43, 12/16/43, 05/01/44,
05/06/44, 06/03/44
Hyams, Joe, 03/30/59
Hyams, Leila, 07/05/32
Hyer, Martha, 02/27/64
Hylton, Jack, 09/29/44
Iceland, 07/17/69, 02/08/70
Ichabod (see “Adventures of”)
If I Had My Way (movie), 02/00/40, 03/09/40, 03/10/40, 03/15/40,
03/17/40, 04/12/40, 05/05/40
“Ile de France” (ocean liner), 08/25/44
Ilma, Viola, 05/10/50
I Married Joan (TV series), 02/25/53
Immaculate Heart College, 02/00/68, 03/05/68, 05/24/68, 12/10/68,
Indianapolis (Ind.) 01/23/27, 10/23/27, 05/30/29, 09/15/42, 05/30/45
Ingle, Red, 12/05/47, 01/28/48
Inglewood (Calif.), 01/25/42, 12/13/46, 03/05/48, 02/08/53
The Ink Spots, 02/27/41
Ireland (see also Dublin), 09/15/61, 06/25/65, 10/13/65, 09/14/66, 06/27/67,
I Surrender Dear (film short) 06/08/31, 09/13/31
Italy (Europe), 04/19/50, 04/00/53, 09/02/60, 09/00/62, 08/16/69,
07/30/70, 08/04/72
Iturbi, Amparo, 08/08/40
Iturbi, Jose, 12/24/36, 06/17/37, 12/30/37, 05/02/40, 08/08/40,
12/26/40, 06/14/44
Ives, Burl, 10/08/46, 11/20/46, 03/21/47, 04/23/47,
04/04/47, 04/23/47, 10/10/47, 10/22/47, 03/18/48, 02/13/49, 03/02/49, 04/26/51, 05/16/51,
06/16/51, 06/27/51, 05/25/59, 10/06/64
I Wish You a Merry Christmas (LP album), 10/05/62, 12/22/62
Jackson, Chevalier, 03/00/32
Jackson, Eddie, 04/03/32
Jackson, Mahalia, 10/01/58
Jackson, Sammy, 08/29/64
Jagger, Dean, 09/07/53
Jamaica, 03/28/60
James, Harry, 06/18/42, 06/25/42, 07/11/43, 12/16/43, 10/07/45, 01/05/49,
05/08/55, 05/05/68, 01/25/73
Jameson, Betty, 06/22/41, 04/22/45
Jameson, Joyce, 09/17/66
Jamison, Anne, 04/04/40
Jans and Whalen, 12/04/31
Janssen, David, 08/29/64
Jarman, Claude, 04/29/65
Jarvis, Al, 05/21/37, 08/17/45, 04/21/46
Jasper Park (Alberta, Canada), 05/17/46, 06/01/46, 08/31/47, 09/05/49
Jean, Gloria, 01/25/40, 02/00/40, 05/05/40, 05/23/40
Jeanmaire, Zizi,
04/07/55, 05/02/55, 06/01/55
Jeffries, James J., 07/08/44, 07/09/44
Jenkins, Allan, 11/11/35, 07/25/40, 12/19/40, 03/19/42, 03/09/45
Jenks, Frank, 04/24/41
Jennings, William, 03/14/65
Jepson, Helen, 07/14/38, 05/05/48
Jersey City (N.J.), 12/17/28, 03/03/33
Jessel, George, 07/27/26, 12/16/26, 03/25/32,
04/08/32, 06/04/36, 06/00/36, 07/03/37, 08/05/37, 12/25/37, 01/06/47, 01/22/47, 06/04/51,
06/06/51, 09/25/58, 11/18/68
Jessner, Irene, 10/27/38
The Jesters, 12/06/45, 05/08/47
Jewell, Derek, 03/00/76
Jewell, Isabel, 11/25/37, 05/12/38
Johannson, Ingemar, 03/13/61
Johnson, Albert, 09/23/38
Johnson, Arte, 12/21/70, 01/06/71, 03/18/71
Johnson, Hall, 11/20/41
Johnson, Lyndon B., 11/22/63, 11/03/64, 09/09/67
Johnson, Susan, 08/19/60
Johnson, Thomas P., 08/08/46, 01/24/51, 01/13/59, 01/20/67
Johnson, Todd, 03/18/37, 01/21/41, 05/18/59
Johnson, Van, 01/10/47, 01/09/48, 05/26/48, 01/15/54, 01/13/56
Johnson, Wayne, 08/31/56
Johnstown (Pa.), 02/03/28
Join Bing and Sing Along (LP album), 12/16/59
Jolson, Al, 03/20/14, 08/27/15, 06/19/17, 06/05/21, 10/06/27, 01/04/28,
09/09/32, 03/00/34, 12/21/34, 07/06/35, 09/17/35, 12/07/35, 02/01/37, 05/28/37,
05/02/39, 10/10/46, 12/01/46, 12/23/46, 01/15/47, 02/18/47, 03/03/47, 03/05/47,
04/02/47, 03/25/47, 03/31/47, 05/07/47, 10/01/47, 10/16/47, 12/03/47, 01/15/48,
03/17/49, 10/04/48, 11/07/47, 11/24/49, 11/30/49, 12/15/49, 12/20/49, 12/28/49,
01/04/50, 02/02/50, 02/15/50, 04/10/50, 05/03/50, 10/23/50
Jones, Anissa, 09/14/68, 02/15/69
Jones, Bobby, 05/18/47
Jones, Isham, 04/23/32
Jones, Jennifer, 06/10/45, 05/08/55, 12/31/55
Jones, Robert Trent, Sr., 01/24/63
Jones, Shirley, 04/12/76
Jones, Spike, 07/12/37, 04/16/42, 05/30/42, 12/16/43, 11/30/44, 01/11/45,
07/05/45, 01/28/46, 02/27/46, 05/09/46, 10/23/46
Jordan, Jim and Marion – see Fibber McGee
and Molly
Jordan, Louis, 07/26/44, 06/12/47
Jordan, Will, 06/24/62
The Joyful Hour (radio series) 12/19/48, 12/18/49, 12/23/51
Jubilee (AFRS show), 01/10/44, 08/08/45
Juliette, 03/07/66
Jupiter (Fla.), 03/00/60
Just an Echo (film short) 05/24/33, 01/11/34
Just for You (movie), 10/22/51, 05/08/52, 10/08/52, 03/19/53
Justis, Bill, 10/29/63
Kainapau, George, 04/16/53, 05/07/53,
Kai-shek, Chiang (General), 06/28/45
Kane, Babe, 07/00/31, 07/02/32
Kanin, Garson, 06/20/40
Kansas City (MO.), 12/10/28, 06/01/29, 09/16/42, 06/03/45
Kanter, Hal, 10/18/49, 09/20/50, 10/11/50, 10/18/50,
Kapp, Jack, 03/30/31, 06/09/33, 07/06/34, 08/14/35, 12/20/40, 04/06/43,
Karloff, Boris, 10/13/47, 10/29/47
Karns, Roscoe, 06/23/38
Kay, Beatrice, 12/28/44
Kaye, Danny, 02/18/45, 12/13/45, 03/04/47, 03/19/47, 03/20/52, 08/19/53, 09/07/53, 01/24/54, 04/10/54,
10/14/54, 08/00/58, 03/08/61, 09/25/63, 01/11/69
Kaye, Sammy, 12/16/43, 11/30/53, 03/11/55
Keating, Fred, 04/23/36
Keating, Johnny, 05/09/66
Keaton, Buster, 01/08/38
Keel, Howard, 01/14/55,
Keeler, Ruby, 03/22/27, 03/00/34, 03/24/34, 09/17/35, 05/28/37, 12/10/39
Keighley, William, 09/26/49
Keller, James, (Father), 11/30/49, 02/25/50, 03/00/52, 02/00/53, 10/01/67
Kelliher, Franklin, (Father), 06/05/59, 06/18/59
Kelly, Gene, 05/04/44, 12/06/45, 09/08/60, 10/03/63, 10/15/63, 10/24/68
Kelly, Grace, 02/14/54, 02/22/54, 05/06/54, 12/21/54, 03/30/55, 10/15/55,
01/23/56, 02/22/56, 04/19/56, 11/10/56, 08/25/62
Kelly, J. S. "Shipwreck", 05/22/48
Kelly, Patsy, 03/12/36, 11/19/36
Kelly, Roger, 01/26/47
Kendall, Kay, 02/16/57
Kennedy, Edgar, 02/06/37, 01/24/41
Kennedy, Jimmy, 06/22/50
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 03/31/61
Kennedy, John F., 04/15/48, 11/09/60, 03/31/61, 03/23/62, 10/22/62, 12/08/62,
09/28/63, 11/22/63
Kennedy, Joseph, 03/31/61, 08/27/61
Kennedy, Rose, 04/15/48
Kenny, Elizabeth (Sister), 07/24/45, 09/20/45, 10/07/45, 11/12/45, 11/22/45, 12/05/45, 01/31/46, 08/08/46
10/16/46, 01/13/50, 04/10/52
Kenton, Stan, 09/21/43, 02/15/44, 12/16/44
Kenya (Africa), 08/00/68, 07/30/69, 03/19/71, 08/04/72, 09/07/73
Keppel, Francis, 11/18/42
Kern, Jerome, 05/05/42, 11/11/45, 12/09/45
Kessler Twins, 11/14/65
Ketcham, Hank, 01/14/55, 01/22/70, 01/14/71, 08/08/71, 08/09/71, 01/13/72, 01/25/73, 03/23/73, 08/09/73, 01/03/74, 01/23/75, 07/05/75, 01/22/76, 01/20/77
Khan, Ali, 05/13/50
Khruschev, Nikita, 09/20/59, 02/20/60
Kibbee, Guy, 02/06/37, 01/28/39, 10/25/42
Kidloodlers, The, 12/07/39, 12/28/39, 08/01/40
Kieser, Ellwood, 10/18/77
Kiner, Ralph, 02/13/50, 04/15/50, 02/29/52, 03/03/52, 02/00/53, 01/15/54, 01/13/56, 01/17/63
King, Alan, 10/22/67, 11/25/67
King, Dave, 08/05/61, 11/12/61
King, Pee Wee, 03/11/55
King Cole Trio, The, 12/00/40,
King Family, The,
King of Jazz (movie), 05/24/29, 06/28/29, 08/28/29, 10/25/29,
11/08/29, 02/07/30, 03/06/30, 05/02/30, 05/18/33
King, Peggy, 03/14/54
King, Pete, 12/27/57, 08/25/60
King Sisters, 04/20/68
The King’s Men, 02/19/52, 06/17/52
King, Wayne, 08/17/37
Kirkwood, Jack, 12/20/49, 12/26/50, 01/11/51, 12/25/51
Kirkwood, James, 06/11/66
Kirsten, Dorothy, 10/31/47, 11/19/47, 10/08/48, 11/8/48, 11/24/48, 05/25/49, 04/11/50,
04/13/50, 10/24/50, 10/25/50, 11/01/50, 12/20/50, 01/09/51, 02/14/51, 11/18/68
Klamath Falls, (Ore.), 10/25/37
Kleffner, Sib, 10/30/46, 07/30/48, 07/21/49, 07/29/50. 08/10/51
Klein, Manny, 07/18/40
Knight, Evelyn, 11/28/47, 01/14/48, 03/18/49
Knight, Peter, 11/12/61, 07/08/76
Knudson, Thurston, 03/06/41
Kohan, Buz, 04/13/70, 12/16/70, 01/23/71, 12/10/72, 03/15/73, 11/03/74, 03/20/77, 09/11/77
Konigsberg, Frank, 01/05/70, 09/18/70, 03/20/77, 09/05/77
Korda, Alexander, 12/00/46
Kornheiser, Sidney, 03/00/44
Kornman, Mary, 04/03/33, 05/24/33
Koshetz, Marina, 12/21/52 (aka Marina Schubert)
Koshetz, Nina, 01/16/36, 01/30/36,
Kossoff, David, 07/31/61, 08/26/61
Kostelanetz, Andre, 11/05/39
Kovacs, Ernie, 12/00/57
Kraft Choral Society, The,
Kraft Foods, 12/03/75
The Kraft Music Hall (radio series), 08/15/35, 12/05/35 to 05/09/46,
10/01/47, 10/16/47, 01/15/48
Kramer, Jack, 01/17/63, 06/30/65
Krofft, Sid & Marty, 02/14/64
Krueger, Benny, 11/23/31, 12/16/31, 01/21/32, 02/06/32
Krupa, Gene, 11/10/38
Kuhl, Cal, 01/02/36, 06/00/36
Kyser, Kay, 05/22/41, 08/30/42, 12/24/42, 12/28/42, 08/28/43,
01/30/44, 02/08/44, 11/22/47
La Cava, Gregory, 01/27/38
Ladd, Alan, 07/07/43, 02/08/44, 08/01/46, 10/00/46, 05/26/48, 12/18/49, 01/03/51
Ladd, Lorna, 06/28/32
Laemmle, Carl, 09/22/25
Laguna Honda Hospital (San Francisco), 12/16/71, 12/14/72, 12/13/73,
12/16/74, 12/22/75, 12/21/76
Lahr, Bert, 06/08/39, 06/19/41, 05/05/42, 02/25/43, 03/18/43, 03/25/43,
Laine, Frankie, 11/02/47, 11/26/47, 11/11/63
Lake, Florence, 04/08/37,
Lake, Veronica, 12/11/41, 05/05/48
Lakeside Golf Club, 07/00/29, 11/00/30, 05/20/31, 06/20/33, 01/26/34,
03/01/34, 04/04/35, 11/13/35, 06/14/36, 10/25/36, 05/12/37, 06/13/37, 08/28/37,
02/01/39, 12/10/39, 12/22/39, 03/13/40, 03/17/40, 03/20/40, 03/24/40, 03/27/40,
03/31/40, 04/03/40, 04/07/40, 04/10/40, 04/14/40, 04/17/40, 04/21/40, 04/24/40,
06/30/40, 01/06/41, 01/01/42, 01/31/43, 01/23/44, 01/29/44, 01/30/44, 05/10/44,
Lamarr, Hedy, 12/27/40, 03/08/42, 08/30/42, 09/10/42,
Lamour, Dorothy, 08/20/36, 01/07/37, 03/02/38, 03/05/38, 10/02/39, 12/30/39,
02/20/40, 11/00/40, 12/27/40, 07/09/41, 02/27/42, 10/28/42, 12/03/42, 07/01/43, 11/01/43,
12/00/43, 12/16/43, 12/20/43, 01/12/44, 12/04/44, 12/00/46, 12/30/46, 01/15/47,
01/29/47, 11/22/47, 04/15/50, 01/10/51, 07/29/51–07/31/51, 12/12/51, 12/26/51, 04/21/52,
06/21/52, 11/03/52, 08/02/61, 09/18/61, 07/31/66, 08/03/66, 11/26/66, 10/25/67, 10/23/68,
11/18/68, 01/11/69, 01/03/72, 11/17/72, 08/13/75, 10/02/76
Lancaster, Burt, 12/00/46, 01/24/60, 08/23/76
Lancer Productions, 03/04/52
Landi, Elissa, 10/29/36, 05/13/37
Landis, Carole, 04/05/41, 12/04/41, 05/21/42
Landon, Michael, 11/29/71, 03/15/73, 12/09/73
Lane, Ken, 05/02/45, 05/11/49, 06/21/50
Lane, Lola, 05/04/39
Lane, Muriel, 07/30/41
Lane, Priscilla, 12/08/38, 03/07/40, 05/15/41
Lane, Robbie, 03/07/66
Lane, Rosemary, 04/06/39, 10/12/39, 04/17/41, 06/04/42
Lang, Eddie, 05/19/29, 05/24/29, 08/03/29, 09/02/31, 04/13/32, 05/03/32,
07/12/32, 08/13/32, 09/09/32, 09/16/32, 09/25/32, 10/02/32, 11/25/32, 01/04/33,
03/26/33, 03/30/33, 07/13/34, 09/08/39
Lang, Kitty, 04/13/32, 03/26/33, 10/14/34, 06/00/36, 01/21/41, 01/03/51
Lang, Walter, 05/29/37
Langdon, Harry, 01/22/34
Langford, Frances, 09/14/36, 08/17/36, 08/05/37, 12/09/38, 03/09/39,
01/06/40, 04/05/41, 05/05/42, 10/03/42, 01/26/43, 05/21/43, 09/21/43, 09/25/43,
02/15/44, 11/14/44, 12/06/44, 12/19/44, 12/29/44, 05/13/45, 05/29/45, 01/25/67, 05/13/67
Langlie, Arthur B., 08/19/55
Lanin, Sam, 12/28/28, 01/25/29
Lansing (Michigan), 12/02/27
La Paz (Baja California), 05/13/59, 04/00/61, 05/10/61, 09/29/76,
Las Cruces (Baja California), 05/07/59, 06/02/61, 02/16/62, 05/09/62,
05/26/62, 06/04/62, 06/21/62, 02/00/63, 03/22/63, 03/27/64, 03/00/65, 06/13/65,
05/11/66, 06/09/66, 11/27/66, 03/24/67, 11/15/67, 05/02/68, 11/00/68, 02/01/69,
04/23/69, 05/02/69, 05/19/69, 02/00/70, 04/00/70, 04/03/71, 02/20/72, 03/23/72,
04/01/73, 05/02/73, 05/24/73, 05/04/74, 09/00/74, 12/21/74, 01/29/75, 03/28/75,
10/00/75, 09/29/76, 05/14/77,06/30/77
Lauder, Sir Harry, 06/20/47
Laughton, Charles, 08/08/40, 12/24/42
Lausche, Frank, 05/27/45
Laurel and Hardy, 05/05/42
LaVere, Charles, 12/12/40, 02/23/42, 05/02/45
Lawford, Peter, 07/27/69, 01/19/70, 02/22/71
Lawrence, Bill, 07/26/49
Lawrence, Carol, 10/05/60, 12/13/60, 03/17/61, 03/20/61
Lawrence, Steve, 03/26/76
Leahy, Frank, 07/31/41
Lee, Bill, 07/01/55
Lee, Gypsy Rose, 05/06/44
Lee, Peggy, 05/02/46, 11/22/46, 12/02/46, 12/11/46, 12/16/46, 12/18/46,
01/01/47, 01/08/47, 01/21/47, 01/28/47, 02/05/47, 02/12/47, 02/25/47, 03/12/47,
03/17/47, 03/26/47, 04/09/47, 04/23/47, 08/10/47, 08/15/47, 10/01/47, 10/08/47,
12/21/47, 12/22/47, 02/11/48, 02/25/48, 03/24/48, 04/07/48, 10/09/48, 10/27/48,
11/10/48, 12/01/48, 12/13/48, 12/15/48, 12/29/48, 01/03/49, 01/12/49, 01/26/49, 02/07/49,
02/23/49, 03/09/49, 03/10/49, 03/16/49, 03/21/49, 04/13/49, 04/27/49, 05/11/49,
09/19/49, 09/21/49, 09/24/49, 09/28/49, 10/12/49, 10/10/49, 10/19/49, 11/17/49,
11/23/49, 11/29/49, 12/03/49, 12/07/49, 12/31/49, 01/11/50, 01/18/50, 01/25/50,
02/08/50, 12/09/50, 12/13/50, 02/10/51, 02/21/51, 05/16/52, 06/02/52, 06/18/52,
06/15/52, 06/24/52, 06/25/52, 01/04/53, 02/07/53, 02/26/53, 11/08/53, 11/15/53,
11/29/53, 04/10/54, 11/22/55, 01/09/58, 09/29/59, 07/30/61, 08/26/61, 09/24/61,
12/21/67, 01/13/68, 10/02/76
Leeds, Andrea, 11/24/38
Leedy, Harry, 02/13/76
Lehmann, Lotte, 02/27/36, 11/26/36, 02/24/38,
Lehr, Dolly, 05/15/41
Leiber, Fritz, 04/23/36
Leigh, Janet, 06/00/51, 12/15/65, 12/13/71
Lema, Tony, 01/16/64
Lemmon, Jack, 03/08/55, 01/23/69, 01/22/70, 01/13/72, 01/25/73, 01/03/74, 01/23/75, 08/23/76, 01/20/77
Lenhart, Billy, 12/21/39
Lenhart, Margaret, 05/27/42, 12/10/42
Lennon Sisters, The,
Leonard, Sheldon, 10/19/51, 04/20/66
LeRoy, Mervyn. 12/02/65, 09/21/71
Lessy, Ben, 05/08/52, 10/06/54
Lester, Buddy, 01/09/58, 04/13/58
Lester, Jerry, 05/15/41, 06/05/41, 07/10/41, 10/30/41, 11/27/41, 01/01/42
Let It Be Me (cartoon) 05/2/36
Let’s Make Love (movie), 06/15/60, 09/08/60
Levant, Oscar, 03/28/40, 05/06/40, 07/18/40, 08/19/43, 10/16/47,
12/21/47, 01/15/48, 02/11/48, 11/10/48
Levitzki, Mischa, 01/09/36, 05/21/36,
07/01/37, 10/07/37, 03/24/38, 02/08/40
Levy, Ralph, 03/21/54
Lewis, Edward, 07/06/34, 07/08/36, 02/28/75
Lewis, Elliott, 03/09/49
Lewis, Fulton Jr., 11/16/47
Lewis, Geoff, 07/06/75
Lewis, Jerry, 10/19/51, 11/07/51, 06/21/52, 02/08/53, 06/09/53, 01/14/55, 09/30/58, 06/24/62, 07/27/69
Lewis, Joe E., 11/08/29, 11/09/1929, 05/26/31, 12/23/49
Lewis, Maxine, 04/16/36
Lewis, Monica, 05/21/47, 12/19/51, 01/02/52, 01/12/52, 01/16/52
Lewis, Robert, 04/07/55
Lewis, Ted, 03/24/34
Lhevinne, Josef, 02/06/36
Liberace, 04/25/56, 01/16/65, 10/22/67, 11/25/67
Liedtke, William, 01/00/76
Lightfoot, Gordon, 03/07/66
Lilley, Joseph J., 11/00/41, 01/07/43, 05/01/44, 07/31/44, 03/09/45,
12/01/45, 03/00/46, 06/07/46, 07/29/46, 12/30/46, 10/22/47, 10/26/48, 03/09/49, 11/00/49,
12/14/50, 04/21/52, 05/20/52, 06/23/52, 09/07/53, 04/10/54, 05/04/54, 12/23/54, 04/07/55,
04/09/55, 05/23/55, 06/01/55, 10/31/55, 02/23/56, 02/24/58, 04/29/62, 12/24/62,
Lillie, Beatrice, 05/00/26, 03/19/32, 10/07/37, 10/13/37,
08/31/44, 01/21/47, 02/05/47, 05/10/48, 05/26/48, 04/04/50, 04/26/50
Lincoln, Abbey, 09/28/68
Lincoln (Nebr.), 06/02/29
Linkletter, Art, 01/09/51, 10/23/55, 07/17/60, 07/25/64
Little, Lawson, 01/07/37, 09/09/40, 08/13/42, 08/15/42, 08/16/42,
09/10/42, 09/11/42, 09/16/42, 09/18/42, 09/19/42, 01/08/48
Little, Rich, 04/03/66, 11/18/68, 12/14/70, 06/26/75, 07/25/75, 01/19/76,
01/26/76, 03/16/76, 03/17/76, 03/24/76, 05/04/76, 09/19/76
A Little Bit of Irish (TV show), 09/20/66, 03/14/67
Little Boy Lost (movie), 04/00/52, 08/31/52, 09/22/52, 11/26/52,
02/23/53, 03/12/53, 08/28/53, 09/21/53
Littler, Gene, 04/18/57, 01/22/75
Livingston, Jay, 09/08/50, 12/14/50, 07/30/51
Livingstone, Mary, 05/29/37, 03/26/47, 02/04/53
Lloyd, Frank, 06/26/32, 04/03/34, 08/12/60
Lloyd, Harold, 09/00/35, 02/16/37, 06/22/42, 07/02/42, 07/22/42, 10/07/45
Lloyd’s of London, 07/21/33
Lockwood, Grey, 09/28/68, 11/22/69
Lockyer, Malcolm, 10/15/60, 05/08/61
Loder, John, 01/16/44
Loeb, Bill, 11/26/76
Loesser, Frank, 05/05/42, 09/08/43
Loff, Jeanette, 03/25/30, 06/11/30
Lofner, Carroll, 03/05/34, 03/19/34
Logan, Ella, 05/23/37, 11/11/37, 02/15/45, 04/21/46
Lombard, Carole, 01/29/34, 03/24/34, 04/02/34, 12/08/34, 05/29/37,
08/12/38, 03/01/41, 01/16/42
Lombardo, Guy, 11/01/31, 01/12/33, 10/07/45, 12/20/50, 01/29/54, 03/26/61
London (England), 08/26/44, 09/29/44, 05/22/50, 09/20/52, 06/07/53,
08/31/60, 10/14/60, 07/17/61, 09/08/61, 06/27/65, 06/04/67, 06/20/67, 08/16/68,
07/24/69, 07/30/70, 08/12/71, 07/31/72, 09/11/72, 09/17/72, 09/30/73, 10/12/73,
02/18/75, 07/13/75, 08/21/75, 06/15/76, 07/19/76, 08/23/77, 09/06/77, 09/26/77,
The Lone Ranger (Brace Beemer), 11/21/47, 01/07/48
Long Beach (Calif.), 01/18/26, 07/00/38, 03/28/43, 02/13/44, 12/17/44,
10/02/51, 12/25/51, 01/09/58
Longines Symphonette
Society, 11/30/65, 03/26/68
Look magazine,
Loos, Eddie, 11/13/34, 12/15/36
Lopez, Nancy, 01/20/77
Lopez, Trini, 09/24/67
Lopez, Vincent, 04/27/32, 05/06/32, 09/25/34
Lorre, Peter, 07/21/44, 10/24/47, 11/12/47
Los Angeles, 11/00/25, 02/04/26, 10/08/26, 06/06/29, 06/15/29, 10/25/29,
04/00/30, 06/12/32, 09/22/32, 04/03/33, 09/05/35, 09/08/37, 10/17/38, 09/28/39,
10/30/41, 02/22/42, 09/23/42, 06/13/43, 11/29/43, 06/20/45, 01/30/46, 06/24/46,
07/10/46, 06/12/47, 05/26/48, 10/00/48, 03/09/49, 06/21/49, 09/06/49, 06/20/50,
09/05/50, 10/25/52, 06/11/56, 04/10/64, 10/03/56, 12/10/56, 12/00/57, 02/24/58,
04/00/58, 07/28/58, 07/20/59, 12/16/59, 12/20/60, 11/16/61, 12/22/61, 07/19/62,
10/01/62, 07/29/63, 10/16/63, 02/04/64, 07/07/65, 11/21/68, 10/00/71, 01/16/75,
01/19/76, 03/17/76, 10/02/76, 10/19/76
Louis, Jean, 10/01/62
Louis, Joe, 06/18/36, 06/22/37, 04/17/39
Louise, Anita, 08/13/36, 12/10/36, 01/19/39
Louisville (Ky.), 10/04/28, 05/14/42, 05/03/75
Love, Winona, 06/04/54, 06/05/54, 05/07/55, 10/15/55
Lovejoy, Frank, 06/13/47
Lowe, Edmund, 03/11/30, 01/18/36, 11/12/36, 07/17/37, 09/26/37, 10/19/37, 10/21/37, 11/28/37, 02/00/38,
04/07/38, 05/28/38, 06/25/38, 12/14/38, 01/15/39, 05/00/39
Lowery, Eddie, 01/11/56
Lowery, Fred, 02/08/45
Lowrey, W. W., 05/22/41
Lowry, Ed, 10/23/33
Lowther, Anthony, 10/16/66
Luboff, Norman, 07/01/55, 12/09/55, 12/14/56,
4/24/57, 12/24/59, 11/12/61, 12/24/62
Lucas, Nick, 02/06/32
Luckman, Charles, 06/04/45
Lucky (stage show), 03/22/27–05/25/27
Luft, Sid, 02/04/53, 11/12/56
Luisetti, Hank, 02/26/42
Lukas, Paul, 04/08/39, 01/08/45
Lum and Abner (Chester Launch and Norris Goff),
12/16/39. 10/18/49, 10/26/49
Lupino, Ida, 06/26/35, 09/00/35, 01/13/38, 01/18/40
Lupton, John. 08/08/63, 07/28/64, 07/28/65
Lurie, Louis, 08/08/66
Luxford, Maurie, 06/03/36, 01/26/40, 01/24/41, 01/24/58, 11/21/68, 01/06/66, 03/08/69,
Lux Radio Theater, 11/08/37, 01/15/40, 04/05/43, 12/20/43, 04/06/45, 05/07/45,
09/29/48, 09/26/49, 10/11/50, 09/24/51
Lyman, Abe, 12/02/32, 03/12/33
Lynch, Joe, 08/02/48, 08/11/48, 09/26/48, 03/21/49
Lynde, Paul, 10/31/67, 11/03/71
Lynn, Diana, 12/07/44
Lynn, Janet, 08/13/73
Lynn, Jeffrey, 02/09/39, 04/11/40
Leo, 04/09/34, 09/04/34, 11/00/43, 12/09/46, 01/28/47, 01/08/52,
02/03/52, 06/21/52, 10/23/57, 10/24/57, 04/11/60, 01/09/64,
Lynn, Vera, 07/27/75, 09/24/75
Lyon, Ben, 09/02/43
MacArthur, General Douglas, 01/29/42, 03/12/42, 10/21/44, 04/11/51,
MacDonald, Jeanette, 01/13/34
MacDougall, Ranald, 12/17/56
MacFarlane, Carol, 04/25/40, 07/11/40
Mack, Ted, 06/24/62
MacKaill, Dorothy, 03/24/38
MacKay, Harper, 04/20/66
MacKenzie, Gisele, 04/05/50, 03/19/59
MacKenzie, Murdo,
05/14/36, 10/16/46, 08/10/47, 09/27/53, 06/13/54, 11/22/54
MacLaine, Shirley, 10/24/74
MacMurray, Fred, 08/05/37, 04/00/38, 02/05/38, 06/25/38, 10/02/39, 05/23/40, 01/09/58, 01/15/59, 01/24/60, 01/19/61, 01/18/62, 01/17/63, 01/26/63, 12/13/63, 01/16/64, 01/21/65, 01/20/66, 11/07/73, 10/02/76
MacRae, Gordon, 01/11/52, 01/09/53, 01/15/54,
01/14/55, 01/13/56, 04/12/56, 01/11/57, 02/00/57, 04/22/58, 01/15/59, 01/21/60, 01/19/61, 01/18/62, 01/17/63, 01/16/64, 01/19/67
Madden, Cecil, 08/27/44, 08/29/44, 10/19/61
Madigan, Slip, 10/15/36
Madison, Guy,
Madison (Wis.), 11/21/28
The Magic of Broadcasting (TV program), 02/17/66, 05/01/66
Magnante, Charlie, 05/28/47
Magnin, Cyril, 12/03/69
Maguire, Marcia, 12/03/42
Maharis, George, 10/09/67
Mail Call (AFRS show), 11/04/42, 01/20/43, 09/02/43, 10/20/43, 01/12/44,
02/16/44, 05/17/44, 07/26/44, 11/22/44, 12/06/44, 01/24/45, 03/28/45, 07/18/45
Malneck, Matty,
12/22/26, 04/00/27, 04/29/27, 01/10/28, 03/14/29, 05/24/29, 07/08/38, 03/16/39,
Mamas and the Papas, The, 07/29/66, 09/17/66
Mammoth Lake (Calif.), 07/00/42
Manchester (England), 08/28/66, 09/22/77, 09/23/77
Manchester United Footabll Club, 06/00/52
Mancini, Henry, 05/25/59, 02/01/60, 04/12/68, 04/00/71, 11/29/71
Mangrum, Lloyd, 01/30/42, 01/09/48,
Mankowitz, Gerard, 10/11/77
Manners, Marcia 11/12/30
Manning, Hope, 10/14/37
Mannix, Eddie, 07/17/46
Manone, Wingy, 05/06/40,
11/14/40, 07/10/41, 11/27/41, 01/01/42, 02/05/42, 03/12/42
Man on Fire (movie), 03/01/56, 12/18/56, 01/11/57, 06/16/57,
08/22/57, 12/31/59
Mansfield, Marian, 11/27/34, 12/18/34, 03/19/35
Manson, Charles, 08/09/69
Many a Slip (movie), 10/00/30
Marble, Alice, 03/30/39
March, Fredric, 06/00/36
Marchetti, Roger, 03/00/31, 07/27/31,
08/00/31, 08/25/31, 03/22/32, 03/29/32, 06/02/32
March of Dimes (radio program), 01/24/42, 01/30/43, 01/30/45
The March of Time (movie), 03/00/30
Margaret, Princess, Countess of Snowdon, 11/06/66, 06/20/67,
08/03/72, 10/07/77
Marie, Rose, 04/25/51
Markle, Fletcher, 03/11/49, 10/23/65, 01/13/66
Marks, Guy, 02/18/69
Marquis, Roslind, 01/28/37
Marr, Eddie, 05/18/44
Marsh, Joan, 10/23/33
Marsh, Jane, 07/28/66, 09/17/66
Marsh, Marian, 10/28/37
Marshall, Brenda, 03/28/40
Marshall, E.G., 12/17/56
Marshall, George, 06/20/42, 07/14/46
Marshall, Herbert, 05/29/45
Marshall, Peter, 03/18/71
Martin, Dean, 06/08/33, 08/16/38, 10/19/51, 11/07/51, 06/21/52, 01/19/53, 02/08/53, 06/09/53,
01/15/54, 06/09/54, 06/17/54, 10/00/54, 01/14/55, 12/31/56, 01/11/57, 12/00/57, 09/30/58, 10/01/58, 11/22/58, 01/15/59, 02/28/59,
03/02/59, 03/19/59, 10/15/59, 10/19/59, 08/04/61, 01/17/63, 07/29/63, 10/03/63,
10/27/63, 11/11/63, 12/03/63, 12/10/63, 12/23/63, 02/14/64, 02/15/64, 04/10/64, 01/20/66, 01/15/67,
01/19/67, 04/13/67, 10/19/67, 01/23/69, 09/28/69, 11/06/69, 01/22/70, 04/13/70,
10/07/71, 01/29/72, 01/25/73
Martin, Dick, 01/19/67, 08/23/76
Martin, Freddy, 04/06/48, 02/08/49
Martin, Gail, 10/31/67
Martin, Grady, 04/24/52
Mary, 05/06/40, 07/22/40, 08/16/40, 04/00/41, 05/26/41, 07/31/41,
01/01/42, 03/13/42, 04/23/42, 05/30/42, 10/01/42, 10/13/42, 11/05/42,
05/09/50, 01/09/51, 12/12/62, 12/24/62
Martin, Pete, 08/00/52, 09/18/52, 02/00/57
Martin, Tony, 12/27/40, 01/16/65
Marx, Chico, 12/16/26, 04/15/33
Marx, Groucho, 12/16/26, 02/16/37, 05/05/42, 01/28/47,
02/12/47, 04/09/47, 04/15/47, 04/16/47, 05/14/47, 02/09/49, 12/31/49, 01/11/50,
02/10/50, 06/14/50, 02/29/52, 06/04/60, 08/19/77
Marx, Harpo, 12/16/26, 02/08/44, 06/17/44, 06/04/60
Marx, Zeppo, 12/16/26, 02/06/37, 05/29/37, 02/25/39, 01/24/41, 06/04/60
Mason, Jackie, 03/26/66
Mason, Jana, 03/07/54
Massengale, Don, 01/20/66
Massey, Curt, 01/24/60
Massey, Ilona, 06/11/42
Massey, Raymond, 07/25/40, 07/03/41
Matlock, Matty, 06/23/50, 02/01/51, 03/22/51, 06/20/51,
01/09/52, 09/03/52, 12/30/53, 12/31/53, 04/04/56
Mature, Victor, 05/08/55
Matz, Peter, 10/05/62, 11/03/71, 11/03/74
Maurey, Nicole, 09/22/52, 02/01/60, 03/00/60
Maxwell, Elsa, 05/22/48
Maxwell, Marilyn, 02/03/44, 05/04/44, 07/27/44, 03/09/45, 04/05/45,
07/18/45, 12/01/45, 01/21/46, 04/11/46, 09/19/48, 09/22/48, 09/26/48, 10/13/48,
10/20/48, 04/07/51, 04/11/51, 03/02/52, 03/11/52, 03/21/52, 03/26/52, 01/04/53
May, Billy, 03/02/44, 05/18/44, 09/25/50, 08/07/58, 08/11/58, 06/22/60,
06/28/60, 08/15/64, 12/02/64
Maye, Marilyn, 01/01/66
Mayer, Louis B., 06/25/42
Maynor, Dorothy, 07/09/41
Mayo, Virginia, 10/10/44
Mays, Willie, 11/14/65, 09/13/68
Maytag, Bud, 08/13/42, 06/09/43
McArthur (Calif.), 09/16/56
McCarey, Leo,
02/10/35, 08/28/38, 12/14/38, 04/13/39,
08/00/43, 02/20/45, 02/26/45, 03/15/45, 03/28/45, 06/10/45, 03/07/46, 03/31/46, 02/19/47,
11/30/49, 01/00/51, 10/28/65, 07/05/69
McCarthy, Clem, 07/03/37
McCloskey, Pete, 10/23/67
McClure, Greg, 07/03/44
McCormack, John, 02/01/37, 05/13/37
McCormick, Bruce, 04/20/40, 05/10/44, 07/04/44, 10/03/46
McCrea, Joel, 06/02/38, 11/14/40
McDaniel, Hattie, 01/02/49, 01/19/49
McDonough, Gordon, 08/17/45
McDowall, Roddy, 03/08/45
McEvitt, Frank, 08/05/48, 09/26/48
McGill, Eddie, 01/01/35
McGuffie, Bill, 08/02/61, 09/14/61, 10/19/61,
McGuire, Dorothy, 04/12/68
McGuire Sisters, The,
McHugh, Frank, 06/26/32, 01/13/34, 03/24/34, 04/15/34, 11/11/35, 06/00/38, 01/18/40, 05/23/40, 01/02/41, 05/29/41, 12/25/41, 05/05/42, 05/28/42,
01/28/43, 04/15/43, 08/00/43, 09/02/43, 02/00/49, 09/14/64, 12/21/64, 01/16/65
McHugh, Jimmy, 02/08/49, 03/01/53
McIntyre, Dick, 07/23/36, 08/04/36, 06/13/39, 07/01/40, 01/19/42
McIntyre, Lani, 02/23/37, 09/11/37
McKenzie, Fay, 02/18/43
McKinney, Frank, 05/23/48
McKinney, Florine, 06/17/32
McLaglen, Victor, 01/28/37, 04/08/37
McLarnin, Jimmy, 05/29/33, 02/06/37, 01/26/40, 01/24/41, 05/07/41, 05/25/41, 01/30/42, 08/02/42, 10/25/42, 07/08/44, 07/09/44, 08/05/45, 09/20/48, 01/13/56
McLean, Mack, 09/25/50
McLemore, Henry, 01/04/38
McLennan, Albert, 07/07/37
McLeod, Norman Z., 07/06/36, 12/30/46
McMahon, Ed. 01/19/70
McMahon, Frank, 06/25/65,
McManus, George, 11/29/45
McMurtrie, Bert, 11/27/33, 12/11/33, 01/15/34, 12/18/68
McQuaid, John Charles, 10/10/61
McSpaden, Harold (Jug),
05/21/43, 01/10/44, 01/30/44
McVea, Jack, 01/22/47
Meadows, Earle 06/17/37,
Medicine Ball Band 00/08/77
Meehan, Ginger (see Ginger Mercer)
Meek, Donald, 07/06/36, 06/15/39
Meet the Crosbys (film short), 04/00/45
Meisle, Kathryn, 02/09/39, 04/27/39
Melachrino, George, 08/30/44
Melchior, Lauritz, 01/24/45
Mellin, Robert, 03/31/54
Mellomen, The, 02/01/51, 07/01/55
Melton, James, 07/04/44
Memphis (Tenn.), 05/14/42, 05/22/43
Mendez, Ralph, 11/06/46
Mendle, Lady, 05/13/50
Menjou, Adolphe, 02/10/35,
10/22/36, 06/13/37, 12/09/37, 11/17/48
Menuhin, Yehudi, 04/15/44, 04/19/45
Merbs, Jim, 12/10/57, 11/29/60
Mercer, Frances, 01/26/39
Mercer, Ginger, 01/09/28, 07/04/28, 07/10/28, 06/08/31, 01/25/36,
04/16/38, 02/00/76
Mercer, Johnny, 06/08/31, 01/25/36, 04/00/36, 05/23/37, 06/13/37,
07/17/37, 09/25/37, 02/00/38, 04/16/38, 06/00/38, 07/01/38, 10/20/38, 11/17/38, 12/00/38, 06/30/39,
03/23/40, 04/15/40, 07/04/40, 09/28/41, 11/01/41, 05/05/42, 12/31/42, 08/10/43,
08/17/43, 09/13/43, 06/22/44, 07/20/44, 07/27/44, 01/04/45, 04/05/45, 05/08/45,
07/18/45, 09/13/45, 03/00/48, 01/12/49, 05/18/49, 03/20/52, 11/03/52, 06/28/60, 08/29/60,
10/05/60, 12/24/62, 05/21/66, 03/16/72, 10/17/74, 10/15/75, 02/00/76, 06/25/76,
06/29/76, 07/08/76
Mercer, Mabel, 12/10/76
Merkel, Una, 04/30/36, 05/07/36, 07/03/37, 12/14/39
Merman, Ethel, 12/15/33, 01/29/34, 09/14/36, 09/00/35, 06/11/47, 05/19/48, 03/23/49, 03/02/50, 03/22/50, 04/13/50, 05/05/68
Merrill, Dina, 04/12/68
Merry Christmas (long-playing album), 12/02/57, 12/15/58,
12/28/59, 12/19/60, 12/22/62, 11/13/70
Merry Christmas, Fred, From the Crosbys (TV special),
11/20/75, 12/03/75
The Merry Macs, 06/23/40, 07/18/40, 07/23/40, 09/02/43, 01/30/44, 07/26/44
Methot, Mayo, 01/26/39
Metz, Dick, 06/03/45
Mexico City (Mexico), 04/17/43, 02/16/62, 03/27/64, 05/24/68, 10/16/68
Miami (Fla.), 12/14/32, 12/04/56, 03/17/61, 03/03/66, 09/14/69, 02/18/77
Michelmore, Cliff, 07/05/75
Middlecoff, Cary, 06/03/47, 01/14/55,
01/13/56, 04/16/57, 01/26/63
Middleton, Ray, 05/05/42
Midler, Bette, 03/20/77
Milestone, Lewis, 09/00/35, 03/05/38, 10/13/48, 01/17/63, 01/21/65
Milland, Ray, 01/29/34, 11/11/37,
08/12/38, 06/00/40, 03/07/46, 12/00/46, 09/22/48, 10/13/48, 01/15/59, 01/24/60, 01/18/62, 01/17/63,
11/11/63, 01/16/64, 01/21/65
Miller, Ann, 06/17/44
Miller, Carolyn – see Peterson
Miller, David, 10/26/48
Miller, Glenn, 02/10/42, 06/22/42, 09/10/42, 01/17/44, 08/30/44,
08/31/44, 09/29/44, 12/15/44
Miller, Johnny, 01/13/72, 01/03/74
Miller, Roger, 10/31/67
Milligan, Spike, 06/27/65
Millions for Defense (radio program), 07/09/41
The Mills Brothers, 10/25/31, 11/13/31, 11/20/31, 11/27/31, 12/16/31,
02/06/32, 02/29/32, 07/05/32, 12/18/33, 12/25/33, 01/01/34, 01/08/34, 01/15/34,
01/22/34, 01/29/34, 02/05/34, 02/12/34, 02/19/34, 02/26/34, 03/05/34, 03/12/34,
03/26/34, 04/09/34, 09/20/34, 01/08/35, 01/15/35, 01/22/35, 01/26/35, 01/29/35, 02/05/35,
02/12/35, 02/19/35, 02/26/35, 03/05/35, 03/12/35, 04/09/35, 12/13/48, 12/29/48, 10/25/49,
11/09/49, 02/07/52, 02/20/52, 12/31/66, 09/21/75, 03/20/77
Mills-Rockwell, 10/00/32
Milne, Geoff, 02/28/75, 09/03/75, 06/24/76, 10/11/77
Milner, Martin, 09/20/64
Milwaukee (WI), 11/12/28
Minneapolis (MN), 06/21/28, 05/27/32, 05/09/42
Minnelli, Liza, 03/04/76, 03/15/76, 03/26/76
Minnelli, Vincente, 09/21/71
Minute Maid, 09/00/48, 11/22/48, 12/26/49, 01/00/50, 04/10/50, 10/25/50,
01/04/56, 12/12/67, 03/12/68, 01/00/72, 11/01/72, 11/12/73, 11/25/74, 11/13/75
Miranda, Carmen, 06/24/43, 12/25/44, 02/01/45
Mississippi (movie), 11/00/34, 01/19/35, 02/12/35, 02/21/35,
Mitchell, Bob, 03/07/45, 12/00/48, 12/19/48, 12/22/48
Mitchell, Harry, 09/04/43, 03/04/44
Mitchell, Leslie, 12/22/45
Mitchell, Thomas, 12/26/40, 06/11/42, 06/15/65
Moe, Roy, 08/05/48, 08/28/49, 08/12/55
Monaco (Europe), 08/25/62
Monaco, Jimmy, 11/15/38, 08/30/39, 01/20/41
Moncrief, W. A., 09/21/42, 04/06/51, 02/10/52, 11/25/54
Monica, Corbett, 01/16/65
Monro, Matt, 10/25/67
Monroe, Lucy, 01/04/40
Monroe, Marilyn, 09/08/60, 03/23/62, 08/05/62
Monroe, Vaughn, 06/19/43
Montague, John, 03/12/37, 07/09/37, 08/20/37, 10/19/37, 10/25/42, 07/08/44, 07/09/44
Montalban, Ricardo, 03/07/56, 06/20/59, 03/15/76
Montand, Yves, 09/08/60
Montevecchi, Liliane, 11/26/66
Montgomery, George, 10/04/48
Montgomery, Robert, 06/26/32, 09/25/39, 10/21/41
Montreal (Canada), 06/07/45, 09/08/67, 07/01/71, 09/01/71, 04/11/76
Moody, Ron, 12/11/61, 9/05/77, 9/29/77
Moonan, Bob, 12/28/72, 12/25/74, 10/00/75, 01/10/76,
01/00/76, 01/31/76
Moore, Connie, 01/23/51
Moore, Garry, 06/24/43, 11/22/44, 02/21/47
Moore, Grace, 03/24/34, 05/09/45
Moore, Melba, 09/20/70, 12/16/70, 03/16/72, 12/10/76
Moore, Patti. 10/06/54
Moore, Pete, 10/00/74, 10/17/74, 02/18/75–02/26/75, 07/15/75, 07/18/75,
01/19/76, 06/21/76, 10/19/76, 10/29/76, 11/05/76, 09/12/77–09/13/77
Moore, Terry, 01/09/53, 01/14/53
Moore, Victor, 12/01/45, 01/21/46, 10/13/47, 10/29/47
Morales, Father Lorenzo, 11/04/54
Morecambe, Eric, 2/10/68
Morecambe & Wise, 05/05/68
Morey, Dale, 07/18/54, 07/19/54
Morgan, Dennis, 05/31/48, 02/29/52, 01/21/60, 01/19/61, 01/17/63, 01/16/64
Morgan, Frank, 05/21/36, 07/02/36, 04/08/39, 10/20/43, 02/07/46,
Morgan, Helen, 02/06/29
Morgan, Henry, 05/16/48
Morgan, Jane, 10/18/53, 10/25/53, 01/15/59
Morgan, Michele, 11/06/41
Morgan, Russ, 04/03/41, 08/22/46, 12/05/49, 12/23/49
Morgenthau Jr., Henry, 08/31/42, 06/14/44
Morison, Patricia, 02/29/40
Morley, Robert, 08/02/61
Morris, Chester, 11/25/37, 01/20/38, 11/03/38, 11/24/38, 03/30/39, 11/09/39,
05/30/40, 06/12/41
Morris, Edwin H. (Buddy), 03/00/44
Morris, Wayne, 02/03/38, 01/12/39
Morrison, Herbert, 08/09/61
Morrison, Joe, 03/09/35, 03/15/35
Morros, Boris, 04/04/36, 12/19/36, 04/26/37,
04/00/38, 05/23/38
Morrow, Bill, 01/07/37, 06/03/46, 08/15/46, 10/16/46, 05/23/47, 05/24/47, 06/22/47,
08/22/47, 08/29/47, 09/24/47, 12/00/47, 04/19/48, 07/30/48, 08/04/48, 09/30/48, 06/00/49, 08/11/49, 12/00/49, 04/10/50, 04/14/50,
04/19/50, 05/13/50, 10/11/50, 01/03/51, 05/19/51, 05/21/51, 05/28/51–05/31/51,
08/10/51, 09/06/51, 09/18/52, 03/21/53, 09/27/53,
01/03/54, 04/22/54, 06/13/54, 11/22/54, 05/07/55, 07/16/55, 09/03/55, 12/17/55,
04/07/56, 07/00/56, 07/21/56, 09/08/56, 09/17/56, 01/00/57,
10/13/57, 12/20/57, 02/15/58, 06/01/58, 10/01/58, 03/02/59, 04/17/59, 04/00/59,
08/02/59, 08/16/59,
09/29/59, 02/29/60, 10/01/62, 11/07/63, 02/05/71, 01/03/75
Morse, Ella Mae, 11/19/42, 07/04/44, 10/05/75
Morton, Gary, 01/17/63, 09/20/64
Mountbatten, Louis (Lord), 08/02/61
Mowbray, Alan, 11/18/37, 04/06/39
Mr. Music (movie), 11/00/49, 02/00/50, 02/10/50, 06/21/50, 12/21/50
Mulhare, Edward, 03/11/68
Mullin, Betty, 02/09/51
Mullin, John T., 08/10/47, 11/16/47, 03/31/48, 08/00/48, 02/16/49,
10/31/49, 04/14/50, 06/00/51, 11/12/51, 04/30/53, 08/31/56
Muni, Paul, 07/09/41
Munn, Frank, 10/25/31
Munsel, Patrice, 12/03/45, 12/05/45, 12/09/45, 12/29/45
Murphy, Bob, 04/22/46, 04/30/47, 05/14/47, 05/21/47, 05/28/47
Murphy, George, 02/05/39, 01/26/40, 01/24/41, 12/18/41, 09/23/43, 01/13/44, 01/29/44, 03/09/44, 03/30/44,
06/22/44, 01/08/45, 02/00/45, 11/22/47, 07/25/64
Murphy, Mary, 01/28/53, 10/10/53
Murray, Arthur, 06/24/62
Murray, Jim, 02/15/65, 07/24/70
Murray, Ken, 08/07/32, 04/15/33, 04/26/33, 09/20/33, 10/02/33, 02/16/37, 07/20/38,
01/06/40, 03/23/40, 04/05/41, 07/04/41, 12/13/45, 07/14/46, 12/01/48, 06/16/51, 06/27/51,
11/16/53, 12/26/59, 01/25/65
Murray, Lyn, 09/05/50, 02/09/51
Murray, Pete, 02/27/75
Murray, William, Sir, 08/21/76
Murrow, Edward R., 12/03/54
Muse, Clarence. 03/09/49
Musel, Bob, 08/31/44
Musicaladers, The,
Music Maids, The,
Music That Satisfies (radio series), 01/04/33–04/15/33
Musil, Karl, 07/07/72, 07/08/72
My Favorite Blonde (movie), 02/00/42, 03/18/42
My Favorite Brunette (movie), 07/00/46, 02/09/47
My Favorite Story (album), 09/00/63
Nagel, Conrad, 01/18/42
Nagurski, Bruno, 07/08/44, 07/09/44
Naish, J. Carrol, 04/27/39, 03/20/41, 03/07/45
Namath, Joe, 07/12/69
Naples (Florida), 02/06/76
Nash, Ogden, 10/27/38, 11/21/40, 01/30/41
Nashville (Tenn.), 10/15/28, 10/22/28, 06/02/43
Nassau (Bahamas), 03/00/61
National Celebrities Golf Tournament, 05/17/47, 05/16/48, 06/04/49
Nazarro, Cliff, 12/05/40, 03/20/41, 07/15/43
Neagle, Anna, 04/18/40
Negri, Pola, 03/18/32
Neilson, James, 11/07/55,
Nellie Bly (musical play), 12/01/45, 12/18/45, 01/21/46,
Nelson, Byron, 02/12/42, 02/13/42, 09/06/42, 09/07/42, 09/15/42,
05/23/43, 06/02/43, 05/16/48, 01/12/51, 01/14/55, 01/11/56, 03/26/61
Nelson, Ozzie and Harriet, 10/17/47, 11/05/47, 12/05/48
Nelson, Ricky, 12/05/48, 01/19/67, 01/13/72
Nerina, Nadia, 08/01/72
Newark (New Jersey), 01/14/28, 02/06/32
New Christy Minstrels, 04/03/66
Newhart, Bob, 12/28/63, 01/16/64, 01/21/65, 01/01/66, 01/20/66, 12/24/66, 01/11/68, 01/22/70, 01/03/74
New Haven (Conn.), 05/13/32
Newley, Anthony, 12/18/69
Newman, Alfred, 10/00/30, 04/17/39, 05/05/42, 07/27/42, 12/30/46, 09/23/54,
Newman, Emil, 10/22/51
Newman, Lionel, 12/15/58
New Orleans (LA), 05/06/43, 12/08/56, 09/10/76
Newton (Mass.), 05/28/47
New York, 02/07/27, 01/01/28, 02/04/28, 02/28/28,
05/12/28, 06/09/28, 06/16/28, 08/06/28, 12/20/28, 09/03/29, 08/11/31,
10/05/32, 12/02/32, 03/10/33, 08/15/35, 09/08/39, 09/00/41, 10/20/41, 05/00/43,
05/27/43, 10/01/44, 06/06/45, 12/04/45, 04/00/47, 04/14/48, 04/20/48, 05/31/49,
04/02/50, 03/23/52, 09/11/52, 03/00/53, 07/06/53, 11/11/56, 03/16/60, 08/00/64,
03/10/65, 02/09/68, 02/17/69, 05/00/73, 06/25/73, 04/15/76, 11/30/76
Nichols, Red, 11/10/48, 01/18/51, 01/09/52, 01/12/52, 05/31/52, 12/09/53, 04/26/60
Nicklaus, Jack, 01/19/67, 01/13/72, 06/15/72, 01/25/73, 05/25/76
Niesen, Gertrude, 02/02/49
Niles, Ken, 10/16/33, 04/23/34, 04/30/34, 05/14/34, 09/18/34
Niles, Wendell 02/15/45
Niven, David, 03/10/38, 12/01/38, 02/13/46, 05/11/52, 05/14/52, 03/21/53, 08/27/61
Noble, Ray, 05/23/37, 11/11/37, 12/16/43, 06/04/44, 05/16/48
Nolan, Kathleen, 08/29/64
Nolan, Lloyd, 03/09/39, 09/04/64, 04/05/65
Nolan, Mary, 08/06/29, 01/14/30
Norman, Arthur, 04/24/57 (may be a pseudonym for Norman Luboff)
Norman, Loulie Jean, 06/01/49, 09/25/50
Normand, Mabel, 12/27/40
Norris, Bruce, 03/14/65
Norris, Richard, 04/00/46
North, Sheree, 01/03/54
Norway (Europe), 08/25/77
Novikoff, Lou, 03/13/41
Novis, Donald, 04/16/31
Novotna, Jarmila, 11/16/39, 05/16/40
Now about Christmas (film short), 09/00/43
Nugent, Elliott, 06/26/32, 04/00/34, 07/12/36, 03/00/46, 10/22/51
Nye, Louis, 01/25/67, 05/13/67, 12/20/67
Oakie, Jack, 02/04/30, 04/03/33, 06/06/33, 07/03/33, 08/21/33,
09/11/33, 01/00/34, 03/01/34, 06/26/35, 09/00/35, 11/12/35, 03/05/36, 12/17/36,
06/30/38, 08/28/38, 10/02/39, 10/19/39, 03/14/76
Oakland, Ben, 09/25/58
Oakland (Calif.), 02/20/26, 09/16/32, 10/04/42, 11/01/42
Oberon, Merle, 05/05/42, 05/11/42, 05/22/50, 12/31/55, 01/00/57, 03/27/64,
01/02/65, 10/16/68, 12/09/68, 03/00/69
O'Brian, Hugh, 11/11/63
O'Brian, Jack, 08/11/70, 12/06/76, 12/07/76, 04/12/77, 09/29/77
O'Brien, Dermot, 09/20/66
O’Brien, Edmond, 03/08/55
O’Brien, Jimmy, 06/19/41
O’Brien, Margaret, 05/28/47, 12/28/47, 03/17/48, 02/26/70
O’Brien, Pat, 06/26/32, 09/23/34, 02/17/35, 03/29/35, 04/05/35,
11/11/35, 01/15/36, 06/18/36, 08/09/36, 08/22/36, 12/31/36, 05/16/37, 07/03/37, 07/19/37, 02/07/38,
03/17/38, 04/00/38, 06/00/38, 06/25/38, 07/28/38, 01/00/39, 03/16/39, 06/14/39, 12/30/39, 03/14/40,
03/23/40, 08/01/40, 08/06/40, 08/16/40, 05/01/41, 09/07/41, 01/11/42, 03/12/42, 05/05/42,
05/12/42, 11/03/45, 11/22/47, 11/24/47, 03/12/48, 04/18/48, 05/26/48, 12/23/49, 12/23/51, 11/21/54
O’Connell, Helen, 05/05/51, 05/30/51, 01/23/52, 04/09/52, 04/16/52,
09/03/52, 10/16/52, 01/17/54, 02/07/54, 09/21/75
O'Connell. William, (Cardinal), 01/10/32
O’Connor, Carroll, 12/13/71
O’Connor, Christy, (Snr), 07/06/75, 07/11/76
O’Connor, Donald, 04/00/38, 07/21/38, 02/03/44, 04/30/52, 02/11/53, 08/19/53, 12/30/53,
04/00/55, 04/09/55, 04/28/55, 05/23/55, 06/01/55, 06/25/55, 03/19/59, 01/17/63, 11/11/63, 01/16/64, 03/20/77
O’Day, Anita, 12/16/44
O'Doul, Lefty, 01/22/50, 01/11/52
O’Hara, John, 04/10/41
O’Hara, Maureen, 01/11/40, 05/08/55, 09/15/69, 10/04/69
O’Herlihy, Dan, 04/28/54
O'Keefe, Cork, 08/14/35, 12/19/35
O’Keefe, Dennis, 01/29/44, 01/10/47, 01/09/48, 01/14/49, 10/25/42, 01/13/50, 01/12/51, 01/11/52, 01/13/56, 01/11/57,
O’Keefe, Walter, 02/01/30, 06/27/30, 04/01/32, 11/09/47, 12/10/47,
11/21/47, 01/07/48, 04/04/49, 04/20/49, 04/18/51, 05/02/51, 12/00/62
O’Leary, Patsy, 07/00/31
O’Malley, Pat, 02/13/43
O'Melveny, John, 11/00/30, 03/22/32, 07/00/34, 02/02/38, 01/21/41, 06/29/42, 05/08/50, 11/03/52, 11/05/53, 10/22/55, 09/19/57, 04/01/59, 05/18/59, 06/30/59, 07/01/62, 10/01/62
O’Reilly, George, 06/07/53, 08/02/54, 06/18/64, 09/22/66, 03/09/76
O'Shea, Milo, 09/20/66
O’Sullivan, Maureen, 03/03/38, 11/03/38, 07/17/41, 04/18/48, 12/19/48
Oklahoma City, 09/18/42
Old, Archie (General), 11/11/63
Oldfield, Brian, 10/15/75
Old Gold (radio series), 02/05/29–04/15/30
Oldham, John, 09/23/47
Oliver, Edna May, 06/16/38
Oliver, Ed (Porky), 01/26/40, 01/24/41, 08/19/49, 03/26/61, 01/21/64
Oliver, Sy, 04/08/50
Olivier, Laurence, 06/26/32
Olsen, George, 10/08/39
Olson, Nancy, 11/00/49, 11/07/55
Omaha (Nebraska), 12/03/28, 06/02/29, 06/02/45
Onassis, Christina, 09/21/71
101 Gang Songs (LP album), 12/20/60, 12/27/60
One More Chance (film short), 07/00/31, 11/15/31
Oosterhuis, Peter, 08/00/75
Openshaw, Falstaff (Alan Reed),
07/01/43, 09/04/43, 09/09/43, 09/10/43, 09/16/43, 09/17/43, 09/24/43
Ortiz, Carlos, 02/24/60
Osborne, Will, 01/21/32
Ouspenskaya, Maria, 12/07/39
Out of This World (movie), 11/00/44, 06/06/45
Overman, Lynne, 06/00/35, 07/11/40, 12/12/40, 06/18/42
Owen, Reg, 04/08/39
Owens, Harry, 11/00/25,
Paar, Jack, 02/27/62
Packer, Kerry, 01/20/77
Padre Choristers, The,
Page, Patti, 01/27/52, 01/30/52, 02/07/52, 02/20/52, 10/01/58
Paige, Raymond, 11/12/30, 05/20/31, 07/10/32, 07/31/32, 08/07/32, 09/23/32, 04/05/33, 09/19/33, 09/30/33,
10/05/33, 07/01/35
Paley, William S., 06/00/31, 08/25/31, 02/27/32, 01/09/51, 03/28/60
Pallette, Eugene, 11/16/39
Palm Desert (Calif.), 01/00/57, 10/24/57, 11/13/57, 02/04/58, 05/17/59,
04/00/60, 05/02/60, 10/21/60, 01/00/61, 01/24/61, 02/04/61, 02/01/62, 03/23/62,
12/08/62, 09/28/63, 01/09/64, 10/07/66
Palmer, Arnold, 04/07/60, 01/09/61, 01/16/67
Palmer, Ford, 06/00/38
Palmer, Leland, 12/11/69, 01/03/70
Palmer, Sandra, 03/24/77
Palm Springs (Calif.) 11/04/33, 12/11/33, 11/25/34, 04/25/35, 04/07/39,
04/22/39, 12/31/39, 02/28/50, 04/03/51, 03/02/52, 03/06/52, 03/11/52, 04/05/52,
01/14/53, 01/29/53, 12/14/53, 02/00/54, 04/12/54, 10/30/54, 02/00/55, 03/14/55,
03/25/55, 05/02/55, 04/00/56, 01/00/57, 01/21/58, 02/14/58, 03/01/58, 04/03/58,
02/27/60, 02/01/61, 02/04/62, 11/11/63, 01/00/67
Panama, Norman, 03/13/47, 08/02/61
Pangborn, Franklin, 06/17/32, 07/02/32
The Paradise Island Trio, 07/20/40
Paramount Pictures, 03/04/32, 06/12/32, 08/01/32, 01/26/33, 05/15/33,
07/00/33, 09/00/33, 05/00/35, 10/01/35, 12/00/35, 04/07/36, 05/08/36, 10/13/37,
05/02/38, 12/00/40, 06/25/42, 12/04/48, 06/13/49, 04/13/50, 01/10/51, 10/29/53,
04/09/54, 09/00/68, 09/00/70
Paramount Theater (New York), 02/12/27, 06/04/27, 07/09/27, 09/10/27,
03/31/28–04/14/28, 11/06/31–02/05/32, 03/25/32–04/08/32
Paris Honeymoon (movie), 05/23/38, 11/04/38, 01/25/39
Parker, Dee, 12/05/45
Parker, Jean, 12/10/39, 02/01/40
Parkinson, Michael, 08/00/72, 09/18/72, 12/23/72, 07/18/75, 08/30/75,
Parks, Larry, 05/26/48
Parnell, Jack, 10/04/77
Parsons, Louella, 03/18/31, 05/20/31, 07/12/36, 09/01/46, 12/21/47, 12/19/48, 09/25/49,
12/00/49, 12/24/50, 01/03/51, 02/04/51, 12/23/51
Partington, Jack, 09/18/26, 09/25/26,
Pasadena (Calif.), 10/01/32, 04/02/33, 03/03/77, 03/20/77
Pasetta, Marty, 04/13/70, 12/16/70, 14/12/71, 02/27/72, 12/10/72, 10/09/74,
11/03/74, 03/20/77
Paterson (N. J.), 01/03/29
Patrick, Gail, 11/00/34, 05/27/37, 04/07/38, 05/02/39, 06/19/41
Patterson, Floyd, 08/22/57, 03/13/61, 02/01/65
Patterson, Paddy, 01/02/36
Patterson, Elizabeth, 04/00/38, 02/09/39, 01/15/40, 04/06/45
Patton, George S. (General), 09/09/44, 09/23/44
Paul, Les, 02/16/44, 07/26/44, 12/25/44, 12/28/44, 07/12/45, 02/14/46,
04/11/46, 05/15/46, 10/30/46, 11/27/46, 02/11/47, 02/26/47, 02/13/47, 04/23/47,
03/17/51, 03/21/51
Paul Taylor Choristers, The,
Pavillon Royal (Long Island, N.Y.)
05/04/29, 08/31/29
Paxinou, Katina, 06/01/44
Payne, John, 10/05/39, 06/06/40
Peabody, Eddie, 10/08/26, 10/22/26, 05/16/43
Pebble Beach (golf) (see Bing Crosby National Pro-Am)
Pebble Beach (home), 10/04/48, 11/08/48, 12/23/49, 10/15/50, 01/22/51,
10/00/51, 07/23/53, 12/14/53, 09/22/54, 01/05/55, 09/27/55, 10/05/55, 10/15/55,
05/14/56, 09/16/56, 03/00/58, 06/12/61
Peck, Gregory, 10/04/48, 06/00/53, 08/27/61, 01/11/69
Peers, Donald, 09/21/52
Pendleton, Diane, 09/25/50
Penna, Charley, 09/10/42, 09/11/42, 03/00/53, 08/12/64, 01/10/72
Penna, Toney, 12/20/39, 12/26/39, 09/16/40, 09/29/40, 10/06/40, 06/07/47, 11/28/56
Pennario, Leonard, 02/20/36
Penner, Joe, 03/10/34, 08/16/34, 09/22/34
Pennies from Heaven (movie), 07/06/36, 07/24/36, 08/17/36, 10/15/36,
Penn State College, 02/02/28
Penny, Don, 12/07/64
Pepe (movie), 06/15/60, 12/21/60
Peppard, George, 03/20/67
Pepper, Jack, 02/11/42, 03/14/51
Peppiatt, Frank. 02/29/60
Perito, Nick, 11/11/56, 10/11/69, 12/11/69, 12/18/69, 01/03/70,
02/07/70, 12/16/70, 02/27/72, 03/15/73, 03/20/77
Perlberg, William, 02/25/50, 03/10/53, 08/28/53, 11/28/53, 02/14/54, 04/17/54, 04/29/54, 05/07/55, 12/04/55
Perry, Fred, 01/26/40
Perry, Gaylord, 03/09/69, 11/18/71
Personal Album (AFRS program), 10/01/42, 02/08/43, 03/04/44,
03/30/44, 06/22/44, 07/27/44, 11/30/44, 01/04/45
Person to Person (TV series), 12/03/54
Pete Murray’s Open House (radio program), 02/27/75, 09/15/77
Peters, Bernadette, 04/13/70, 07/00/76
Peterson, Carolyn, 06/05/33, 06/16/56
Petito, Pete, 02/01/54, 02/14/54, 04/29/54, 03/13/55, 05/07/55, 07/16/55, 12/17/55, 07/21/56,
01/00/57, 02/00/57, 02/04/57, 02/06/57, 02/15/57, 03/05/57, 02/15/58, 04/12/58, 05/07/58, 12/03/59
Petkevitch, John Misha 03/15/73, 12/09/73
Petrillo, James C., 04/04/46, 12/11/47, 02/03/48, 04/09/48
Patrick (Father), 04/20/45, 05/13/45, 02/28/47, 05/11/47, 12/20/47, 03/28/48,
12/00/48, 04/17/49, 05/00/53, 12/21/52, 11/22/53, 02/07/60,
12/08/63, 12/00/63, 12/24/63
Philadelphia (Pa.), 08/08/27, 12/31/27, 01/22/28, 05/24/29, 11/25/32,
09/15/40, 05/20/43, 06/14/45, 12/01/45, 05/16/47, 05/14/48
Philbin, Regis, 10/25/67
Philco Radio Hall of Fame (radio show), 12/24/44, 12/23/45
Philco Radio Time (radio series), 08/15/46, 09/18/46, 10/08/46,
Philco Television Playhouse, 12/19/48
Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh 03/14/66, 07/01/76
Phillips, Hazel, 04/00/67, 05/19/67
Phipps, Ogden, 03/19/66
Phoenix (Ariz.), 02/06/42, 02/18/42–02/22/42, 01/25/43, 03/06/43,
02/04/59, 09/05/68
Photoplay, 12/00/44, 01/13/47, 02/17/48, 02/14/49
Piaf, Edith, 05/13/50, 04/30/54, 12/31/56
Piatigorsky, Gregor,
12/03/36, 02/16/39
Picard, Henry, 05/27/45
Pickford, Mary, 04/02/33, 07/20/33, 11/00/34, 04/25/47, 02/04/51
Pidgeon, Walter, 01/16/41, 05/08/41, 04/09/42
Piggott, Lester, 06/26/65, 09/08/65, 10/03/65, 08/02/75
Pinero, Manuel, 10/14/77
Pinza, Ezio, 12/13/45, 10/08/46, 11/13/46
Pious, Minerva, 11/28/40
Pitts, ZaSu, 06/26/32, 04/16/36, 05/27/37
Pittsburgh (Pa.), 12/12/27, 02/25/28, 05/25/29, 04/18/47, 04/20/48,
07/16/70, 08/12/71, 10/13/71
Pittsburgh Pirates (baseball team), 08/08/46, 04/13/47, 04/20/47,
06/03/47, 06/05/47, 03/13/48, 03/18/48, 04/19/48, 04/20/48, 05/21/48, 05/22/48,
05/23/48, 03/13/50, 06/14/50, 09/00/51, 03/05/52, 07/17/56, 01/10/57, 03/18/57,
10/28/57, 09/25/60, 10/05/60, 03/00/61, 07/24/65, 10/09/71, 05/06/75
Player, Gary, 09/24/72
Please (film short), 05/24/33, 11/03/33
Pleis, Jack, 04/17/56
Plomley, Roy, 08/13/75, 12/27/75
Polesie, Herb, 06/25/38, 11/03/38, 12/14/38, 05/00/39, 04/13/50
Polignac, Ghislaine de, 05/07/50
Polydor Records, 09/12/77–09/14/77
Pomona (Calif.), 03/00/26, 10/03/32
Pons, Lily, 11/05/39, 11/06/39, 05/20/53
Ponsoby, Thomas (Lord), 06/29/76
Porter, Cole, 05/06/44, 12/22/55, 09/21/56, 10/06/56
Porter, Janice, 05/06/37, 04/18/40
Portland (OR), 07/00/20, 10/15/25, 04/15/30, 08/00/43, 09/18/48
Portugal (Europe), 08/21/68
Post, Troy V., 06/03/72
Pott, Johnny, 01/11/68
Powell, Dick, 03/24/34, 12/21/34, 01/30/35, 06/00/38, 07/20/38,
01/16/44, 01/30/44, 03/31/48, 10/30/50, 11/08/50, 02/04/51, 04/00/59
Powell, Eleanor, 12/11/31, 01/06/40, 12/27/40, 05/05/42
Powell, Jane, 03/00/66
Powell, William, 06/26/32, 10/09/48, 10/27/48, 03/10/53
Power, Thonas S., 01/22/42
Power, Tyrone, 06/14/39, 01/06/40
Powers, Dave, 11/03/71
Prendergast, Paddy, 06/25/65, 10/16/65, 06/27/67
Presley, Elvis, 03/03/56, 04/26/56, 09/09/56, 11/20/56, 11/28/56, 05/12/60, 12/03/68,
07/31/69, 08/16/77
Preston (England), 09/22/77
Preston, Robert, 05/23/40, 03/26/42
Previn, Andre, 01/00/59, 12/12/62, 12/18/62, 12/24/62, 12/30/62, 09/29/63, 10/11/63, 11/07/63
Previn, Charles, 01/13/39, 02/00/40, 03/10/40, 03/17/40
Price, H. Ryan, 08/05/76
Price, Vincent, 11/02/42
Prima, Gia, 01/07/69
Prima, Louis, 04/30/36, 05/23/37, 12/29/38, 01/11/67, 01/07/69
Prince, Bob, 05/06/75
The Princess and the Pirate, (movie), 05/00/44, 10/10/44,
Prinz, Freddie, 04/12/76
Pritchett, Florence, 05/12/47, 05/05/48, 05/22/48
Project Records, 05/00/59, 07/20/59, 04/00/60, 06/28/60, 06/21/62,
04/00/63, 03/08/65
Prouty, Jed, 03/23/39
Providence, Rhode Island, 09/01/27
Prowse, Juliet, 10/24/62, 12/30/62, 12/13/63, 11/22/69
Pryor, Roger, 12/10/39, 02/03/41, 03/08/42
Puget, Cam, 03/24/41, 01/10/47, 01/09/48, 01/14/49, 01/13/50
Puleo, Johnny, 12/31/66
“Queen Elizabeth” (ocean liner), 04/14/50, 04/19/50,
06/09/50, 03/21/53
“Queen Mary” (ocean liner), 10/01/44
Quillan, Eddie, 12/05/75
Quinn, Anthony, 12/19/36, 10/02/39, 02/27/42
Quiz Kids (radio program), 05/16/43
Radio Rogues, The,
Rady, Simon, 05/31/49, 05/18/59, 07/20/59, 11/19/60, 12/03/60, 04/00/63, 03/08/65
Raft, George, 03/12/33, 03/29/35, 05/07/36, 06/17/36, 08/22/36, 02/20/41, 12/01/45, 02/22/71
Ragland, Rags, 08/04/42, 08/08/42, 08/10/42, 03/06/43, 04/02/43,
04/08/43, 07/00/43, 07/29/43, 08/26/43, 12/31/45, 08/20/46
Rains, Claude, 06/09/38, 11/03/38, 12/28/39
Raitt, John, 01/21/60, 01/19/61, 01/18/62, 01/16/64, 01/21/65, 01/20/66, 01/19/67, 01/11/68
Rancho Santa Fe (home), 06/00/34, 08/18/34, 01/27/35, 02/00/35,
06/06/35, 06/16/35, 05/30/36, 10/30/36, 11/07/43, 06/21/45, 04/17/46
Rancho Santa Fe (golf), 02/06/37, 01/15/38, 01/28/39, 01/26/40,
01/24/41, 01/30/42
The Randall Sisters, 04/16/35
Randolph, Isabel, 08/00/43
Rank, J. Arthur, 06/00/47, 04/14/48, 06/20/48
Rathbone, Basil, 02/04/37, 03/18/37, 03/26/37, 05/06/37, 12/23/37,
05/12/38, 12/22/38, 05/18/39, 04/25/40, 05/06/40, 10/05/49
Rattigan, Terence, 02/15/57
Ravenscroft, Thurl, 07/01/55
Ray, Harry, 11/27/44
Ray, Johnnie, 04/25/56
Ray, Roger, 02/19/66
Ray, Ted, 09/21/52
Raye, Martha, 04/04/36, 07/02/36, 07/29/36, 12/19/36, 01/07/37,
04/26/37, 12/18/64, 02/17/69, 03/20/77
Raymond, Gene, 12/03/36
Raymond, Mary Lou, 10/16/33, 10/23/33
Raymonde, Ivor, 06/21/62
RCA Victor, 02/19/57, 08/11/58, 07/20/59, 01/28/60
Reaching for the Moon (movie), 10/00/30, 12/29/30, 02/21/31
Reagan, Ronald, 04/16/42, 01/17/44, 01/11/69, 01/17/74, 02/19/74
Redbook magazine, 01/08/45, 02/00/45
Redman, Don, 04/13/32
Reed, Alan, 09/26/49
Reed, Rex, 04/16/76
Reed, Theodore, 04/26/37
Rees, Dai, 10/29/55
Refugio (Texas), 01/03/66
Remer, Rubye De. 09/26/37
Renaud, Line, 06/25/53
Reno (NV), 03/00/58, 02/08/61
Reprise Records, 07/19/63, 07/29/63, 08/08/63, 08/21/63, 10/16/63,
02/04/64, 09/28/65, 05/09/66, 10/31/67
Rethberg, Elisabeth, 10/15/36,
11/05/38, 05/30/40
Return to Paradise Islands (LP album), 08/21/63, 10/16/63, 12/09/63
Revie, Don, 07/05/75
Rey, Alvino, 12/16/43, 07/18/45, 07/31/45
Reynal, Juan, 06/26/58
Reynolds, Debbie, 12/15/58, 08/08/63, 12/14/70, 10/02/76, 03/20/77
Reynolds, Marjorie, 11/00/41, 10/28/42
Rhodes, Betty Jane, 11/01/41, 08/26/42, 11/04/42
Rhythmaires, The, 10/01/47, 05/12/48,
09/29/48, 03/18/49, 09/21/49, 10/26/49, 11/16/49, 01/03/50, 04/12/50, 09/25/50, 10/11/50,
10/03/51, 10/09/52, 11/12/52, 02/09/53, 12/20/53, 11/22/55, 04/17/56
Rhythm Boys, The, 05/24/27–07/27/31,
Rhythm on the Range (movie), 02/03/36, 04/04/36, 05/21/36, 07/02/36,
07/14/36, 07/17/36, 07/29/36
Rhythm on the River (movie), 05/06/40, 07/03/40, 07/10/40, 08/16/40,
Rice, Florence, 02/16/39
Rice, Grantland, 02/25/36, 03/04/37, 03/12/37, 01/26/40, 01/24/41
Rich, Freddie, 09/02/31, 03/08/32
Richards, Carole, 10/01/46, 04/18/49, 05/04/49, 05/10/49, 12/01/49,
12/14/49, 03/03/50, 04/19/50, 09/08/50, 12/26/50
Richards, Cully, 03/21/46
Rickles, Don, 09/06/60,
Riddle, Nelson, 06/18/44, 12/17/46, 09/25/50, 03/15/57, 12/20/57,
03/02/59, 10/15/59, 10/19/59, 10/05/60, 03/20/61, 08/21/63, 10/16/63, 10/03/63,
12/09/63, 04/10/64, 06/18/64, 03/17/76
Riding High (movie), 03/09/49,
04/15/49, 04/01/50, 04/09/50, 04/10/50
Riggs, Bobby, 09/28/39
Riggs, Glenn, 06/04/47
Riley, Jeannie C., 09/20/68, 09/28/68
Ringling Brothers, 09/04/48
Rinker, Al, 00/00/24, 05/09/25, 10/15/25–07/27/31, 03/22/31, 07/04/43, 06/12/47
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 09/10/41
Rising River (Calif.), 05/29/51, 10/05/55, 09/12/56, 11/25/58, 07/04/59,
10/26/59, 11/11/59, 07/00/60, 10/21/60, 07/00/61, 11/21/61, 10/17/62, 11/04/64,
03/00/66, 12/00/68, 05/19/69, 09/07/71
Rittenband, Laurence, 05/04/77
Rivers, Johnny, 11/21/67
Riverside (Calif.), 10/02/32
Roach, Hal, 01/00/37, 09/30/37
Road to Bali (movie), 04/21/52, 05/21/52, 06/24/52, 07/00/52,
11/19/52, 01/04/53, 01/29/53
Road to Hollywood (movie), 05/16/47
Road to Home, The, (film short), 09/00/45
Road to Hong Kong, The (movie), 08/02/61, 08/11/61, 09/18/61,
10/19/61, 11/03/61, 04/01/62, 05/26/62
Road to Lebanon, The, (TV special), 02/00/66, 04/20/66
Road to Morocco (movie), 02/24/42, 03/08/42, 09/10/42, 10/05/42,
03/04/43, 04/05/43
Road to Peace, The, (film short), 12/00/48, 12/08/49
Road to Rio (movie), 12/30/46, 03/31/47, 12/25/47, 02/18/48
Road to Singapore (movie), 10/02/39, 12/15/39, 02/20/40
Road to Utopia (movie), 11/01/43, 12/00/43, 07/17/44, 02/27/46,
Road to Victory, The, (film short), 08/00/44
Road to Zanzibar (movie), 11/00/40, 12/20/40, 03/10/41, 04/09/41,
Roberti, Lyda, 03/19/36
Robbins, Gale, 06/16/45, 10/29/47
Roberts, Beverly, 02/10/38, 05/25/39
Roberts, Ken, 05/21/47
Roberts, Sue, 03/21/75
Robertson, Cliff, 04/12/68
Robertson, Dale, 11/02/71
Robertson, Rae, 02/03/38
Robeson, Paul, 02/06/41, 12/11/41, 02/26/42
Robin, Leo, 05/08/52
Robin and the Seven Hoods (movie), 10/03/63, 10/15/63, 11/29/63,
12/03/63, 12/10/63, 04/10/64, 08/05/64
Robinson, Edward G., 07/19/37, 02/20/43, 06/30/43, 12/29/44, 05/26/48
Robinson, Jackie, 11/16/47
Robinson, Robert, 10/19/61
Robson, May, 05/08/36
Rochester (Eddie Anderson), 05/04/33, 11/01/41, 09/04/43, 12/11/43,
02/18/44, 02/04/53, 02/15/53
Rochester (N.Y.), 08/01/27, 02/14/29
Rockefeller, Nelson, 07/15/67
Rockefeller, Winston, 12/31/45
Rockford (Ill.), 11/18/28
Rockne, Knute, 03/31/30, 08/01/44
Rockwell, Norman. 07/16/66
Rockwell, Willard ("Al"), 01/00/71
Rockwell-O'Keefe, 11/24/37, 12/09/37, 02/02/38
Rodel, Raymomnd, 06/25/53
Rodgers, Richard, 03/04/51
Rodriguez, Chi Chi, 10/30/68
Rogers, Buddy, 03/18/31, 09/20/34, 01/14/49, 01/11/52, 01/13/56
Rogers, Ginger, 04/26/33, 01/01/35, 03/06/37
Rogers, Roy, 06/29/44
Rogers, Ted, 06/21/76, 11/26/76, 12/07/76, 09/22/77
Rohauer, Raymond, 11/18/74
Roman, Ruth, 04/19/65
Romano, Tony, 05/07/43, 09/25/43, 05/28/45, 05/30/45, 04/14/46
Romay, Lina, 03/07/46, 10/16/46, 11/20/46, 01/06/47,
Romberg, Sigmund, 08/05/37
Romero, Cesar, 07/12/36, 01/08/42, 01/20/43, 09/21/71
Ronay, Mac, 09/17/66, 12/18/69
Rooney, Mickey, 01/20/40, 06/22/40, 12/27/40, 12/31/40, 02/05/42, 02/19/42,
01/29/44, 07/14/46, 12/22/46, 01/08/47, 05/26/48, 12/28/63, 08/29/64
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 11/08/32, 03/12/33, 06/16/33, 11/03/36,
04/14/38, 10/13/40, 11/05/40, 11/14/40, 07/07/41, 11/07/44, 01/30/45, 04/12/45, 04/15/45
Rosburg, Bob, 01/19/61
Rose, David, 11/22/58, 04/29/62
Rose, Gordon, 09/22/77, 10/11/77
Rosenberg, George, 12/17/55, 08/03/57, 08/16/57, 05/07/58
Rosenbloom, Maxie, 11/19/42, 11/28/42
Ross, David, 11/02/31
Ross, Diana, 05/05/68, 10/2/68, 10/23/68, 02/17/69
Ross, Lanny, 01/00/34, 02/10/34, 08/16/34, 07/04/36
Ross, Shirley, 12/19/36, 01/07/37, 03/24/37, 11/07/37, 11/10/37, 05/23/38,
06/25/38, 07/20/38, 11/23/39, 01/06/40, 07/25/40, 04/15/44
Rotchford, Herb, 08/23/47, 08/01/48, 08/02/48, 09/28/48, 09/26/48, 03/21/49, 08/12/49, 08/23/49, 08/24/49, 05/26/51, 08/06/51, 08/02/53, 07/29/54, 08/11/55, 08/02/56
Roth, Lillian, 02/04/30, 12/18/31, 03/25/32, 04/08/32
Rowan, Dan, 01/19/67, 09/21/71
Rowan and Martin, 01/17/63, 09/20/64, 04/13/67, 10/14/69, 01/19/70, 12/14/70,
02/22/71, 12/13/71
Rowswell, Rosey,
04/18/47, 04/20/48
Rubenstein, Erna, 10/12/39
Rubin, Benny, 01/28/30, 12/05/40, 01/16/41, 12/25/51
Rubin, Samuel, 07/02/42, 07/22/42
Rubinoff, 11/06/31, 12/04/31,
03/04/32, 03/18/32, 03/25/32
Rubinstein, Artur, 07/11/43
Ruckelshaus, Conrad, 03/31/57, 04/11/60, 09/09/63, 09/13/63, 06/14/65
Ruggles, Charles, 09/00/35, 02/20/36,
06/03/37, 10/15/42, 01/07/43
Ruggles, Wesley, 04/03/33, 03/01/34,
07/12/36, 04/00/38, 06/16/38, 06/25/38, 08/28/38, 02/05/39
Runyon, Damon, 12/00/46, 05/21/47, 01/02/49, 04/25/56,
04/17/57, 04/22/59
Rush, Barbara, 10/03/63
Ruskin, Dr. Simon, 08/31/31, 03/00/32
Russell, Andy, 03/16/47, 12/25/48
Russell, Connie, 01/03/54, 01/31/54
Russell, Jane, 06/05/49, 10/02/51, 06/13/54, 05/08/55, 05/24/55
Russell, Lorraine, 05/02/45
Russell, Mischa, 07/00/29
Russin, Jack, 08/29/44, 08/30/44, 8/31/44
Ruth, Babe, 03/01/42, 05/24/43, 04/27/47
Rutherford, Ann, 08/00/42
Ryan, Ray, 04/19/54
Sabu, 02/22/40, 02/20/41, 04/16/42
Sacramento (Calif.), 03/00/26, 11/28/37, 03/01/42
Salandini, Victor, (Father), 06/20/59
Salisbury, John, 11/18/63, 12/00/75, 01/04/76
San Antonio (Tex.), 02/13/42, 01/10/70
San Bernardino (Calif.), 02/01/26, 10/04/32, 03/13/50, 10/22/51
Sandburg, Carl. 10/20/58
Sanders, Doug, 01/25/61, 11/21/62
San Diego (Calif.), 01/09/26, 08/09/26, 02/20/30, 12/19/44, 07/00/77
Sandrich, Mark, 11/00/41, 05/05/42,
05/01/44, 12/00/44, 03/04/45
San Francisco (Calif.), 10/15/25, 02/13/26, 08/16/26, 09/18/26,
10/30/26, 06/06/29, 04/01/30, 09/09/32, 10/31/34, 11/23/35, 11/14/36, 10/08/39,
03/18/40, 10/03/42, 10/10/42, 11/01/42, 02/19/43, 05/21/44, 04/25/46, 10/01/46,
05/31/48, 09/28/48, 10/09/48, 11/06/48, 02/02/49, 02/09/49, 03/02/49, 03/09/49,
10/10/49, 10/19/49, 12/31/49, 01/11/50, 09/25/50, 10/23/50, 06/04/51, 10/10/51,
04/08/52, 04/10/52, 06/10/55, 10/10/56, 09/22/57, 03/27/58, 06/24/58, 01/25/61,
12/22/61, 10/05/63, 11/01/63, 04/12/64, 09/11/64, 10/28/65, 11/30/65, 05/09/66,
10/30/68, 11/16/70, 09/07/71, 12/28/72, 06/02/76, 09/19/76, 12/21/76
San Jose (Calif.), 02/26/77
Santa Ana (Calif.), 01/24/26
Santa Ana air base (Calif.), 02/15/44,
Santa Anita Racetrack, 12/25/34, 02/07/35, 02/23/35, 02/25/35, 03/02/35,
05/07/36, 02/16/37, 02/20/37, 12/25/37, 01/01/38, 01/08/38, 02/00/38, 02/07/38,
02/22/38, 03/05/38, 03/08/38, 01/08/39, 01/15/39, 02/13/39, 03/04/39, 01/20/40,
03/02/40, 03/01/41, 03/08/41, 03/09/46, 01/01/58, 02/27/65
Santa Barbara (Calif.), 08/13/26, 08/16/29, 11/23/37, 06/04/59
Saratoga Springs (N.Y.), 07/30/35, 08/16/35, 08/25/37
Sarazen, Gene, 09/13/42, 05/18/47, 05/16/48
Saxbe, William B., 06/25/71
Say One for Me (movie), 01/00/59, 02/03/59, 02/09/59, 03/06/59,
03/25/59, 06/05/59, 06/18/59, 06/20/59
Schenkel, Chris, 10/01/74
Schertzinger, Victor, 05/09/39, 10/02/39,
03/21/40, 05/06/40, 11/00/40, 04/00/41, 10/26/41
Schlumberger, Dr. Frederick, 01/18/55, 01/05/62
Schmidt, Henry, 09/16/65, 08/16/74, 10/22/74
Schneider, Carolyn – see Peterson
Schneiter, George, 07/25/42, 07/26/42,
06/17/45, 09/19/48
Schoen, Vic, 06/10/42, 09/27/43, 06/30/44, 07/25/44, 12/08/44, 12/31/44,
06/29/45, 07/03/45, 05/10/46, 03/26/47, 05/29/47, 11/25/47, 12/17/47, 12/30/47,
01/04/49, 03/18/49, 04/14/49, 05/10/49, 11/25/49, 01/03/50, 02/14/50, 03/24/50,
09/07/50, 02/01/51, 02/06/51, 02/08/51, 05/16/52, 02/29/60
Schubert, Marina, 02/06/36, 03/05/36, 03/12/36, 12/21/52 (aka Marina Koshetz)
Schulz, Charles, 01/20/77
Schwartz, Arthur, 05/05/42
Scobey, Bob, 02/19/57
Scotland (Great Britain), 08/25/44, 09/25/67, 08/05/71, 09/11/72,
07/01/75, 08/00/75, 08/22/76
Scott, George C., 01/23/75, 08/00/75, 01/22/76, 08/23/76
Scott, Randolph, 03/01/34, 06/13/37, 02/17/38, 03/28/38, 02/01/40,
08/05/45, 07/14/46, 01/09/48, 01/14/49, 01/13/50, 01/15/54, 01/14/55, 01/11/57, 01/09/58, 01/21/58, 03/15/59, 01/24/60, 12/04/60,
Scranton (Pa.), 12/28/27
Screen Guild Players (radio series), 02/05/39, 12/10/39, 02/23/41,
03/08/42, 01/11/43, 09/13/43, 01/08/45, 08/26/46, 10/06/47, 10/14/48, 01/18/51
Screen Snapshots No. 9 (film short), 05/07/36, 12/13/45,
Searl, Jackie, 06/04/36
Seasons (LP album), 09/12/77–09/13/77
Seaton, George, 09/22/52, 02/00/54, 04/17/54, 03/30/55
Seattle (Wash.), 10/15/25, 4/06/30, 08/07/42, 08/08/42, 05/31/51,
07/19/54, 08/01/57, 08/22/57, 07/30/59, 07/00/60
Secrest, Andy, 09/13/29, 02/27/41
Sefton, Bill 06/17/37
Segovia, Andres, 02/13/36, 03/11/37
Seidel, Toscha, 05/07/36, 02/11/37, 01/06/38, 05/12/38, 11/24/38
Sellers, Peter, 10/01/61
Selvin, Ben, 09/27/29
Selznick, David O., 08/17/35, 01/15/37, 12/31/55, 10/30/65
Seminole Golf Club (Juno Beach, Fla.), 03/18/57, 03/20/60, 03/22/60,
03/26/61, 03/31/61
Sennett, Mack, 11/00/30, 05/20/31, 06/08/31, 07/00/31, 07/21/31,
03/27/32, 06/17/32, 03/01/34, 12/27/40, 05/16/47, 09/06/49, 11/05/60
Sexton, William, 10/14/34
The Seychelles, 08/04/72
Sgt. Bilko Presents Bing Crosby (TV show),
11/13/56, 01/22/57
Shaeffer, Harvey, 09/00/39, 04/30/48
Shalit, Gene, 12/06/76
Shankar, Ravi, 08/31/67
Sharples, Bob, 07/31/61
Shatner, William, 03/29/71
Shaw, Artie, 01/04/33, 03/15/45
Shaw, Tom, 01/14/71
Shaw, Wini, 04/23/35, 03/05/36
Shawn, Dick, 01/15/59, 01/19/67, 01/11/68, 01/23/69, 09/30/69, 10/11/69
Shay, Dorothy, 12/31/45, 04/09/47
Shearing, George, 09/29/59, 06/02/76
Sheehan, Pat (daughter-in-law), 04/18/57, 05/04/58, 12/22/58, 12/30/60, 12/07/62, 09/06/63, 07/03/64, 06/07/68
Sheldon, James, 09/14/64
Shelley, Dave, 04/20/44
She Loves Me Not (movie), 04/00/34,
Shelton, Anne, 08/27/44
Shelton, George, 01/04/33
Shepard, Alan, 05/05/61, 01/13/72, 01/25/73, 08/23/76, 01/20/77
Sheridan, Ann, 11/10/38, 01/08/44, 12/16/44, 12/29/44
Sherin, Leo (“Ukie”),
11/05/42, 01/21/43, 01/28/43, 03/25/43 to 07/23/43, 08/12/43, 09/24/43, 12/02/43, 12/18/43, 05/04/44, 12/00/44
Sherman, Allan, 09/24/67
Sherry, Diane, 09/14/64, 02/17/66
The Shining Future, (film short),
Shirley, Anne, 10/22/36, 12/16/37
Shore, Dinah, 06/18/42, 08/30/42, 10/13/42, 11/02/42, 12/24/42, 01/11/43,
02/20/43, 02/24/43, 03/00/43, 03/31/43, 04/01/43, 04/03/43, 05/16/43, 06/19/43, 07/04/43, 09/08/43,
12/16/43, 12/18/43, 01/30/44, 02/01/44, 04/15/44, 05/21/44, 09/27/44, 12/06/44,
12/29/44, 02/15/45, 05/08/45, 09/02/45, 09/13/45, 09/22/45, 12/09/45, 02/27/46,
10/02/47, 10/15/47, 11/26/47, 10/04/48, 02/13/49, 03/02/49, 04/17/49, 11/17/49, 08/20/50, 10/03/50,
10/10/50, 12/14/50, 12/27/50, 01/18/51, 03/31/51, 04/04/51, 09/30/51, 10/31/51, 11/09/52,
11/13/52, 11/20/52, 02/15/53, 03/19/53, 03/23/53, 11/23/55, 12/18/62, 02/17/63,
03/20/66, 05/13/71, 10/00/75, 11/12/75
Shoup, Frances, 12/17/42
Showdown at Ulcer Gulch (film short), 12/00/58
Shute, Denny, 06/29/41
Sidney, Sylvia, 04/00/31
Siegel, Sol C., 10/05/55, 01/19/56, 11/04/56, 01/18/57
Siegel, Stanley, 12/03/76, 12/06/76, 04/12/77
Silvers, Louis, 11/08/37, 01/15/40, 04/05/43, 12/20/43, 05/07/45, 09/26/49
Silvers, Phil, 09/07/41, 01/11/42, 08/04/42, 08/08/42, 08/10/42,
08/11/42, 03/06/43, 04/17/43, 07/00/43, 09/09/43, 09/30/43, 12/16/43, 02/24/44,
04/09/44, 06/25/44, 12/31/45, 05/00/48, 01/24/54, 11/11/56, 11/13/56, 01/22/57, 11/14/58, 06/24/62
Silvers, Sid, 02/11/32
Silver Theater, 01/18/42, 01/16/44
Simmons, Jean, 05/24/50
Simms, Ginny, 08/30/42, 11/12/42, 12/24/42, 01/28/43, 04/05/43, 09/13/43, 01/17/44,
04/14/44, 07/04/44, 05/08/45, 04/19/54
Simon, Simone, 06/23/38
Sinatra, Frank, 03/03/33, 09/03/42, 12/30/42, 09/11/43, 01/06/44,
01/23/44, 01/29/44, 01/30/44, 02/01/44, 05/12/44, 06/03/44, 11/00/44, 11/16/44,
11/20/44, 01/30/45, 02/15/45, 02/18/45, 02/00/45, 03/08/45, 05/02/45, 07/31/45, 09/02/45,
09/12/45, 09/22/45, 12/01/45, 12/09/45, 02/27/46, 07/06/46, 12/29/46, 07/12/47, 11/16/47, 01/20/51, 12/17/51, 12/25/51,
06/21/52, 03/14/54, 03/21/54, 03/28/54, 04/02/55, 05/07/55, 08/09/1955, 11/05/55, 12/11/55, 01/17/56, 02/15/57, 02/16/57, 10/09/57,
10/13/57, 12/12/57, 12/20/57, 02/14/58, 03/01/58, 09/29/59, 10/15/59,
10/19/59, 03/13/61, 08/04/61, 02/00/62, 05/15/63, 07/19/63, 07/29/63, 10/03/63, 10/15/63,
10/27/63, 11/11/63, 12/03/63, 12/10/63, 02/04/64, 02/14/64, 02/15/64, 04/10/64,
06/19/64, 11/17/65, 06/14/71, 11/00/72, 03/00/73, 11/18/73, 10/24/75
Sinatra, Frank (Jr.), 12/08/63, 12/10/63, 12/11/63, 02/18/69
Sinatra, Nancy, 11/05/55
Sing, Bing, Sing (film short), 06/17/32, 03/03/33
Sing You Sinners (movie), 04/00/38,
Sioux City (Iowa), 11/29/28
Skelton, Red, 12/24/42, 11/17/49, 03/08/55
Skolsky, Sidney, 02/25/37
The Skylarks, 05/12/47, 05/12/48
Slack, Freddie, 11/19/42
Slater, Anne, 12/00/68, 01/00/72, 12/01/76
Small, Edward, 06/24/26, 06/26/30, 06/02/32, 08/01/32
Smash-Up, The Story of a Woman (movie), 05/00/47
Smeterlin, Jan, 01/27/38, 12/15/38
Smith, Alexis, 12/14/50, 07/31/51, 11/21/51, 12/05/51, 12/12/51
Smith, C. Aubrey, 02/24/38, 12/19/38
Smith, Ethel, 09/00/41, 07/24/44, 11/09/44, 04/15/45, 12/04/45, 04/25/47
Smith, Kate, 11/01/31, 11/27/31, 07/05/32, 05/24/43, 12/31/51, 11/11/56,
10/30/66, 12/24/66
Smith, Macdonald, 02/13/44
Smith, Paul, 09/29/59, 01/16/75, 01/28/75, 06/23/75, 09/15/75
Smith, Wiffi, 10/14/56
Smothers Brothers, The, 04/29/62, 05/14/62
Snead, Sam, 02/07/37, 01/15/38, 01/05/41, 01/24/41, 01/29/42, 01/30/42, 02/08/42, 01/06/45, 01/10/47, 06/04/49, 01/13/50, 11/28/56, 03/15/61, 01/26/63
Snideman, Dick, 05/28/45, 05/07/55, 03/05/57, 06/13/59, 08/02/59, 03/05/61, 05/00/64, 01/20/66, 05/11/66
Soldiers with Wings (radio program), 07/01/42, 07/07/43, 12/22/43
Sommer, Elke, 12/18/69, 03/18/71
Sondergaard, Gale, 03/25/37, 12/30/46
Song Sheet (AFRS program), 10/19/42, 12/26/42, 11/20/42, 02/06/43
Songs I Wish I Had Sung (LP album), 04/17/56
Sonny and Cher, 01/01/66
Son of Paleface (movie), 05/28/51
Sons of the Pioneers, 01/23/36
Sosnik, Harry, 10/24/41
Sothern, Ann, 02/27/36, 08/06/36, 12/27/40
Souchak, Mike, 12/06/56, 01/29/58, 04/26/59
South Bend (IN), 05/28/45
A Southern Memoir (LP album), 01/16/75
Spain (Europe), 05/00/53, 08/25/62, 10/03/65, 06/09/67, 08/30/76,
Spalding, Albert, 04/02/36, 07/30/36
Spear, Sammy, 11/25/67, 10/04/69
Speight, Johnny, 07/05/75
Spellman, Francis (Cardinal), 11/04/54
Spokane (Wash.), 00/00/05, 1906–1925, 11/22/26, 10/21/37, 06/04/46,
07/05/46, 09/25/47, 08/12/48, 09/26/48, 08/10/49, 08/13/50, 08/28/53, 08/31/53,
08/12/55, 09/03/55, 09/12/56, 11/03/57, 11/08/59, 03/09/68, 09/12/74
The Sportsmen Glee Club, 08/23/43
Spreckels, Kay, 04/19/54
Springfield (IL), 05/29/29
Squaw Valley (Idaho), 02/20/60, 02/08/61
Squires, Rosemary, 06/28/65
Stabile, Dick 10/19/51
Stack, Robert, 11/00/49, 01/13/72, 01/25/73, 01/03/74, 01/23/75, 08/23/76
Stafford, Jim, 01/17/77
Stafford, Jo, 07/21/44, 03/02/59, 12/24/61
Stagecoach (movie), 07/06/65–09/02/65,
Standells, The, 01/18/65
Stander, Lionel, 04/15/37
St. Andrews (Scotland), 05/20/50–05/22/50, 08/09/71, 09/15/72–09/16/72
St. Jacques, Raymond, 02/26/70
St. John, Jill, 11/15/63
Stanton, Bob, 01/12/52, 01/20/66
Stanwyck, Barbara, 05/29/37, 07/03/37, 02/25/39, 12/16/39. 12/30/39,
The Star Maker, (movie), 04/17/39, 06/12/39, 06/30/39, 07/20/39,
Star Night at the Cocoanut Grove (film short), 11/00/34,
Kay, 11/17/48, 12/08/48, 01/14/49, 02/02/49, 02/16/49, 03/13/49,
04/06/49, 07/26/49, 04/05/52, 04/09/52, 04/20/52, 04/23/52, 01/24/53, 01/29/53,
02/05/53, 04/30/54
Stars on Sunday (TV program) 08/00/75, 09/14/75, 10/12/75, 11/16/75,
Star-Spangled Rhythm (movie), 06/20/42, 12/31/42
Steele, Freddie, 05/08/34
Stephenson, James, 01/09/41
Stephenson, Jan, 02/06/76
Stern, Bill, 05/26/45
Stevens, Connie, 12/30/62, 08/29/64, 03/15/73, 12/09/73
Stevens, G. Arnold (Dr.), 10/00/36, 01/11/42, 07/00/42, 09/23/47, 09/25/47,
03/13/50, 06/18/52
Stevens, Inger, 12/17/56, 02/06/57, 03/05/57, 05/17/57, 06/16/57, 07/17/57, 08/22/57, 10/13/57,
10/24/57, 12/31/59, 08/29/64, 01/03/66, 04/30/70
Stevens, Rise, 10/30/41, 05/05/42, 08/00/43, 09/07/43, 10/15/43, 11/22/44,
11/23/44, 05/16/45, 12/01/76, 12/05/76, 12/07/76, 12/10/76
Stevens, Stella, 10/23/68
Stevens, Trudy, 04/10/54
Stewart, Ed, 09/04/77
Stewart, Jackie, 08/23/76
Stewart, James,12/27/40, 12/26/47, 03/10/48, 03/13/49, 04/06/49,
12/01/49, 12/14/49, 01/20/51, 01/24/51, 11/07/51, 11/14/51, 11/28/51, 12/05/51,
03/06/52, 03/19/52, 09/06/52, 10/23/52, 11/06/52, 02/15/53, 03/12/53
Stewart, Sandy, 01/11/60, 01/24/60
St. John, Jill, 11/15/63
St. John’s Hospital (Santa Monica), 11/20/43, 03/03/45, 09/30/45,
10/04/45, 11/19/46, 11/21/46, 11/22/47, 01/03/48, 02/26/48, 09/04/48, 10/27/48,
04/01/49, 03/13/50, 02/12/51, 01/17/55, 02/10/55, 01/01/62, 01/14/62,
07/01/62, 10/14/62, 01/29/63
St. Louis (MO.), 12/27/26, 10/29/27, 08/27/28, 05/31/29, 06/03/32,
05/07/42, 06/04/45
Stockdale, Grant, 09/15/61, 09/16/61, 09/17/61
Stockton (Calif.), 02/01/60
Stokowski, Leopold, 01/30/36, 03/01/36, 04/30/36, 01/07/37,
Stoll, Georgie, 09/22/32, 08/08/34, 09/18/34, 09/20/34, 10/05/34,
10/23/34, 11/09/34, 02/21/35, 05/21/35, 06/26/35, 11/13/35, 06/00/36, 07/06/36,
07/24/36, 10/13/37
Stoloff, Morris, 03/13/47, 03/25/47,
07/29/63, 08/08/63
Stone, Arthur, 06/08/31, 07/00/31, 06/17/32
Stone, Fred, 03/19/36
Stone, Mildred, 04/30/35, 06/04/35
Stone, Paula, 04/00/37, 08/14/45, 02/13/53
Stordahl, Axel, 05/02/45, 06/22/50, 09/07/50,
06/20/52, 09/29/59
St. Paul (MN), 11/26/28, 05/08/42, 08/24/63
Streeter, Ruth, 03/11/43
Struther, Jan, 04/24/41
Struthers, Sally, 12/10/72
Stuart, Barbara (daughter-in-law), 09/06/60, 06/00/61, 07/09/65, 12/03/65
Stuart, Gloria, 06/30/38
Stuart, Nick, 11/00/30, 08/13/32, 11/21/32, 04/02/33, 04/26/33, 05/18/33,
07/08/34, 11/03/52
Stueckgold, Grete, 03/26/36, 04/23/36,
11/12/36, 01/07/37, 06/02/38, 07/21/38, 01/12/39
Sturges, Preston, 12/12/40
St. Vincent’s Hospital, 01/30/40, 01/09/45
Styne, Jule, 03/26/61
Sullivan, Barry, 12/20/43
Sullivan, Ed, 11/10/37, 11/14/37, 12/22/39, 12/26/39, 10/07/41, 03/07/54, 10/17/54, 06/11/56,
07/15/56, 11/11/56, 06/16/57, 05/07/61, 09/24/61, 10/01/61, 06/24/62,
10/00/62, 02/10/68, 05/05/68, 01/11/69
Sullivan, Joe, 03/26/35, 05/23/37, 12/01/38
Sullivan, Prescott, 09/13/68
Sunday in Hollywood, (Catholic radio program) 00/02/55
Sun Valley (Idaho), 01/21/41, 02/13/41, 02/00/73
The Supremes, 0
Sutherland, A. Edward, 07/03/33, 11/00/34, 12/06/36, 06/25/38, 04/00/46, 07/14/46
Sutton, Ralph 11/19/60, 12/03/60
Suzuki, Pat, 12/00/52, 08/02/57
Swanson, Gloria, 04/13/50, 12/00/54, 12/06/76
Swarthout, Gladys, 10/01/35, 01/07/37,
11/11/37, 05/04/39, 04/12/45
Sweetwater, 10/11/69
Swig, Mel, 03/14/65
Swingtime with the Stars (film short),
Swing with Bing (film short), 01/26/40, 09/04/40
Switzerland (Europe), 07/22/68
Swope, John, 04/12/68
The Syncopation Idea, (stage show), 12/07/25–03/00/26
Tacoma (Wash.), 1903–1906, 10/15/25, 04/30/35, 08/06/42, 07/15/54,
Taft, Robert, 05/17/47
Talmadge, Norma, 06/04/36
Tamiroff, Akim,
05/23/38, 06/16/38
Tanforan Racetrack (San Bruno),
03/19/37, 04/10/37, 03/00/49
Tanzania (Africa), 08/04/67, 01/28/68, 09/00/73
Taplinger, Bob, 02/14/33
Tarbuck, Jimmy, 09/24/72, 07/06/75,
Tashlin, Frank, 12/15/58
Tashman, Lilyan,
03/11/30, 01/29/32, 02/11/32, 02/12/32, 07/03/33
Tate, Sharon, 08/09/69
Tatum, Art, 12/31/36
Taurog, Norman, 01/29/34, 04/04/36, 07/02/36
Taylor, Elizabeth, 03/08/45, 12/31/55
Taylor, F. Chase, 01/19/39
Taylor, Irene, 12/25/33, 12/25/34
Taylor, Kent, 04/05/36
Taylor, Robert, 07/16/36, 07/03/37, 12/16/39. 12/19/47, 02/18/48, 01/00/49
Taylor, Shaw, 12/24/71
Teagarden, Jack, 12/31/37, 04/00/41, 04/17/41, 05/26/41, 03/05/42,
12/30/46, 02/21/49, 03/16/49, 01/18/50, 01/25/50, 12/14/50, 12/27/50, 12/30/50, 01/09/51,
01/17/51, 04/30/51, 05/23/51
Teasdale, Verree, 12/09/37
Temple, Shirley (later “Shirley Temple Black”), 05/08/36, 06/22/40,
05/26/48, 04/29/65, 10/17/67, 10/23/67
Templeton, Alec, 05/05/38, 05/26/38, 06/23/38, 04/18/41, 05/08/41,
06/00/43, 03/17/47, 04/09/47, 06/11/47, 05/26/48, 04/18/49, 05/04/49, 05/11/49
Temptations, The,
Terr, Max, 06/14/39, 06/08/42, 12/20/47
Terry, Mary Ellen, 11/10/56, 11/12/56
Terry-Thomas, 11/12/61
That’s Entertainment (movie), 12/00/73, 05/23/74
That’s What Life Is All About (LP album), 02/18/75
That Travellin’ Two Beat (LP album),
08/15/64, 12/02/64, 12/03/64
Thieriot, Charles, 07/12/64, 11/06/65
This is Bing Crosby (radio series), 11/22/48
Thomas, Danny, 11/16/47, 11/22/47, 12/31/47, 11/11/63, 12/13/63, 02/21/65,
04/23/65, 01/01/66, 02/14/66, 04/20/66, 10/09/67, 01/11/69
Thomas, John Charles, 01/17/44, 04/02/47
Thomas, Lowell, 05/08/36, 07/09/41
Thomas, Tony, 04/19/60, 05/00/61, 05/14/61
Thompson, Bill, 10/10/51
Thompson, Bob, 07/20/59, 01/28/60, 10/15/60
Thompson, Kay, 11/20/33, 12/04/33, 12/11/33, 12/18/33, 01/01/34,
01/08/34, 01/15/34, 01/22/34, 01/29/34, 02/05/34, 02/12/34, 03/19/34, 11/12/47
Thompson, Charles, 03/00/76
Thomson, Jimmy, 05/31/48
Thornhill, Claude, 04/02/42
Thornton, Dan, 02/16/53
Thoroughly Modern Bing (LP album), 02/09/68, 02/12/68
Those Three French Girls (movie), 08/00/30
Three Billion Millionaires (LP album), 01/11/63, 09/25/63
Tibbett, Lawrence, 11/06/39, 01/16/40
Tierney, Gene, 05/26/48
Tijuana (Mexico) (see also
Agua Caliente), 01/09/26
Tilton, Martha, 05/21/35, 06/11/35, 12/29/44, 02/28/46, 06/04/51,
06/06/51, 10/17/51
A Time To Be Jolly (LP album), 09/07/71
Timmy’s Easter Parade of Stars (TV show), 03/07/66
Tinling, Teddy, 06/28/65
Tiny Tim, 12/15/68, 01/04/69
Toast of the Town (TV series), 02/15/53, 10/17/54, 05/08/55
Tobaccoland on Parade, 12/00/50
Tobias, George, 11/26/42
Tobin, Maurice, 06/09/45
Todd, Richard, 05/24/50
Toledo (Ohio), 12/01/27, 09/17/28, 05/26/29, 09/06/42
Tombes, Andrew, 10/22/42, 12/24/42
Tomlin, Pinky, 12/18/34
Tom Sawyer (LP album), 09/03/75, 09/05/75
Tone, Franchot, 03/00/45, 12/14/50
The Tonight Show, (TV series), 10/00/75, 03/05/76
Too Much Harmony (movie), 07/03/33, 08/21/33, 08/27/33, 09/11/33,
09/19/33, 09/22/33
Topeka (Kansas), 06/02/45
Top o’ the Morning (movie),
Torme, Mel, 09/13/45, 03/29/65, 12/31/75
Toronto (Ontario, Canada), 10/21/65, 03/06/66
Torres, Raymundo "Battling", 02/24/60
Tournament of Champions (Las Vegas), 04/25/56, 04/17/57, 04/24/58,
Tower, John, 04/04/61
Towne, Gene, 02/05/40
Tracy, Arthur, 07/05/32
Tracy, Lee, 01/21/37, 03/11/37, 05/20/37
Tracy, Spencer, 11/25/34, 02/13/36, 02/07/38, 08/12/38
Treacher, Arthur, 05/17/44, 11/05/47
Treasury Star Parade (radio program), 07/23/42, 01/00/44
Tremayne, Les 10/05/75
The Treniers, 11/22/58
Trenton (N. J.), 06/11/28
Trevino, Lee, 01/29/72
John Scott, 07/06/36, 07/01/37, 07/12/37,
09/20/37, 09/25/37, 10/07/37, 10/13/37, 01/21/38, 04/22/38, 05/23/38,
10/20/38, 11/04/38, 12/12/38, 12/19/38, 03/07/39, 03/10/39, 03/15/39,
03/31/39, 04/03/39, 06/09/39, 06/12/39, 06/22/39, 06/30/39, 09/28/39,
02/09/40, 02/25/40, 03/09/40, 03/15/40, 03/22/40, 03/23/40, 04/12/40,
05/06/40, 05/30/40, 07/03/40, 07/10/40, 07/27/40, 08/16/40, 11/14/40,
12/20/40, 04/03/41, 05/23/41, 06/14/41, 06/16/41, 07/05/41, 10/30/41,
01/11/42, 01/24/42, 01/27/42, 03/13/42, 03/16/42, 05/29/42, 06/01/42,
06/11/42, 06/12/42, 10/01/42, 10/13/42, 04/01/43, 06/17/43, 09/10/43,
09/24/43, 10/01/43, 10/09/43, 12/11/43, 12/16/43, 12/29/43, 01/00/44,
02/07/44, 02/11/44, 02/17/44, 02/18/44, 03/03/44, 04/28/44, 05/03/44,
06/16/44, 07/07/44, 07/14/44, 07/17/44, 07/19/44, 07/21/44, 11/09/44,
12/04/44, 12/11/44, 12/15/44, 01/22/45, 03/03/45, 04/18/45, 04/25/45,
09/10/45, 09/14/45, 09/22/45, 02/07/46, 03/22/46, 04/00/46, 05/07/46,
07/24/46, 10/16/46, 11/14/46, 11/19/46, 03/19/47, 05/12/47, 06/12/47,
11/12/47, 11/27/47, 12/03/47, 12/24/47, 12/31/47, 09/19/48, 09/21/48,
03/10/49, 09/21/49, 11/16/49, 03/25/50, 06/22/50, 09/06/50, 09/08/50,
02/02/51, 02/07/51, 04/19/51, 06/20/51, 10/01/51, 10/03/51, 10/04/51,
12/19/51, 02/21/52, 10/09/52, 11/03/52, 11/12/52, 01/09/53, 02/09/53,
05/14/53, 09/27/53, 01/03/54, 03/31/54, 04/25/54, 04/28/54, 06/13/54,
09/00/54, 10/13/57, 10/01/62, 07/06/63, 12/13/63, 01/10/64, 02/15/64, 09/14/64,
10/02/64, 10/04/64, 10/20/64, 02/17/66, 11/22/69, 03/26/72,
Truman, Harry S., 04/12/45, 11/03/48, 06/30/49
Truman, Margaret, 05/16/48
Trumbauer, Frankie, 08/14/27, 10/23/27,
Tucker, Forrest, 01/24/41, 01/09/48, 01/14/49, 01/13/50,
Tucker, Sophie, 08/17/35, 02/18/37
Tufts, Sonny, 04/27/44, 05/01/44, 07/20/44, 07/27/44
Tulsa (Okla.), 09/18/42
Tumminia, Josephine, 06/18/36,
08/13/36, 01/28/37, 02/25/37, 05/13/37, 10/19/37, 12/09/37, 05/01/41
Tunney, Gene, 04/30/42, 09/29/66
Turk, Roy, 07/03/66
Turner, Lana, 12/27/40, 05/30/42, 02/08/45
Tuttle, Frank, 07/05/32, 08/27/34, 09/00/34, 06/00/35, 12/19/36,
10/13/37, 05/23/38, 07/03/44
Tuttle, Lurene, 08/21/45, 10/05/75
Twentieth-Century-Fox, 01/00/59, 06/15/60, 07/06/65
Twiggy, 09/05/77
Twiss, Clinton "Buddy", 07/03/37, 07/19/41
Two for Tonight (movie), 06/06/35, 06/00/35, 08/30/35
Two Plus Fours (film short), 05/27/30, 06/19/30
Uggams, Leslie, 05/21/66
Uitti, Bette, 09/06/54, 09/13/54, 10/06/54, 10/00/54
Ulanov, Barry, 08/17/45, 05/02/48
United Artists Records, 10/17/74, 02/18/75, 10/19/76, 10/29/76
U.S. Amateur Golf Championship, 08/00/40, 09/00/40, 09/09/40
Vacuum Foods Corporation, 09/00/48, 11/22/48
Vague, Vera (Barbara Jo Allen), 01/26/43, 09/21/43, 02/15/44, 12/19/44,
12/29/44, 05/13/45, 10/01/46, 12/24/46, 10/28/47, 12/18/51
Valente, Caterina, 09/29/63, 11/07/63, 09/05/65, 09/18/65
Valentine, Karen, 11/03/74
Vallee, Rudy, 12/19/27, 04/27/29, 11/02/31, 01/04/33, 12/15/33,
01/13/34, 11/00/34, 03/09/38, 01/20/40, 05/23/40, 06/30/43, 06/14/44, 03/25/49, 04/04/49,
04/20/49, 06/15/53, 12/14/72
Van, Bobby, 12/28/63
Van, Vera, 07/30/36
Vancouver (British Columbia), 04/04/30, 09/20/48, 09/29/50,
05/28/51, 09/11/51, 08/23/52, 08/03/57, 05/31/58, 08/16/59, 09/28/66
Vandenberg, Hoyt (General), 06/04/49
Vanderbilt, Alfred G., 01/18/36, 02/20/36, 03/06/37, 09/15/39
Vandermark, Cote,
Van Dyke, Dick, 09/27/65
Van Heusen, Jimmy, 01/20/41, 02/20/42, 07/25/42, 07/26/42, 08/04/42, 08/10/42, 08/11/42, 03/06/43,
03/09/43, 12/24/43, 03/00/44, 12/01/45, 12/31/45, 02/01/46, 10/22/47, 12/14/50, 02/13/53, 03/12/53,
05/07/55, 12/11/55, 12/17/55, 07/06/56, 07/21/56, 01/00/57, 02/15/57, 02/16/57, 02/14/58, 05/07/58, 06/01/58, 06/07/58, 03/02/59, 07/31/61, 08/26/61, 05/11/75
Vanoff, Nick, 09/29/63, 02/15/64, 04/12/68
Variety Girl (movie), 12/00/46, 10/08/47, 10/14/47
Velez, Lupe 02/25/30
Veloz and Yolando,
12/11/31, 08/00/37
Venturi, Ken, 01/11/56, 10/10/56, 04/23/58, 01/21/60, 02/04/61, 09/28/66
Venuti, Joe, 05/19/29, 07/31/29, 11/03/31, 01/04/33, 12/10/35, 01/09/36, 10/29/36,
12/06/36, 12/04/37, 01/13/38, 02/00/38, 04/00/38, 06/25/38, 09/20/39, 03/08/45, 11/18/47,
12/21/47, 02/11/48, 06/02/48, 09/19/48, 10/13/48, 11/10/48, 12/08/48, 01/14/49,
03/16/49, 01/25/50, 06/13/51, 06/20/51, 07/30/51, 06/11/52, 06/18/52, 10/09/52,
11/03/52, 11/13/52, 11/20/52, 12/11/52, 12/18/52, 01/01/53, 01/08/53, 01/15/53,
01/22/53, 01/24/53, 01/29/53, 02/05/53, 05/21/53, 07/02/53
Verdon, Gwen, 09/30/69, 10/11/69
Vereen, Ben, 03/26/76
Verve Records, 06/11/56
Vidor, King, 11/05/30
Villella, Edward, 12/10/72
Vines, Ellsworth, 12/29/37, 01/04/38, 01/26/40
Viroval, Robert, 02/22/40
Voorhees, Donald, 07/02/45, 07/01/46
Vronsky and Babin, 03/18/37, 04/13/39, 02/29/40, 07/17/41
Wagner, Robert, 01/14/55, 03/02/58, 12/15/58, 06/20/59, 11/11/63
Waikiki Wedding (movie), 10/03/36, 12/11/36, 12/19/36, 02/23/37,
Wakefield, Oliver, 12/31/37
Walburn, Raymond, 12/10/39, 07/15/43
Walker, Clint, 08/04/67
Walker, Hal, 12/03/43, 04/21/52
Wall, Art, 01/15/59
Wallichs, Glenn. 12/17/56
Walsh, Raoul, 08/28/33, 02/24/34, 10/29/34, 01/18/36
Walston, Ray, 12/15/58
Walters, Barbara, 05/31/77
Walters, Charles, 01/23/56
Wanger, Walter, 08/28/33
Bud, 12/15/39, 12/20/39, 12/24/39, 12/26/39, 09/08/40, 06/22/41, 02/21/43,
06/04/46, 06/06/46, 07/01/46, 08/23/47, 09/26/47, 05/31/48,
08/05/48, 09/27/48, 09/30/48, 07/30/50, 08/11/55, 05/14/56, 10/05/56, 10/10/56
Ward, Harvie, 01/10/56, 01/11/56, 09/10/57, 09/22/57
Ward-Thomas, Pat, 01/22/69, 12/04/69, 08/16/71, 10/30/72
Ware, Linda, 06/08/39
Waring, Fred, 06/04/47, 06/17/49, 12/15/52, 01/09/58, 02/04/64, 06/19/64, 12/25/65, 05/05/68
Warmerdam, Cornelius, 03/05/42
Warner, Jack, 07/03/37, 08/25/62
Warner Brothers Film Studios, 08/00/44,
Warner Brothers Records, 12/16/59, 12/20/60, 04/30/62, 10/05/62
Warren, Fran, 03/06/52, 03/19/52
Warren, Harry, 03/23/40
Warren (Ohio), 08/00/63
Washington (D.C.), 10/06/40, 08/30/42, 05/24/43, 06/10/45, 05/17/47,
05/16/48, 06/04/49
Waterman, Willard, 09/26/49
Waters, Ethel, 12/16/26, 07/02/28, 06/12/41, 06/18/41
Watson, Tom, 07/10/75, 10/06/75, 01/20/77
Wayne, David, 12/14/64, 11/02/71
Wayne, John, 04/13/39, 06/28/62, 09/18/70, 11/29/70, 10/24/75, 10/02/76
Wayne, Pilar, 06/30/63
Webb, Clifton, 05/00/29, 10/10/47, 10/22/47, 04/21/48, 05/08/55
Webb, Del, 01/25/43, 06/12/45, 05/16/48, 05/23/48, 08/03/48
Weber, Kay, 01/02/36, 01/09/36, 02/06/36
Weber and Fields, 01/14/33
Weeks, Anson, 09/16/32, 09/20/34
Weeks, Barbara, 12/02/37
Weidler, Virginia, 05/21/42, 11/26/42
Weiser (Idaho), 10/27/62
Weiskopf, Tom, 08/00/75
Weiss, Sam, 12/17/55
Weissmuller, Johnny,
Welch, Raquel, 01/27/70
Welcome Back, Baseball (radio show), 04/17/49, 03/22/50, 04/15/50
Welcome Stranger (movie), 03/00/46,
Weld, Tuesday, 02/01/60
Welk, Lawrence, 08/29/64, 01/13/68
Welker, Herman, 07/29/50, 08/02/50, 08/06/50, 08/10/51, 08/27/52, 05/07/53
Welles, Orson, 11/30/38, 12/24/44, 08/21/45
Wellingtons, The, 10/05/64, 12/21/64, 03/22/65
We’re Not Dressing (movie),
West, Adam, 12/20/67
West, Mae, 03/29/35
West Columbia (Texas), 11/07/57, 03/00/59
Westland, Jack, 08/16/53
Westmore, Wally, 04/05/36, 12/00/44, 10/07/45, 06/23/48
Weston, Paul, 07/20/44, 07/27/44, 12/09/55, 12/14/56, 12/24/59, 12/24/61, 12/24/62
The Westwood Marching and Chowder Club, 04/16/38, 06/25/38, 07/20/38,
Wethered, Roger, 07/00/75
Wettergren, Gertrude, 02/10/38
Wheeler, Bert, 11/12/30, 06/11/36, 06/25/36, 07/09/36, 07/03/37, 04/18/51,
05/02/51, 06/13/51, 11/21/51, 12/05/51, 12/12/51
Whelan, Arleen, 04/07/56
White Christmas (movie), 08/00/51, 09/07/53, 10/14/53, 10/29/53, 04/10/54,
05/04/54, 10/14/54, 10/17/54, 03/30/55, 10/22/55
Whiteman, Loyce, 04/05/31, 05/01/31, 11/22/31
Whiteman, Paul, 02/12/24, 09/15/26, 10/08/26, 12/06/26–04/00/30,
11/01/31, 11/02/31, 08/15/35, 12/31/37, 06/18/42, 02/20/43, 03/31/43, 04/03/43, 07/04/43,
12/24/44, 03/00/45, 12/06/45, 10/13/46, 12/24/46, 03/16/57, 03/24/60,
White Sulphur Springs (W. Va.), 10/05/40, 04/15/48
Whiting, Barbara, 01/16/50, 01/18/50
Whiting, Margaret, 10/06/54
Whitman, Ernie, 01/10/44, 01/02/49, 01/19/49
Whitman, Stuart, 09/21/71
Whitemore, Dean 01/23/71
Whitney, Eleanore, 01/02/36, 01/29/36, 01/07/37
Whitney, Jock, 08/17/35, 10/07/41, 09/00/48, 08/31/60
Whitney, Liz, 04/19/54
Whittaker, Don, 01/09/52
Whitty, Dame May, 04/05/45
Who Killed Cock Robin (cartoon) 06/14/35
Widdoes, Carroll. 04/14/47
Wiere Brothers, 04/25/54
Wild, Jack, 12/16/70
Wilde, Cornel, 02/27/64
Wilder, Billy, 05/06/40, 10/24/45, 02/01/46, 03/07/46, 06/07/46, 07/08/46,
11/08/46, 11/27/46, 07/27/69
Wilder, Patricia "Honey Chile", 09/28/60
Wiley, Lee, 03/17/47
Wilkes Barre (Pa.), 12/29/27
William, Warren, 11/05/36, 03/31/38
Williams, Andy, 02/07/44, 11/12/47, 11/11/63, 01/21/65, 01/20/66, 07/13/66,
10/30/66, 01/19/67, 01/11/68, 01/23/69, 12/18/69, 01/22/70, 11/05/70, 01/23/71, 01/13/72, 01/25/73, 01/03/74,
01/23/75, 01/20/77
Williams, Anson, 03/20/77
Williams, Esther, 12/05/47, 01/28/48, 05/26/48
Williams, Ted, 03/00/57, 01/20/71
The Williams Brothers Quartet, 02/07/44, 11/12/47
The Williams Sisters, 04/30/35, 05/07/35, 06/04/35
Will Morrissey’s Music Hall Revue, 04/00/26–09/00/26
Wills, Bob, 09/18/42
Wills, Chill, 03/14/76
Willson, Meredith, 06/14/39, 05/30/42, 01/12/44,
05/06/44, 06/03/44, 06/17/44, 07/15/44, 12/06/44, 02/15/45, 02/27/46, 02/2747, 05/11/47, 12/04/47, 05/00/58, 10/05/75, 04/06/76
Wilson, Don, 01/02/36, 07/03/37, 02/04/53, 02/15/53
Wilson, Dooley, 06/18/41
Wilson, Earl, 12/12/68, 01/04/69
Wilson, Flip, 04/13/70, 11/00/70, 01/07/71, 02/29/72, 03/03/72,
03/16/72, 05/25/76, 06/02/76, 01/20/77
Wilson, James (J. K.), 05/22/50, 08/09/71, 09/15/72
Wilson, Marie, 11/17/38, 12/29/38
Wilson, Nancy, 12/28/63, 01/4/64, 12/15/65
Winchell, Walter, 01/02/49, 02/17/52, 04/17/57, 04/23/58, 04/22/59
Winchester (VA), 04/30/48
Windsor, Duke of, 07/07/37, 10/27/41, 04/15/48, 05/10/48, 03/19/57, 03/25/61, 03/26/61
Wing, Toby, 07/02/32, 07/12/36, 07/01/37
Winged Foot Golf Club (NY), 08/00/40, 09/00/40, 06/30/75
Wininger, Bo, 01/24/63, 01/26/63
Winninger, Charles, 02/00/40
Wismer, Harry, 05/05/48, 04/01/50
Withers, Jane, 02/05/39
Wogan, Terry, 07/22/75, 08/04/75, 09/07/75, 08/23/76
Wolf, Rube, 11/00/25
Wong, Anna May, 04/01/32, 03/31/38
Wood, Gloria, 06/01/49, 09/25/50
Wood, Lawrence and Leonora, 07/29/68, 01/00/72
Wood, Natalie, 10/22/51, 03/02/58, 06/20/59
Woodbury Soap (radio series), 10/16/33–06/11/35
Woodell, Pat, 09/14/65
Woods, Ilene, 11/14/47, 12/17/47
Workman, Sonny, 01/21/37
Worley, Jo Anne, 02/15/71
Worsham, Lew, 06/05/49, 01/28/54
Wray, Fay, 11/18/37
Wyatt, Evan, 06/00/33, 04/01/40, 11/29/42, 11/25/52, 09/19/57, 07/28/59, 12/25/73
Wyle, George, 01/07/71, 03/16/72
Wyman, Jane, 12/14/50, 06/20/51, 07/29/51, 09/21/51, 09/23/51,
09/24/51, 09/30/51, 10/03/51, 10/10/51, 10/22/51, 05/08/52, 09/03/52, 10/09/52
Wynn, Bob, 12/00/60, 11/12/61, 04/20/66
Wynn, Ed, 01/16/65
Wynn, Keenan, 05/11/44, 07/13/44, 12/29/44
Wynn, Nan, 09/02/43, 01/06/44
Yacht Club Boys 02/05/39
Yancey, Bert, 01/22/70
York (Pa.), 12/26/27
Yorke and King, 03/04/32
You Can Change the World (film short), 11/30/49, 02/25/50
You Can Still Change the World (film short), 12/00/71
Young, Alan, 02/04/49
Young, Loretta, 03/07/45, 02/25/50
Young, Robert, 08/06/36, 06/14/39, 10/28/37, 11/21/40, 01/15/42
Young, Roland, 08/27/34, 07/01/37, 04/28/38, 11/17/38, 01/05/39,
04/27/39, 06/20/40, 01/09/41, 04/03/41, 12/22/45
Young, Victor, 08/19/31, 09/02/31, 09/14/31, 10/06/31, 10/08/31,
10/25/31, 02/16/32, 03/08/32, 03/15/32, 11/12/35, 12/07/35, 03/24/36, 03/29/36,
07/14/36, 08/10/36, 08/19/36, 12/19/36, 03/05/37, 03/08/37, 05/23/37, 01/26/38,
07/01/38, 12/02/38, 12/09/38, 06/14/39, 10/02/39, 04/15/40, 05/06/40, 07/06/40,
07/23/40, 11/00/40, 12/09/40, 12/31/40, 07/08/41, 07/14/41, 01/26/42, 02/20/42, 02/24/42,
01/30/44, 07/03/44, 07/24/44, 07/30/45, 08/21/45, 09/14/45, 06/07/46, 07/13/46,
08/09/46, 08/15/46, 01/17/47, 03/17/47, 03/20/47, 03/28/47, 06/13/47, 10/22/47,
11/13/47, 11/27/47, 12/11/47, 12/18/47, 12/27/47, 12/30/47, 03/09/49, 05/10/49, 05/11/49,
03/09/49, 06/21/49, 06/23/49, 11/06/49, 06/21/50, 06/22/50, 06/23/50, 04/09/51,
09/22/52, 02/00/54, 11/11/56
The Young Americans, 12/28/63, 01/04/64, 09/14/65, 09/25/65, 11/20/75
Young Rascals, 09/14/68
Youngman, Henny, 06/16/44, 05/21/47, 02/19/66
Youngstown (Ohio), 01/16/27, 02/21/28, 09/13/28, 09/13/42
Zaharias, Babe Didrikson, (see Didrikson)
Zell, Harry Von, 06/25/29, 09/17/29, 10/20/43, 02/27/46, 09/21/75
Zimbalist, Efrem, 04/16/36, 06/09/38, 12/14/39
Zimbalist, Efrem Jr, 01/03/74, 01/23/75, 01/22/76, 01/20/77
Zimmermann, Harry, 02/17/63, 10/14/69
Zukor, Adolph, 01/07/37, 05/05/48